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Show The Salt Lake Tribune Girls Led Individually on because its third her, Jessica Winters Jackie for fifth overall. Had Jensenfinished Bingham i Mountain View would have at 36 and the Bruins would have won the tiebreaker because their sixth-best finisher was ahead of Bingham’s sixth-best girl “What got it for us was Jessi lean,” said Binghamcoach Jeff Ar bogast. “Last year, we lost on a lean to Mountain View's boys. This year, wedid it to them. That's how this rivalry is. It's one of the best in Utah Bingham’s tiny freshmen Zeigie twins, Laura and Jackie, finished secondandfourth, respectively, to answerquestions about their abili- ty to handle pressure. Lisa Paxton (11th) and Lynette Mantz (13th) added to Bingham’s winningtotal the Mustang boys also won. De fending champ st was hurt be: cause its top runner, Phebe Ke struggled to a 16th-place finish. Provo sophomore Kassi Anderson won the 4-A girls individual title in rarely does cross country workouts during the week because of her in: Class 4-A title, Pine View won in 3 A, Duchesne won in 2-A and Dug mate’s head at practice Tuesday I just kept hanging in there. and she suffered the concussion. Mountain View coaches spilled the ly, Dixon, a. senior, had never runcross country until follow people. Bouwhuis said she never knew Anderson was catching her until this year. “Por her to come and win this is huge,” said Houle. The coachsaid the altered Sugarhouse Park course — longer and more nilly — workedin Dixon's favor heard thecrowdroar. “Shejust has an amazing kick I'mkind of Bouwhuis bummed, but I tried. said. Cedar City won its sixth-straight Dixon, who won the 300-meter hurdles af last spring's statetrack meetandwho also plays basketball on the Bruins’ nationally ranked girls hoop team, was asked if there is anything shecan’t do. T bow! reallybad,” shesaid Give her time. 3-Agirls crown, while Delta's four time Region 8 champion Cynthia Losee, an academicall-stater, won the individual i ran fast because I was afraid of getting caught,” Loseesaid Grantsville wonits third-straight Wednesday at Sugar House Park and finished at Highland High School. Mountain Crest won the way wonin 1-A Houle’s girl: titles in 1989, 9¢ onal g It would be amazing to think a little school from Utahcould win a national championship,” Houle said. “But we've kicked people's and we've shown the best team in the nation. we'rt Whilethe Bruins were making a case for a national championship Orem's Goidenn ary prised e vidual title. The junior, who finished 45th last year, won the racein 15:49.9 while Brighton’s Mick McCombs was second (15:56.9) and Skyline’s Shaun Vernonwas third (16:01.8), I was lot morededicatedthis year rper said of the differ- ence. “I worked harderat training and got some speedi didn’t have last ar e Mountain View, Crest seemingly had won nation- Heideman, who took sixth (16:59.2) Bingham and Mountain View in a ‘aking it up a notchevwe've bet ery year,” Pine View coach Bob Comefordsaid. “We stayed together while Travis Sevy took eighth and Nate Bundy was 10th wide respect when it was ranked No. 20 in the preseason poll. How ever, the Mustangs were uncere moniously dropped from the rankings when they placed behind We've had a good prograrn and as a pack andthat is what deter- meetin Oregon, but still beat No. 7 Nevada Union fromCalifornia. ‘The Mustangs wonthe title with @ Continued from D-1 morrow,” she said, not revealing that her head collided with a team: said Anderson. “I knew | could outsprint her, but I had to wait until the end... It’s easier for meto Boys Meet Dominated By Mountain View formance of Mountain View's Dixon, however, Shewill play today in Mountain View's final soccer match at Lindquist Fieldas the No. 1-ranked Bruins’ top player, and volvement with soccer I am just hoping to recover from this and play my hardest to: the closest race of the day, passing Fremont’s Heidi Bouwhuis in the final 20 to win with a of 18 minutes, 28 seconds. she scoring a perfect 15 and V ‘ayne’s Sa 18:49) won individual tit S The story of the day was the per- pleted the day's orly sweep, since It's all wonderful,” said Bingham runner Kami Sheffer winning seven ofthe top (20:30) ) winina landslide because the Bru ins lost five seniors to graduation. Mountain Crest edged East 73. 78 for the 4-A girls title and com: ® Continued from D-1 and Winters sixth, utive time, ing that after last year, many people felt that Bingham would By Bruins’ Dixon PREP SPORTS Thursday, October 22 1998 2A championship, and Wayne won the 1-A title for the second consec- Our girls worked hard and turnedthis into a race,” said Moun: tain View coach Dave Houle, not. Mountain STATE CROSS COUNTRY MEET pes Nor mines winners. Helping Wasatchtakefirst was David Danley, who won the indi vidualtitle in 15:37.3. He placed third last year. Ogden’s Riley Cook was second (15: followed by teammate JaremLloyd(16:38.7). TheClass 2-A title went to Du 69points followed by Provo(106) and Timpview (110). It would be nice to have that national ranking for the kids Dancesai Wednesday's title was the third chesne with 53 points, straight for the Mustangs. They were led by Dustin Liechty, took second in 1 vo's Josh Rohatins its first crownsince winning in 1-A in 1994. Grantsville was second (58) and who Monticello third(94) Duchesne placed three runners in the top 10, paced by second- Dustin stepped upbig for us,” Dancesaid. “Altogether, the team place finisher Courtney Moon ranlike weplanned (16:48.8). Moon was fifthlast year. St. Joseph’s Manuel Chavez won the individual title, running in 16:40.0. He was secondlast year. Theindividual title wasn’t a sur: prise with Rohatinski, a junior. winningit for the third timein a row. Thecoursewas a little harder than he expected, but he didn't aveany troublekeepinghis streak Third was Moniicello’s Phillip of titles going Class 1-A, winning fourth although he wasn't well rested thanksto studyinglate Tuesday for aphysiology test e Manila was second (58) and Panguitch third (89). Dugway had Francom(16 Dugway continuedits streak in He hadthe best timeof the day its straight, It finished with 43 points three runners in the top 10. Eric Sandoval, a fourth-place Pine View's seniors guided the Panthers to their firsttitle as three finisher last year, won the individual title for Dugway in 17:53.4. Second was Manila’s Troy Hanks ed in thetop 10 to give Pine 52 points. Wastch was second (18:01.4) and third was Dugwa John Corwine(18:03.1) 3 followed by Ogdenwith 97. PineView's topfinisher wasEric STATE CROSS COUNTRY MEET BOYS Chas $A Teams Jamies Car (Ced Bear River) 17.2 0.16. Re Nate Ricard en Gren oA Tea 1, Dugway 43. Mola 58 3Pang 88 4, River 1 Milford ts 8.01 John in Valentine. Mon Mani ny Beige, Mor. 188913 Kodavingon. Mito. 8883. 14. Justin Cl tu u ook (San (Grantsvile) 22.42.13, S.L. Christian, Delta Win n Volleyball Matches all Lake Christian def. Intermountain Christian 13-15, 16-14, 5-4: Salt Lake Christ )took secondplacein Region13 with the win. Intermountain Christian, which also finished 6-2, is third in theregion, headinginto Saturday's Region 13 tournament Delta def. Richfield 16-14, 5: At Delta, Delta improved to in Region 8 by sweepingRichfield 16-14, 15-5 on Wednesday. Rich field is ehaasikhclr ae New Mexico match Friday night! Dont miss this choretoGO HOkAE Ric ener, | on eae et ee eee Utah Velieyball vs. Hew Mexico Friday, Oct. 23° 7:60 p.m. Utah Volleyball vs. UTEP < Saturday, Oct. 24" 25% % ovr au MAPS With This AD ‘7:00 p.m. on Crimson Court inv the HPER Buc WE HAVE OVER 3000 1:00 MISSION WITH THIS AD DIFFERENT MAPS Nats NATURAL RESOURCE EW A tm eer @ res eo MAP AND BOCKSTORE M-F 7:30 AM TO & PM SATURDAYS 9 am to i pm a ut pie Peaes 3 re von i} 1594 WEST NORTH TEMPLE no TT{east of HuntsmanCenter) +iSadat 337-3320 Now Get Prermaium For The Price Gf Regular. 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