Show EASTERN AND SOUTHERN UTAH the di court meets august aline A alne body of ore baa has been uncovered ebythe by the wolf bros on the north rth at bide d e of M miners iners B babsin in rains are reported from the blue mountains A cloud burst a abw days ago caused a flood that drowned over head of sheep of the neileon neilson flock A party of lona ioa people will III be in moab in a few da a to inspect the la lat ral bat mining prospects acts A favorable decision ba b them meana some heavy lu in rest vestments ments hereof here of eastern capital the strike artke of the international copper r company at the head of beaver basin is pronounced by practical men nuen who have been on the ground tobe to be the bl bathing biggest thing yet uncovered in the gnoun oil locations co covering cover verbi ng about ores ares were filed with the grand co county u nty recorder at moab last week eek oo 00 m principally from the northeast Bort part of the county drilling will i soon be IQ in regress near elgin and when ben arat ret oil flow now ie Is struck then pet get out of the w ay for the boom W 11 morrison Morr lson a drw armea pen loner of uncle barn bans who hai ban becq been making his headquarters on brush creek fifteen mil eat at of 16 ernal wits up before united mates commis locer stoner pack la abet week on a charge of t selling liquor to the me indians the act Is bald to have been committed in vernal and witnessed by tolliver Toll lver who made the arrest armst |