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Show 900—Domestic Cars| 900—Domestic Cars "72 FORD TAURUS excelent cond ¥ JonmL exrarine $098. 9-ke GH OLDS Achieve, Ge bronnew ere Heos‘COS _idsee Suiza srt ES 900—Domestic Cars 900—Domestic Cars 900—Domestic Cars| neviSe dcr $6. 95 PONTAC. Rrebic #000, 716 chovse pw/ph cruise 10m Gre , $1899. MiMboCKake CHEMIE Neda|< EI Sieve ener 262.401 OYTCSure5 Ap Sips, 00, a PONUC Gore aa 800 oaCUALTO, 36 fot i ae eet) aawi Rane it PONTIAC GRAND ARM SE 4 oh. 4 728. O20 97ANT oy! TaekAM/EM. Aulo, $5999. 78K mi 258-0 Ak 0 uur fons, “pont9 aldNeon's 88 22 ondBeak4 da, 8 omnevoRE Rowicle OTH| = TORO RO poroaa| HSE(9,4) teay ates ok nuwes eyes : "a 2 arommeeetasae Bere sueFORD aa Tronese ve coon py va Soltek : a Sows ee 708 wis oy wardsSAE 3D as AIObah go Bk Becton tas , (lean as tact new$8: oho Tae NATIONAL 1 FORD lous S40 ‘ecgay 6 MERCY Minn CS IK wet 904—Antique, Classic Vehicles |RICK, S500 or roe ANTIOUE CLASS Sy esi 9 268-866 ‘500 cash fr tek Ho sk ‘ ; sas sinaries 2Saat rrenaeetn Mitaceed MATS SN,AlTl ON.AL ae ee Ee TIM DAHLE HURRAY BOOSALIS tee| Ghe Falt Lake Tribune Aatque,Classi Vehicles ni500 co i A ok ereIeese iP iconeace ae QaSR Be .FapONMAC te NATE WADE SUBARU «| armies Mannyae SSEecw YSN ROR 5 95, MOU Be Nelights 7 SSA gra3K na N:ATIONAL "soresane 595. oe" SHOES200N88 RIS HS. 7 RNY SROANCE 7g 7 POAC BENE 1390, 8505 Ceara S| MERELYious, 1Gown | Stee “ORNS sped 89 FORD Probe L tod, § sox ,| 900—Domestic Cars Saud oe TIMro DAFILEMURRAY iocnucneaS| 970skina oi) aM underIactory oo womarty moced| 490 RM BIS me sar “peceompecrerooe2| ten gor coe Ree LS, Tim Dahle Sandy MiSSNSenSar aban: | ay oun 9 FORD Toms S10, Thursday, October 22, 1998 900—Domestic Cars Reser ree ROR NEON While, Ak TRoes Rees 92 NSONSerio Sam aot 3 3 ; 900—Domestic Cars package, ee She OMoS ni. §5500 821 450 cast 0 Genes Pb ace, 2.4 om 93 TORE Grand Spo Am. 49K mies, cuir rag ga YONA OR AA an or V Bekat,$490 2 ans | a Bas Si ha bz 2 $4500 928-3231 0 0 10RD£100. S180 Sue6 skycy. 1M PONTIAC Fiore, AMA %8: ee .C Take) Booted es esis GorookBienemaytag Zora Bean | clean _OAta, D BC 96 FON ERMEAL € (op TAS noha eg "LENA, GRaA V8 legher nod vey Tes ey Spc. saceders| #i0K $250 Deals Must see! $40,075 AGIGRYWARBAN Suca8 Ahan gran io Soo siub20" soo008 BORG Mitts ae 220 8868 aa FORDCes Toros, RopeRaho Bub Annowea Fe MERCURY Sable GS Wagan Sei 9S OLDS.Acewa. V6 57389 veal Ray oneWont.Ne FOMTAG BOREL SHE,xe IOTe ar Paynen Atty SEINER NL 208 S163 | “SeSAPae| 95 Sia08 Toone $7975 cashass-7100"° 4 co. PDADS riowa $8450 Lom Book rower©Set SIERSO8 gi, eine ros %“(Re FORD oe (BO. aik. Gt. Geo % MERCURYdo WCouS050sr88 288808 RPONTATSUNBRO Pr UAss 8 187 OWBOOK uly longed wey nice, a OU | Son {PONT bid Fora, VB. ou 0 PONTIAC BONNEMLE SSE L003 ODSC rom PRIME Sate 8a rat leagetot in| SUPER oeFOROSTORE moon, Onh $12,995 “ral Leche Mh40 Choy vibes Low ye own ae aie TAN KN GOR a 78-4000 MURRAY $4595 TWUkeAuto, new 202.5560 8 FORD, Muslong ov, axa tonesacs eto ¥eon. $2195. OSB487-8464 59, $53 ry Win, clean, Se howd 98S ASCtay 35 FORD lempa, 4, GLsrtSip,7a%4| mgsgioetsheds E wail | Buta SEVERCIRYTORZGS 23, SNOBCrees aveso0 | 3FORDUD,to,Many naw oars 351 | WY eesx $850/900 freocn put 4ADSCuts 6049893 bu“ ereeenscee 1 or, Bicelient cond ‘Witercee aub2sF ar Tim Dahle Sandy aa Siae Low Bo k Soles 187740W-500K | icecae Sp ‘xceton! cone O81 Sk GAA. Van PEMERCURY Sabie G5@door ox 4ADSMOBLE Cos Supeme 5. Siegeer 38 zect. aNd Move "a8 254-1194 angiGS rol Rasauese203 257946 ee teres hoa MORE er roRe 900—Domestic Cars aig eon eyenl ry bate Ser 900—Domestic Cars cae aa as ve 900—Domestic Cars O00 Dollars Cash Back: (Do We Know How To Sweet-Talk, Or What.) chieva § dc oo. ABS ant $1 obo1. naw3-286a re OH) SITTIN 1d. row Wee | 3 Pc to mow 38TheOADSOita 88,BSRoyale, ooded eas : row S97. sae | SEER Sa, ow raat ps. pw: ot LDS come 7 iespodcoatk Soeoom | Pace O08. 4 an, $3698, 266 *AikOock Heron 298-6000 ao,i of88 rt mi FL MEROIRYSn lopan1 cj Hab, 706-080 ase) Coa | BAOWOA AON Ke sa 5 | 93, ace Rae, 2 Fm Soot | 90Sak - aaagedite Sot $4960, 272.5394 ent Sarin Eecuthcor Oo RE| PocaV8 Go 2,8 88 Pov | 461-8509 JOHIN MECHAM CHRYSLERPLYMOUTHTEEP need see oisA/C,nusCoan Drokes, Gass, $1,000 Ina $35.4V24 ADS Cutass. Supreme, $1200 S50 Needs ateWom 3827838 % PLYMOUTH Breeze, pe m| ouded. 41560 $14 WEST VALLE! Y Or choose a 167 A Month, 36-Month Lease: 1367 Due at Signing, JORIS, IN.MECHAM| #2bari INCOIN Wak Vi Bk rile Sie, 7543696 011458 including Security Deposit (tax, title, license and registration fees extra). Urinstead get 3.9%APR GMALfinancing. Either way, you get one great deal on one great car. WUNCOWNCortingrot 94000 | “wxcelent $4500, 5625487 of 3 CHEVROLET PRIZM mes@” = ‘Must take retal delery trons dealer stock by 12/2); ¥y9UF participating dealer for qualification details tLease conditions: Example based on specialy equipped 1999 Chevrolet Prizm with an MSAP ol $14,595 Option t Pufchase at $8319.15 total $500012, GAC must approve lease. Mileage charge 20e per mie over 36, 000 miles. Lessee i responsible for exCeSS wear and Se. Payments may behigher some statesat leaso-and This ta Special GMAC Thty-st« program, monthly Special payments fancing, Cash Back and Smarthease may $ i enero et stock by 127318 See our paripating dealor uaadatas. Length nance contrac limited Otner rates avaitaule as lengthof contract increases. Dealer financial pa sumer cost. Must take retail delivery from dealer stock by 12/31/98. See your participating dealer for qualification details Chevrole, the ( nlm and Primare rodtaeot the CMGrp MAC foie Wado neral Motors Acceptance Corp ©1998 GM Corp. Buckle up. America ist Payment Serie Deposit f g YOU PAY ZERO MONEY OUT OF POCKET! OAC. 98 Blow Out! \ AC : assette, ‘ Mud ie S A/C, AM/FM Guards Cassette, and and more more! per hea $4300ort Spd Sets ek from. o-speeds, Auto’s, _ Bemo’s, ¥-6's Power ~ Power Windows and locks, A/C, and sunroof Cruise, Tilt, Loaded, Top oftheline! more! eae are tomer pay 2or0 money oUt ocket No dealers please 36 month lease Tacoma 4x4, 42 mon g LARRY H. MILLER ‘TOYOTA rebate 12,000 4x4 Xtra Cab $16,097; Cammy Afteralli... you knowthis) 5800 South State + 264-3800 ° Visit us on-line at www.ihmtoyota.c se | |