Show NT U ap tal lu W local Tele telephone company Is ready for work CAPITAL STOCK OF FIFTY THOUSAND IS ALL TAKEN to be made with the towns of carbon and emery counties and with salt lahe lake city and A all utah points articles of incorporation of tho the eastern Etia tern utah telephone company have been drawn up and are to bo too lied with tha the secretary of state nt at once ube capital stock of the thedoro com vany la let placed at fifty thousand dol lot lars tars tho the corporation papers set forth that it la is the purpose of the coin pany to build lease buy obtund out and operate opera to t Je ep bono and telo telegraph graph lines throughout this section of the stat tho board of nine director directors for the filet year arll or it 0 el A mcgoyer Mc Govner A W It iworsley llo reloy F I 1 P F risk albert bryner IL W crockett L 11 I 1 0 u eman J W nixon and tho the latter pi est dent of f tho the rocky vi beu bell T tali I 1 houe hono company at bialt Lale City enough et pf tho tile capital block haa has bacri amid up tu tart A ST thu tile r bon lines ut but once the thea am taa t bo be built tom riom price to ind and froin from hero here to winter quarters lt tied 0 car nr creek by way of boiton castia gata iud and helper imper at colton it Is th to inake make connections with atz betoi pory y Molin tatu it 11 hoc line which IB lei tobe to bo extended that far thebert abo best cupper wr la to lx put in price to colton thue thus insuring its god good left as Is 1 enjoy ed by patrons of any elwa where tho of nels to bo iron iran wire t folenta outdo bf price prim A central ie 14 to bo be wain at price when that the line cornea comes to colan jolin it will give connection no noc only utah pointer points but with idabo wyoming aud colorado Aft after erthe the coulp completion letlon end and t installation of the tile carbon county lines it ie Is proposed to build na ne far south us its tile the town of ema taking ID in all the be 4 cements on route of emery coul f y it G 0 milled ie Is deol of cht karpany kai pany A mcgovney vial esit and A W He horsley raley decro tary and treasurer 1 h |