Show QUEER THINGS OF NATURE anomalies of plant world that have never been explained how does the bulb of the common lawn illy get deeper and deeper into the ground each year why doe does the clager root hide its blossoms blos aoma when nearly alt all other plants flaunt theirs why do the root of trees flow through the ground liko like runnels of molten metal often and uniting again while tho the branches brunches aro are thrust out in right lines or why Is our common yellow birch more often than any other tree planted upon rock why do oaks or chestnuts so otte ofte spring up where a pine or hemlock forest has been cleared away why doel ah chining wing so commonly strike a hemlock tree or a pine or on an oak and rarely or never a beech why does the bolt sometimes scatter the tree about and at others plow a channel down ita its trunk why does tho the bumblebee bumble bee complain so loudly when working upon certain flowers flo why does the honeybee lose the eting sting when it stings a person while the wasp the hornet and the bumblebee bumble bee beo do not how ilow does the chimney swallow get the twigs it builds ita its neat from what does the hornet make its I 1 havo bavo never been greatly interested in spiders but I 1 have always wanted to know how a certain spider managed to stretch her cable squarely across the road in the woods abo my height from the ground country life ia america |