Show r at regular periods clean the dairy stable each day good butter to Is always in demand do not wet the hands at In milking time feed the cows either before or after milking the dairy barn should always be neat and clean the cow does not regil require lre animal foods the he hen does ijo ic n not mach cow to 0 o become dirty iron irali li ii i l i of 01 bedding thousands ot of pigs are annually all lost through 1 lack ack of exercise one should not try ills his hand at improving proving hs his herd by cross breeding it Is not so much in lie be breed of a fowl or animal as jr jn the core care 1 la f feed d even with the care car it 1 la hard to keap the cow stable ventilated ss as it should be do not allow any foul air around the cow stable or places where milk and cream are kept last year canada shipped into the united states younds bounds ot of cheese and po pounds as of butter no cow should be kepl that will not bring brine in 10 a month at present prices and she elie ought to do beler beter than that if you have plenty of silage anz n danger of the milk flow falling off f you will have learned a lesson be sure eure that the cons COB receive plenty ot of exercise allow them to to run in the open yards during the pleasant part of the day |