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Show El4 Ube Balt Cake Tribune Thursday, October 22, 1998 476—Out of State 544 464—Industrial Space aS P : Announcements 600—Miscellaneous | 603—Garage, Birds Dead Del |eGuregFaShoe Sol | MROCOL 2H GesnassanMaltons : 4 Seater fo cous 2a | 450—Lots for Sale 603—Medical Yard Sale Equipment Sorbascon so seeps 615—Computers yecamowouTe SESTEEES™ S HRRGEENORS 106 ond wo 300 tooes apewen MHz li 3D $999 Iocos_| incsneee DkiTRRONGS TDA Property 610—Appliances, TREAT oor wean 2 in Seyepore woos ay abs sama: ao tort geocotayBam Er SSr a Commercial | Minimins Soe Se OVERSTOCKED fees 9 noes wassonicrasoe ele FREE17" moniter | re: 100 ee waaroer wreo , le at KE wiesete il come Sigecachoge a netSit murSSSSears en "Sis Grd SonTO CLNOWgP40778 Uepoe TW ace scegs $98, Office Space Sale/Lease Sa Somes | ome eee aD Saree usa "re l od day soneray wauane BR SOhee i we APPLIANCEWAREHOUSE = | | ions “seg et Ceanest nich aeens WisOE SS,cle pecan ‘Small, RERGERATORS vedteatane magch tee, Teaeros) MREaa onan | Gie'Syaere S08 m8Re ©8 Bicish SRNR TNE Sheen nes, 967.0177 BAPta aa suerte ere S Oisenm ban eaahes su $375 obo. wpael ETE]commuters | snssave726) ierear setong|* EAR ENDHOWOUTSME*! Viewsenic Monitors oNeMtore)| et Sat Tier Mose tet oe) GERMAN Stothared Fonte Pus aNATA A geeg | cacea aC noe 00a. Sees aSiame tes chee Med: Reo = 7 OS ae Se fo 6pm 3827 So. S400 West Sie BEST ATS. Borknpiey, tan tare. a) SUE ad OOHRS CHC CURR, BOU> SMALL str 97% aera |e ree paren {OSEOUTSALE! Shade trees $ ORRCE SPACE FOR LEASE oRESNp eee ™ tg.) Meas 9S me $0188 ifose '_preve Sorc) Geakes locaton URGE loco eRe fon shop 744 1 61, onc 9ofices 7 8464Good g7BADO hom §4450/0 Can 87-0046 more int Ragements ok BLOWOUT FRICES! BLOWOUTFRIC roe eae ates oe Bes Sy cam oper Bart nme StSze cee Coe Oe a oe ‘We dover Provo 10 Ogden EkSueSea py ert etc a eee ate | @ TIE z monn A Mayon | Se ee e P aa ee MeesSAR cua Comper Pi k staat PRS BEATAOUCHOF oom mceber Restrict 2002 BLOWOUT 1 | IBM LAPTOPS STARTING FROM 5399) woraeatone anaes SONRANS 278.3687 roo sah Yoo wt beng mbTas OB CAOoon Coreee JACK RUSSEL Tomex.femoie 2 ] engine foe bons Ste pos sat. rssh | "Paar S279 Eaaened wan Se cenNw wc May She Secertes Park City/ Summit County hove Geer ARE Faaeok SOOC3 CIBCFOOT AANA aeweet OC NEW AND USEDfanLT ceQv son COMPUTERS Ses Ee jouer dipenser8aoeousee NEEDS naebcskatartos 98°80,dar2200 conuble cols RUDEHeo DM corpusorem| Baber answers Se Ma eee eee rifties ime A ‘Twtal price of merchandise must not exceed $300 « Private party advertising onty SNOWROWER HD 3/21 $5. ‘Whte CAR8S ORY Chenery eaBR fe ove 0 | 506Tmeie,Taspapi (aris ti FOOL PONG 2516 Gobo $400 Boch 288-2244 a PING oscesss Goan f 307 Tos sree MakeSe 3505otsNe So 900 fow 487-3059 FOOSBALLTABLE ful ae. green lop RADIA $165Gopecs.gio:cose ong tae soaWOR we —— 601 srsTast YouCane Pik Up 485-9806 al a TEEIENne Saray pare rues ASEO AvP MX Dre 285 ‘tor $50. Washer par wo ore. S150 3727387 sB7e __| FREEZER 12 foci, Kelwrctor, WBS. | ond PAGE rong AmAm, $200, cot as 74987 35.Otti Oice§Suite tes S70 ad Saor conianeis oie oes 7 ARVINGION. exclusive Farrag Seon einseoes Om LEASE cee ee Noone Wachey Beneswore A Gaiden [AREAND 9800 sat a oom wa recses torr a Z ons WAS eMCwv arch |Sos2S Mem — cy 0 go Ny $-800-203-8454 pp en Se 459 000 in $435, é select280-0076 eeeGRE OTOca || lions $27.00 NETANTHia Bates hare STborete aN ah TS WORT Country Proper4357834350 SRONCRER 1 bam on conc Beco ass: Coe “SAGE %) Sahnae aera sone POODIEToy Fash cDoe IDI | OD aS wean oo | Sie Fase eae Sad exe. aeopr A Mee tae Bae Zs Be $108 t1200 OmeE sa pisock.Nara" MEDUIAap) fn crs +8007 248 ae me oe "tameatoa IDAHO MOUNTAINS ‘SAC start $24,900 PRIVATE LAKE! moe Sane ANY CHILD CAN LEARN WORE, FASTER! Coll uaa mae ; on = "Sapa Ss aa aren, ORage beaa |ae $100 967 a, =e Ree ee eeeeeT "Ngee j Bees -olecnc range, $25, 968-6 Boge 138 PeaveyArce SRE DS. BCA pew Dok Pbes ots 755e505 shnsscaer eae SE RELIED, S Womer : x os Sipe sieFaden 5 ‘joble renee Oe = ‘ain. Queen oe5 a== eam Sete Bedesem aaa _tow st as ses TRAILS WEST atm¢ mo mt an Fuel, Coal, Ryonetesco 2a Wood = so esse W.W. &CMTRAILERS FOWLER at = Tee RA ae i es oe wa tomes 3D Wise bed gtroaes be 0 00s ia ae funcge oncbotany Ste Emenee enorsaes, ae ne ea 2987676 eee 5 GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD orion. bore NSE 2 bo ops Day. & Ft hae, Canty ‘$225, Tortomeen oes fe SHYT, a | e | maa ROCKER Thonet, bent wood. $125 sehetw woncant es Pepe, TOR, G)2248a Shem tora TES, Two we {Sis$30. 5Gu onam te Bo ae aerree 7|| TOOLTABLESAWGotinon po pnieril Sy ga oe B80 1 oe, “SOK sivas St. George/ sowyiown seen] 2 SRUS Sete | Sener roverValey ISASoffice32 pare ay een a ‘© Ties ona tims, new. ta se em 9BAS cher 4 noe fon low, pict $200 7% tootGreek WesSrirnourd Sires Cot . SESS) pnowng ms,soy soo, PAS = IQUE, S50TounG awoot2B, oe CAR BR leave 9a)1508 wheel crve, $300 Col 292 (® Prudential Coleman Real Estate ine.CIN i DOLL Poreion liesizebaby, tancy |