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Show TheSalt Lake Tribune UTAH/OBITUARIES Thursday, October 22, 1998 White Cross Goes U Pemeee eein Memoryof Fallen Trooper UHP Auxiliary planstoerect crosses ¢ re troopers havve l ah Highway Patrol Auxiliary recounted thefatal accident and BY JON LAMOREAUX SPECIAL TO THE TRIBUNE NEPHI — Onthe night of Oct 5, 1994. Utah Highway Patrol Trooper Randy K. Ingram sat in his patrol car parkedonthe side of Interstate 15 south of Nephi writing aticket whena rig travel ing 60 mph ranintothe back of his car, killing himinstantly On Wednesday, Ingramwas re membered by other UHP troop praised Ingram asanoutst, trooper. ‘The idea for the memorials came ling from Robert Kirby three years ago. Kirby, a formerpolice offi- Ingram’s wife, Carlene Ingram thanked everyone for the care shown to her family ers and family memberswith the dedication of a 12-foot-tall white cross at the site, about 15 miles cer who writes a regular column brotherinQthe UHPatthe time of nie ‘propa Nopublic funds areused in the T00Per Memorial Cross Project. Kirbysaid all materials for the white steel crossesare 1104? painted ine cross for Trenwnntdo a moment of silence as four troop: ers bolted the cross, lowered d by £ a nated he cross for Ingram wai welded together :, . by four students 1 ee roltea ie Gore,1aay base. About 100 people looked on. somecrying, as speakers with the ™e give them something pe to theythinksill about and pernebe perhaps help Bely them tem to to d drive moresafely he auxiliary plans to erect a eross on U.S. Highway 40 near Strawberry Reservoir in honor of Sgt. Doyle Thorn, whowas killed in a helicopter crash July 30 1994, while searching for a mi: at Salt Lake Community College mnevOnto a Breakaway The ; cross memorialsDg are plannedby the auxiliary to go up at the11 sites where UHP troop- south of Nephi WT SN momenmops) see these for The Salt Lake Tribune, hada I'mjust glad peoplewill be remembering him,” Garena Carlene Ingram Ba or int cack tee husband's badge number aadanene name, wad ited sae a After the ceremonies there was diedinliline of duty the forgotten cost in keeping Utah's highways open and safe. says auxiliary spokesman Lee Perry ers havedied in the line of duty asa class project an ‘The main purpose of the projeet is to edueate the public about ing 2-year-old girl in the rugged , , hills near the Duchesne.Wasaten Michact J, Miller/The Salt Lake Tribune ; re 1 ir ceremony honor__Kennith Ingram ne his ete cea neers ing his son, UHP Trooper Randy igram, who died in line of duty. L. Jock Graham Jack Sraham,tami 77 on Seo away athishome surourded 17 18 Cancer by.havetaken his mortalmayBody. bul net his spit,August 24, | Dora Mabel Phippen Gygi Gordon Wilford Coon Dora M. Fhippe Je 2,pasted away TOOFLE. UI—Gorden Wilord Coon, bom Jan. cl | 5, 1946 fo Jacob fartha Hancock Coon in, | Octoberi “Boro ‘8wos 1908,93 bom Sah Magna, Utah | tember 21,1967" inSan |5 away Oct 20, take Cily litah,. tne fatural causes daughter of Edward Bert | | | Gordon countyline 2 Sharron| Brian Bentley 2 Your ec gona “wootea ond Dost en co Shiu Wah Chiang im Berniece E, Callister 8 , “ & tz 9% ae x8 au 1924 Hezekiah and Lilis Cox Graduated eS In Salt Lake City 10 Leon oom Pe " e ¢ ee compassionate doctors (2ndHal nurses atAla View sharon was, bomon a 4 a AR es & 5% 8 z 2 0 9m. at Mouton ew Me: | Sey, October ay,We nord eee eos movil Estates, 3148 Eas! 7800 South Viewingfor tiary, 340 South i aoe Orve_™. | \S daughter \ 7 <aleh Lown Mor Highland fayone friends one nour prior to Salary | See ree an ard from 9 oath by four daughters and | 110 10/23 oxSevees Interment Wasaich Lawn Mo Stonofaoe ason, Tin serenecay8 Dorene a Set Donnell ns var prior ndens,1078 N 40/2: it Ci 1 foving, Coral Taylor Gogins mother 484998in Montara,CoSf tifomia. A lifelong resident of I 38 95 s 286, Taisen ian. She enfored The teaching fold ceing on age when women ould nol "ache! momicd ona fet henge rs,ie awokGongenceron 9 dadeoted fhe fe ansedhe na MeNasWer Iyscose ‘volunteerfor heDemocra lack of teachersSut Word teaching career 5 Peete 45 years. sth 1928, she bere org wos your Watchwora Your testimony the virtues | the weak and will vel ‘aff un of | Sre mem Bootie as endowed of her pave and was aa re ngthened ber good. You oreoect tue miss the chur ntssewing thes prosa m ‘generations for i chc ions | Do husban before i heathlvingforced a reti winher ch, ice spi. You were - thet nse wasd9 talented beautician, serving | fetwthHe, loved wholasome sever representative forhet em. Sic. spor, and enjoyed traveling, In ite. you of an your kindredsister. Virginia weve not AMG. ployerTor seyerl year She shall not ‘and veh ofre | ove fot music,eae she OU. <nenergy in supporting he ang cchcved muh Ge bopisrs i he lemplee Virginia Ginny’ Goldsby| possifor him Yo Confnue racuatedtr (948. In 4959, n education, He aan ee Ment offEcono nig.the2 Univarsy of Utahtr para) augworked wih AID:Fy Bolla Src He dor 68, {nd 1964, and in Panama in Hefe worked wh OS in 1967o Or Famine omnmited 10 social ant economic justice.He was active in Viel 5a3 also servedlovingly in the family histoonynam extraction programfor her church, Sh be. mbered forher loveof family, her wondertul Sense of humor, herMistfor raver her creative aulting and devotion toGod Tusbandl Ado her chi dren, sor lot frey Gonel), Ter vane) Anta Olsowke,done) Deca 2 isSchedule for Thursday, a wing sister, Maxine Kin: jemorilsevice ony Noessone nephewsgrand One Wc ncoftonin Mon, Gien ond great grandchire f6 Invi le, where fends are Inve: elo attendgraves ay. October 23, 1998, 1 Crytsmeteny PriceFuneralChopelDirector948 25,2105 2 iesontM. Cruz Groundher and said “come with f herfamily lovec her dean, ths could nol make, he’stay, Hathear! ot gold stoppedbeating and bac! Corot thisbana }ook 3d by herdaughter, Ye ong joumey 98 =e Zs g 9 sie Sesser ieamtobas "wennssacso randdaughters, ay Prost terion roict Dionna (husband a thanks fo the rgendsot Cho. Retirement Hore ondfastth hous sontBrickyard Man's Hospital who madeher comfortable, ih lebron of hertfe, family ancl fre LeRoyA.Kettle Fujiye piureete }Htami in ouster Lain Money(260 fost So. ‘am Thursdoy, Oclobe at? Crasserv iminmedteyfk wir goo Olive! Cemetery (a4 i 14/0 ™ Ts you and oo} ve 2 | Barbara Evalyne Grover Barbara Evalyne Grover, iadposet away October 17,1998 ot} Ogden Your wey presencemae wahon eee sos unde fanding into our h Somioreae ine Soviors promise, thetRe iis stol “Goodbye, bul only fil we Suntvorsparents Kurt and Elon Lehwatder 5 and sisters, Michael, Joshua, Males, Monico tehwalder ong tisesa-Marie Bagget : grandparents, Evan Thomo: Rost: fhany cunts unclesand counting Procecs odin deat by hei gr rents, Ludwig P. and Marthe Lehwalder, on uncle, Paul Lahwalder. Funeral services wil Saturday, Oct. 24 4998, 42 noon, Wells Ward Chapel, 1990 §. 500) as, ifenpi Fensray 260 AGallot Laken Motuary, pmoh Sutop wee SMEAy. 8 ure fermentSchteks cy Caen Esther Irene Engstrum Anderson|Maiden motherafterand. 1998 @ sister Seer ond PAFEvanstonWy to son feb. 26,1908; he eter maniod ors,Dorene (CePeo § aKay (Ren) Wich gomemion ae reatGrongchioren robesicox, Riverton,seersony and terurs FrankJEogerom est Vo Blaine tngsrom, Wo ds Cross geughierinian: Marie Acoms tone SowsPeoned 998 ase Inograndenisten Wayne neon Theiorwanea©.express Ihekt grattude for alle heh ndsatSouthValley CoreCenterwho FontSonfoes giihe Boormead wit Funeralome Wes! Riverton, where friend eto200 riot Graveside Services wilbe RekaMondego iam im. at Sunset Gardens, 100600 So. 1700a8. was_bom comber 25, 1945 in Seattle, Washington, to Mi Tolaro and Ms. fery i Mukumoto, "Re wos procedes in son anideracroare poe nae fee, iayiacae She tc Roxbury and Vivian Potts Milne | | | frorn a ©. Ee is survived two | sons, Jefferson K. (Linda) lami, Salt Lake their soar ie (Brian) Murphy, MN;and Suzanne lami, Salt Lake City: Ted 1. (Lona) ami, McC 1D; their Todd; dou Ss, and Keiko lami; niece, Yuki lohanAKotte, 82 day, Outobor 24; 19 8 in Sangh, {soy wat bom fo ceonge on MayHipkiss KeaIn Sat take City Ugh on Ap26. 1946. Ho raduated fom South RGN Senco) ane!ator to, 1D, was: Tk | served cn sion Te, Great Bin, LeRoy doughter, and her maried lion Letdahi on October 1939,th giecrgranachicren, Aden, \achion and Sail Loke Temple, Prior to Tis tsirome | Histshi ret) rked Jor Clovoreat Daky andth ‘Sronte | mM it mo i koPark,brother, rk CA; and | Schoo! Distt He was a momt ephews nd re resided at Ashtor ton, Idaho and Kaysville to be | including Church ond‘bishop served a eavenef shone caysvil i of the Pocatello-Blackjoa icsCpe Church, she, retired fm ine tava ook many ipsin Neccampo nore st is Four rc eyment was his wie is Cooking ndvating yeors She wos infemed Gu She fs suvived by her childton, Samuel Lany | 4 fami ond (LaNay} Groverot SoLake City, Kelth E (Mare, He Is survived by his three children, Kathleen || fovea Camo fri} lath She ) Graver of Orem, Karla [Fare Benson (aveCoven SevenhorKettleBoth a| time, r e s i d e n t of fi Lava Springs ond Res Hayman Donna yrootg) Joe) Foster of ASO grandchik mn vt{Sandy} Ki 7 ‘more fecently has in McCammon, Idaho. ‘etyondcnaren randchildren, a'sis: ond ax greg randchildren, nero 44sonices vil beho Saturday. Oct 24, ter horeHamblinnan Plata. NM. She le Bre. funeral sonicas w &F 12'Noon on | 1998,a a.m. in the Henderson-Comelison mony 5 continues We seeyourlght shining ie ctront sand stors ap ‘yourspirit warmsus likethe surnSOo In deat Parents, husband, | Saturday October 24, 8 In the ImperialFirst meaun.§ of WeChristian love youBurial booutl | Seughter, BoroaraVick onea set, Uy Tom's, | Ware '560 East Alkin Avenuo (2680 South) will be held Friday, fin, two Di Anderson, and | Frendsr 1 Sor ovoning tomespm tutclay, Oc esi 918FrancisXavier Cathie Church, the stan Burial tor Yes! 5245 South Hlends ond am Garcons, 1075 Eas4880 Sout Fiend pm. McDougal oatoed fom 7109 pm al teHonvOok Home, aso th7 Redwood food wore Nema325% South 2300 Fos tation of will 7 Neral Directors: The Holbrook Mortuary, oe ON ORY ORT an soberaaiseattom Wir at ov | hapel, 418 E Main. Lehr orCi Comet Fol Lehi. thanks Intement, al the nutses doctors ICU. ost Marks Hostalespecialy ofore See ee ees 10/22 N40/22 Frult ‘ot Heights,iS Uf 84097. Rascus Misiones Lochrie, kim (hus McHugh). Great-grandchildren, and Haven. 463 0.400 West Soff Lake cil, Ureassa {husband ShownJoson Graham, | 140/22 Archer, Idaho. She mar tied SamuelEickGrover iiecot Take (D8 Tor. | They resided Krcher He dled in 1964 | She algplayed oo | example,of “opps ‘ond ¥. leksCollege1964 3 si lucieond ‘Eonoho Chit,many GUNS Uneles both new and itslong thands, Jos, lorever grateful to you for the 26 you“atonevs) To shore wih you. Whe his brief sojourn Passed away Octobe 47, 1998, soundedby herloved MAJOR2anes worter ‘and Ar 108 Paseo Gacessed Mantod. ra Vincent later mamed her so W. who. Goldsby OfGademate39 Fred yeas pi hen dau Yi ted fox torn : your ol ion, wih her red hor and pain ren eves, was always [60,5010°parse es tedword, od « ders.ams $2,/oMaor was getting } ton. ‘ona; the boy* Blot Cruz of Texas, the “litle 5° sister, Carte, and Of Son Ar so |Gen Thelempc separation shalpos poss on Suddenly on October24, ‘98 oF pon wothon God for Batniating to our saefe Phyllis was bom on January 49, 1939 in A pine, at Ulan to Roger1 anid va wasa Trenoeof Unitect Methodist Woeee ee ae men the ah Education Association Salehse pps EsaTheGam a Homer Soran Maparapier Not4Boty on | faster ortnen She ine: | She wosalseoeToryNsonen Gort Nae | Mora ivr Run nels.cna brothoriniew: Rotor R, Reneol fea nmian (a homes | Hee Santa t e ee Fru aigseraiam, Vario M. Guo Sa Pecoste tke fit. R&: Robyn& (So2k0)Pohick) pean i (Reciiey| Canin | fealec Shirley Hahoock Marcia G. (Mel WaceKAGRT Rich jade mony, frends Mockay ond Care vid) Nelson. al of there. She wil Satore Gi, Gi do, frontRoyal, VR remembered for her, ‘hurne she | nephew, Clore 8. eh tiaond | Quick wi, sarcasm,hos and Sereng,| sense of humo: She reat niece: s. Precodin veg oaer Mova freon onerprohers ohoBot Hus Ray L6lueralvice Gulver and Clare wit be heFic. 28 Ge. daha 8zp ing fre winherfor Bill | mtFe Untad ae "doughion Robyn {bakeSen Charen 203Fa ke chy.| soncutis]fear Hayes:daughterJanica(oe) | Haves.Longkn 7 grandkids Choo, Bore Kat Mevoieon, anche Say,MoMuan. 574.100So. a Lake City and | Kadenese, gn ser Rei Neloe, (Beonch Brothers Pree: | mi ‘i in the Sait ti tal motor ronda (Glade) Russon, Dione (Ovid) Plecus | ath her brother, Tony, | ‘ast Ch fist ierNee to Fist Uni aia Renie a Beare Ancor ay Mathes Cruz, beloved son of Kathy Brot 50 "foye ruzin0eriefat” towos soneJune Gi, Uioh ond died Os tober 47, 198 8 ino Cor Battle Moun- | | fe your(ot Breck you smiled and vi 10/22 | 8,ournames. Presiden! James é Fovsl ana Janet pronounced a Blessing Upon lottery your ently and peacefully $prinkledyourrayeke _gclosed lesed on Monday, oneichofsnip f Joving ond most coring mother, arc meter and gfedl-aranam ifgia Robert Rey fo somvices jartermer il ben te nd. View Cemetery ond Mausoleum educational degrees were a nh mentary | Toye Education, an MS. from the University of ardor of Sdence dages tom he Jane sity of Denver, Denver, Phyllis P. Hayes| rnber of Fist Unie DRAPERPHYLUS &. HAYES, ge 5 3 Loita Ge A memotal sonice will be held Flay at 430 m. at the First Unitarian Ch ure969'S" 1300 "ast, Friends and family 44-42 noon the JenkinsSateMortuary ner mentwillbe at Burial Garclens.The fomily request: inisu ‘of flowers, thatdonations be made lo American Red Cros N40/22 instr, the con of Botan Egminstor S and Nelle Ragan,i was bom in Valley cytal #816 Hodod on Orlane 1,98io aSollAptLakeCy Heution ey bys sryby iwe Mor art imiaw, favescn Joann‘ondUn 140/22 N 10/22 Edith A. Bley! h Augusta Bley|, beloved wite Ad anc Karen een| Romney, N peaketuly passed10 clan) te Oc nd for over 50 years, Lawrence 1298 wiletending het gardenof het Clirus Hoig? he nurtured and Ne wosbey os wong : sed sh chien 36 grand Miron. ond, 24 et groduaing from gh sc 1grandcniidren over 43 years. She dof produce ond wos8 ye od He worbusinessmhe Utoh August 31, 1948 to ‘Amy trom 1942 Wostnglonsa Ps tho 1 Bilmadent tht leaves agreatvoidin our SurvWoInclude, one: Soughter, Gol (Mark) Snow, Keoms, soe grandchicren, reat grandchildren: one sista, Ela P. Penney, i ay the vgs of fae Grace whic frequently. His generosity and | spiration, strengl and who i legend kind Mor human Sti . Her motherY8afolndy knecour you. toYourall punt Jan ten a w age e! ngnness a modelamGh swostness andjong suffering, ancl Innocence was ;e, Senge and saltess Farmington, UL in Salt Lake City, sh Stharchidrenano grandchiren | and were samfticipantin all your church lane TA touanatShethe war FannLater, ana Guinn omen fatesMouton Funeralservicesol be, held INemoflEs. | ond school aciviies. View S419 Eos at7800Sou enceWe commend ue nk || ten WaiBoren Lake Cy on Friday, October 23, DOM or on < Rost ntTumor Hifxaton gh and oEoHigh Se wos jends call at he monty gehourot Diane!Ros,nineotaerateacon Hons, ars visting Insructoroffi ty Science for t ° ‘grandchildren IN Binggell, Lora (Ed) cite)Bingael. Loretta Hi (Joanna)Binggel 15 greot-grand. and 4 great-great-grandchildren. Pro. 3 dauntsle Bonne Lou MabelElenore Mawson Christensen feWva's fo exemplid srefot, veltcliciotne ang determination. Herlife was a sermon of com Iment and dedico: i - by her exam pie. She always cared more for others than rerself, and she was always ready to en otherstay animal Her she rindond rength Sreeraterwere vith aTo the Reading wos Mola's passionanathat led her to becomea teacher ond © dedicated her | vors include rez iourhireVicky Rands, Me- and Sver 20 years hom ich he Our beloved mother, grandmother. great. yondmothor. sister ond fends Mabe!be lawson Christensen. 5 Be. Rossed aye 1998, in Sal’ take “Mabel was bom Ge Ohio: twosons, John L ‘and Robert Larsen th of Dayton; granddaughter, Kelly Slonaker, Sagar elusireaat ateSora | lives when you came into our sereon ee in Salt Lake City, eosSwbeheFarsCHC fy und pn Moran, Robert Regan eg Ed min sie &® hohs arn wanc Mary Erma Urnston, Seved an LDS mission to the Eostem States foas Momed Adieezres| Boninine Sat 84 BeatriceHanson J. Mortensen Fores So: pas! board president and was.) Serngas neigh ReprecenNative on the Una | {gn/Unversaist Mountain Doser | }€ WO also G past presidentof th Ascot cf University Women, Tears had genes on the Se many local organizationsincluding: Utah Wofens te Legi TSogueAa diteip Janor, Juniorfor AmencenLeague soviet AdvisoryRerchona Board, ana’ Uiah Committee fhe Utah artis Foundohon, & ha wosthe Arien- si xs COONC.La Larsen elder oe1998 ol Goce SomantonYiospneyin In ciacih by hiwe, Caro: meee ii Suvived vone daughter ong ‘som fefistine ond Lloyd Slonaker. Jr of Foro, Jessica "Dawn" Lehwalder | Jessica ShiteyLehwalder. You graced our American Cancer ng. fshing and herding cote, audewas a tahcher Sad farner Re own and operatedhis own farin Rowell ul he fotired ond mon © He nas enjoyed Keeping nis yardmanicuredand i He is survived by hi: wi a Ua ,ANRC ones ‘Steven of Te oe 0 qrar ro pA eh ee eer avon (Ws Steal areceyondctie ice: wil Beheld hi Sotulay. Oct. 24, 1998, Services 2 Filmer4st/ al rom 40-1 -Ath90 eC asm oot Ter v . ay call one hone od iothegonces intermentNoose City Somer iN | lta,wos9 omeruniersy professorwiththe if Force Institule of Techno member Fes eure, He wasa Veteran of Worlsen 1020 G 140/22 | joe Jensena Mortensen Hanson passed Word enerll Deno public vistation, ona ua wil $Rialy rte otemat res! Monday, October 18 ill Guiver i) oF ge ofthe famly. Canigan Metva uillian 4998 to join her ond Mains Fiera Home, 2 jaughters donevituously, but ion, Ohio, In charge of arn mntverestea them al(hovers 34-9) Pegs 2 "re, 1022 ndmother, sister, excorfonaNena ReneCorel ever Gogins, Cogte ne Dofene Cora}Taylor 22 Claude MerritCarling UT-Cla | from610 8 pm. Bu cI Cemetery. N 10/22 Ginghanoinnegoron: is surviiy 0907Ronald ey tddier memberof the 40m es one daughte ela East seniorEtizon Ase Served 05Teo goat grendehl supefore Sons ofContor he UlUtahHonea by her husband, one brotherAfar aivved by Ris we, Leh Ci 8o'h deathIndo daughter, Doreen and husband Jaugntes Karon {tery}Watharono‘otElinow | Phi ughtets, Jean Coombs, | frthree sons, Gordon (Lona) Graham; Kelvin Mar | Gravesidesovices wil be held Friday, Oc Susan (Oavid) Gehrke: Jeno) Grcham, both ofSaf LakeCy Ul dim tober 23, 2 pm, l he Wasatch iawn en, 15 anachiren; (Karen)Graham of Lisbon Falls, ME. Aso 3 eeeise(en on Soin tenesisd Vemerthank L Smith, ved by Ut brothe, Graham’ he famity wishesfo the staffMissoun at Garden | Sandy, #6grandchigren(Sheri) ‘and seven groctof Holbrook Mortuary, 3254 South 2300 East for one le and Life Care Centerof grondtchire hour prior to the services. Wasatch nou Bouniful for the wondercare gave our | will be held af 44 Thursdoy “oxSnorePo runInterment mother while she wasliving there. Doctors The Ho! oh | servicesi¢ Canyon 3400 me N 40/22 eld Satur fax! 3000 South Fende RimcallFirstonWard Wedhes miand nelghbors. She was devoted to iNdchildren. We all loveher poy Resuch Nell | Md ther. peas 9 wondertul cook and espe- Wonne, Yolande mon, ‘Ciara. Mic alle Monica, Pascila, Elsha dnd ine reat-grandchildre FILLMORE, AleaOctober? 4 July 2, 1937. They maried 64 forked Os GO Mm wonderful mother, | for Sike’s Texaco grondmother and || | the Tooele “county grect-grandmother. She Schoot Dist wos onactive member | Ho is sur | of the LDS Church and | wife, tla: children, Ly Bemiece E oa age 84, bienrh ived in Scouting | she ser in the Retief | Dave) Childs, Kevin et beloved husba m Tuesday, Oc I ng = Society and Primary Jo ioeer 30. 1998 Coon, Gary 1eandall etemity, | HouseLibrarian,Mean lest Group Leadership | She was aiso an excellent geometess She en- | Uleannia) Coon; six fondchicen, four great Bom February 18, {Ptdinxansas Cy Missoun | onde mle Worker,Dy fing his retirement | loved herassociation with where she grandchildren; and ‘abrother Marion Cook smith and Mi mith Married pie he one of his greatest loves, that of | served 14prettayone vee are | al services wilt berrece Tate Mostuary, € Callister, November 48 i938 in the Salt Ramnorica tue layed forthe ‘Happy for her thorough minut 140 9Main . To ele, onFriday, Oct. 23, 1998 {DS Ternple, She loved bein. erenceran Go ae aerica Gang™ and She 1@ Was bom April 6, in China Nghei cuvivedby chi ahem Chun Hung, Chun Sing(Ee 1g. chris {ophey, Gora ondBety Grondchigren, Marian i Jenny of spenthis early childhood year Magna and Garfiold Maimied lla Poulsen on | 1928in the Sait ibs Temple. She wasa loving or 7 ing ol ihe mor Roepia bo 5, 1944 in Filmore. Utah | rat monksates to Cicudewas Mem! and Viste (Women) Ceme RacesDol S195Eos!9800South (a ney Carlin © Goo. ee Cummings of Kaneeh Garcon Utah Taek Wilford Binggeli (Binng) Binggeli HEBER CITY—Wiltord (Bing) Sond Tile Akiowon Pip. Shem Wie | fod eyoon Qetober fAptiied Lu:26, 1943 in theSatLake LDS passed away Beacetitesday Get. 2 1998 Blvd) on. Frayevery y aaz8 85 zeaz 6 z ist gtode otAto ordan ils flomentanynWeal Jordanty hal no pre-school in Califomia lo leach theGospel ‘and hag slesfo do $0aso teachand leader mary. Young Womens ‘and Reliot Society in the [Dé ChureR, Sharton was blessed which she ios and quartets with hersisters and with other good friends and in § d talsed six wondertul chit dren who were the light of her lite She loved Jaughing. ae ‘and y ons Ban (Becky Garton(Tam) aneDowel | {lle}daughters, Michelle (Bil Beaty) Melissa {Cort Mathis), and Mary Beth MeKelvy, 48 beaut i grareotonent let er tema tat sen}. Kathleen Houghey” Barbara (Ronald Wright) {ana bother, BonielGaron Bian I, Pro ceded in death Byherb ae In ive ae _ ai great-qrandeic ‘areaNore Octover na, fue Wasalch LownMotuay, ne funeral services willbe Saturday, on Saturdy fr fend oy coki arfon! Horeor | town ina din Pio wrvios Interment, Wass Friends may coll ot rol Home /Rex: oy fre 30 p. ‘WE WILL MISS YOU, DAD. | ae Naoya2 | 140/22 N 40/23 | sr Mog Bom Aug, 18, 1923 in passed away Oc. ral Causes. ceased. ald Pete Milne, ‘ae: ceased retired employee of kite! Mere Officouthe LDS in Church and was a cating and loving Person, sumivers., ahitdren, toe MirfakSe my onic yal Chapel, 431 North 45th Ave, Pocatello, ver i Okada. of the Ogden Budd- hist Church, ofcating, The‘evening family and wil from receive 10 ‘a.m. until services lime at the funeral home. Mens rom 79 pm roarhav i una 140/24 3 N 40/22 It Vivion Potts Milne, age 75, tober 20, 1998 at home of a) K ‘and iovella Carrell a Mamied Clayton Dennis, divorced. Marlee Franklin O. ereoa ‘will be In the Lave Hot Springs Ceme- > Miine, ine‘andichilcton Blanfat4 Se yaNGenn aain Brother 6 silovee Roa)Cl. Varnscanorn mye, 23.108Hain * loruineSoneMartvary, 2760 fe friends may cat SG, f048'am ioment ‘Cly, _N40/22 See|Next Page |