Show professional CARDS R H JONES LAWYER rooms 12 to 14 jones block CITY UTAH NELS JENSON W E DAVIS jenson davis ATTORNEYS AT LAW practice in all the courts and ana 0 3 supreme court office in jos F hansen BRIGHAM BRIG HAM CITY UTAH joseph K persons LAND ATTORNEY ia 4 years practical experience before land office and department of interior letters carefully anil and promptly answered room 4 commercial block salt lake lahe city wm J LOWE lawyer practices in all ine ibe courts COUNTY ATTORNEY office court house brigham utah CF 0 H bryan DDS bell phone 31 red ked room boom 22 pint first national bank building BRIGHAM CITY UTAH HARDING mcgee c ro HOSPITAL oo 00 dr J D harding dr H R mcgee CITY UTAH BENJ C CALL DISTRICT ATTORNEY practices in all itie t tie courts office in first national B ank BRIGHAM CITY UTAH FRED AW Y E ly t AND counsellor AT LAW LAV office 3 blocks north of opera route house frigham city utan FUNK WELLS architects city utah J D CALL LAWYER office a re katl dank bank dida brigham cit utah F C HOUGHTON dealer in GERAL GENERAL HAY AND GRAIN Sheep mens supplies ard and ac comoda eions for travelers Tra velera promontory UTAH indians from every tribe are carried with the kit carson buffalo ranch wild west this will bo be lt a good chance to see the red man as tie oe exists on uncle sams reservation brigham city wednesday may news readers will have the pleasure of reading his letters frequently as willie has promised to furnish this paper with correspondence right along THE denver rio grande railroad SCENIC LINE OP OF TES WORLD WOM THREE SOLID TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY EsE BETWEEN TWEEN SALT LAKE and DENVER PASSING THROUGH THE FAMOUS CANYON of the GRANDE CANYON of the GUNNISON EAGLE RIVER CANYON GARDEN of 0 the GODS RUBY CANYON MANITOU SPRINGS GLENWOOD SPRINGS THE ROYAL GORGE AND THE FERTILE FRUIT AND agricultural DISTRICTS OP OF COLORADO AND UTAH pullman tourist sleepers FROM SALT LAKE TO DENVER CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS v j for folders booklets etc address F A wadleigh elgh G P T A 1 I A BENTON G A P D denver colorado Salt Lake city utah tf gaj free F ee krause piano contest wd for or 1000 votes when used 4 f to nominate a new candidate 25 votes for candidates already named candidate A burglars awful deed may sat t pad alize a homo home so completely as a mothers long illness but dr kings new lifo life pills are a splendid remedy for women they gave me wonderful benefit in constipation and female trouble wrote sirs mrs at C dunlap of 0 leadill tenn it if ailing try them at W L eddys chamberlains er trains cough cures colds croup brou bod cough emilius 0 F hart hartmann M ann PLUMBER AND MR FITTER AU all work and material Guam guaranteed teed s give me a trial and be convinced no lob job too small no lob job tw large BRIGHAM CITY UTAH for all bowel asce dr dells bells antl anti pan pain relief is almost instantaneous Is also good externally for all kinds of pains sold everywhere Ch chamois arnots leather chamois leather Is not lb ahe hide of the ch chamois amols but the flesh side of sheep skins shins pine tar and honey I 1 have been sause di treating c coughs dr pineta pine tai ta honey conti contains lils both combined with other val valuable bable ingredients look for the bell on the bottle de be sure you got get dr dells bells over 1300 aeroplanes aero planes wera turned 1 out in france last year 1 and the government alone owns seventy foley kidney acted quickly st 11 Is george irondale grondale ala was bothered with kidney trouble for many years I 1 was persuaded to try fo leys kidney remedy and before taking it ft three days I 1 could fel its beneficial effects the pain left my back my kidney action cleared up and I 1 am so BO much better I 1 do not hesitate to recommend feleys kidney remedy wynn L eddy and brigham city pharmacy leon Mort ensell Plum liing col co tj 14 vz 2 40 4 we are pleasing others we can please you tot I 1 AN D CUR r lop t r fa IU abs I 1 erf r f al LJ 4 a r of A i now is the time to set get rid of your rheumatism you will find chamberlains liniment wonderfully effective one application will convince you of it merits try it for sale by wynn I 1 L eddy opportunity for all your own baby it if you have one advertised the enterprising photographer can be enlarged tinted and framed for per dozen metropolitan 11 magazine agazine foley kidney pills take hold of houi your system and help you to rid yourself of your dragging backache chache ba dull headache nervousness impaired eyesight and all of the ills resulting from the impaired action of your kidneys and bladder remember it is foley kidney pills that do this W L eddy and brigham city pharmacy real tm pediment ladies seminary exam examiner iner miss jones state the chief impediment to marriage candidate when no one presents himself Bla beaetter etter whiskers Alt although bough you li have ve refused to be m y alf 1 cdail learn to love well I 1 might I 1 once learned to like ille spina spinach cb philadelphia bulletin 1 I suffered from constina con tion doans Regu lets relieved and strengthened the bowels so that they have been regular ever since A E davis grocer sulphur springs texas undisputed A man who allows his div wl to have her own way says a boston professor is a philosopher and a diplomat ergo millions of married men are philosophers and diplomats I 1 seaweeds do not obtain nourishment from mhd th soil at the bottom D soa vr but from the matter contained in in aea ea water FUA fa SALE 1 to stock slosh ol 01 general merchandise in arl ham city store and fixtures for rent cheap N L ilan iian sen tt tf the largest stock ot of MARBLE AND GRANITE biml in the state to select from and still another car just arrived at prices the lowa 11 1 1 1 0 e est in in the state W so i place e you order now for building material in our line WITH 12 HANDS WE CAN PILL FILL YOUR ORDERS IF NOT LEFT UNTIL TOO LATE LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE PRICES THE LOWEST ff tt so an S 0 BRIGHAM CITY UTAH durham cattle e WE HAVE A NUMBER OF registered DULLS BULLS OR HEIFERS e FROM 10 MONTHS TO 2 YEARS OF AGE FOR SALE it ALSO SOME FULL BLOOD RAMBO UIl LET LCT RAMS AND EWES EVES AS GOOD AS A N Y tha TIE OTATE li l i P H 0 N E 0 R WRITE WHITE f 1 W vy r jr jr braner MODEL FARM WEST OF CORINNE |