Show surprise for big bi grizzly 61 vest bert gibbs Is the amateur photographer bear hunter of all round valley bu du he hunt that class ot of subjects since a big mendocino grizzly took his camera away from him ho he had shot everything in hie his neighborhood and to his prized collection of snaps ot of living birds squirrels and deer doer ho he longed to add the photograph ot of a live bear one with a fierce whiskered with tongue lolling out and yes eyes gleaming in all the tho savage fire of lowest he lie was brave waa was bert and filled with the enthusiasm of the true fiend tool too his solitary way into the far wooda woods armed eitl his loaded picture box while cautiously beating up a huckleberry patch trying to flush his bear he fell over a bank and badly sprained an ankle after lying all night disabled where he had bad fallen he be concluded that he be waa was doomed to remain there till he starved to death ho lie photographed in his mind hloi emaciated body found days hence and the sad idea came to hira him to take a last choat eh oat himself ho ile had heard that people in the last ditch always re ro served last shots for their personal uses lie ile would do this and the faithful careen would give a farewell view of him anken while dying then he fastened a string to the shutter of the machine placed it on a log and was beginning to look natural before it went when a huge grizzly lumbered out of the brush lanche gibbs heaved himself IQ in one mighty spring his ankle was disabled but ho he found no dI difficulty in getting up a nearby tree the bear paid no attention to him but squatting on his haunches proceeded to instruct him self in camera craft he ile picked it up with his forepaws and was making a minute examination with eyes and nose noso when the shutter snapped the sharp sound frightened him and dropping the box be lie galloped off into the m woods gibbs camo came down from the tree cured of the sprain picked p bis his camera and went home then ho he developed dei the photograph which the I 1 grizzly led taken of itself with the lait last shot ho he had reserved for himself san fraucisco call |