Show at majr T STATEMENT of aist rin financial ancial condition of carbon county utah for f of ficht year ending june jo 1001 ceh cash ou on band hand july 1 IK july too t 1900 to june 30 1901 23 disbursements for year OS cash oo 00 hand june ato loot W ANALYSIS OF RECEIPTS cash cahoe on hand july jolly 1 aw low 1111 ml 74 clerk and land recorder Jers fw AZ 78 75 81 fee fees 67 73 liquor license WO 00 peddlers licens u I 1 60 justice court fine M 65 63 1 tax SIC 00 taxes abea collected 4 86 estate of 7 30 transitory herd herds 80 state tau school apportionment 1720 M S and juror fund WS 00 of at pro property lerty old sold to county 08 interest state school land lands 03 02 revenues rove nuee BT 67 co 80 state portion salaries larlee a 60 ANALYSIS OF disbursements district school tax 71 05 witness nad and jurca warrants warran tf redemer red emed fm IN CO go salary warrants reAce med 9 13 county bunty warrant warrants redeemed 26 2 state school tax 88 70 state tate and state school tax 20 79 district school bond interest In terret 17 7 county bond interest 83 60 30 bounty county school warrant warrants redeemed se 68 cash on hand june 30 1901 at 61 90 I 1 99 97 AB ASSETS cash on hand salary fund 1036 39 33 cash on hand get jeneral teral fund i 11 UIS is CO go cash uh on band hand county school fund 4 nit as jaeh cash oo 00 hand state school fund 33 23 cash aeh on hand county bond interest fund 34 3 zah cash on hand elate state and state chool school fund 17 87 97 estate of cassidy wall r and ceased deceased ce aeed 70 cash oo 00 haud hand district chool bond totem t fund 93 33 cash on hand district chool school special tax tat aud 11 43 I 1 aia 61 duo due from state half halt sal 11 ariet county treal treas and assessor or 50 due from state witness and juror fees 1157 1137 go 60 county jail and fixtures 1075 2073 00 jail at scofield 00 00 F furniture u and office flit fixture ures 00 77 71 liabilities I 1 county bonds outstanding afif if if p 00 0 county warrants outstanding 1133 74 74 distribution county clerk I 1 agoo 39 county attorney I 1 1 MO 00 county treasurer pr 4 o 0 ek 00 county assessor O bolso 70 game diat m 63 03 60 50 county sheriff asat j 20 jailor 1 P V gli oo 00 janitor I 1 tv t V I 1 county surveyor 63 inquest P aj 00 salaries 04 0 4 00 commissioners 1 I 4 A t 11 90 poor and insane arf WS 44 criminal prosecution P filp so 60 roads and bridges X a 40 ip I 1 1273 1 72 00 books stationer stat loner and printing 1 8 1 18 af expense I 1 t 78 94 Att ornan fee election coreva bt I 1 00 kant mam aj jail I 1 I 1 0 iff 4 wi 1411 34 stenographer t r it I 1 pa court bailiff I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 r aki 9 60 district court juror and witness co so 80 Sani sanitary tury and 1480 at i qutine election j 4 43 10 17 NO TU TO WHOM I 1 rr 7 L 0 11 4 i 31 ao 50 t boft 12 IT 8 C W allred 1 irl i s fam m sa 19 I 1 9 11 II J worm world arr I 1 20 40 MO 10 alvin thayn atlary 1 1 I 1 Is 67 rol 1 gorf ti U FrUDd leth salary 1 1500 IS 00 lift AIM alex wit alon 13 ns as M lianton books and in 1 to 00 william tug I 1 election 2 aw W ma W cathrn A thayn ato f 20 ISM jade election 1 3 vasi 12 town owa rent 1 PP 90 tsa wig L joe Is 00 I 1 la i C r ca vod roads and 4 dridek I 1 IS 11 s 1 wn WM it 11 ia 1 is 1 I 1 W bowman ha kaoga I 4 0 tow lars jonsen cri a iasi 11 20 S 1 TV F F hk risk indigent poor iro log ta ISM got co too and 43 4 n im 1 jumpa jones for 1 I bailiff 1210 ier jab ja b 1 P 10 tt im L I 1 00 2 I 1 IS art denit to 4 terrt allouf FAI r I 1 I 1 I 1 into 10 11 IW I W advocate pub co ca took bad et arr 1 IN 1 73 I 1 F V fisk poor I 1 01 ITOI lot F r world janitor J r tj I 1 P IV all A jail 33 40 W 3 U I 1 aliff 6 IU la mod 14 1 1 T alire antes mt jeu 14 1 sa aal a albert bryner J pense 30 ion w ow abatt 1 1 I i 76 00 WT 1 DW W oay reir ro drw W iau alex wilson W ina pa un IwU ines JonM i nes 1 2143 2140 alto J 1 I 1 21 11 nee J 8 criminal 2 s oo 00 it if barll I 1 JIM sll W warty is pat t criminal taia J L price quarantine Quare 7 ou lai cloward alan 30 n 1319 hoben robert it hoerl aril eawy 1 it SS S 1317 Z manstis I 1 1001 I 1 bb I 1 I 1 t ab 1211 if wad 1 effat 11 CB so 60 1 19 J W ide talf salary aw 5 9 tt to fw 4 W 74 elesif 2 20 W l I lia ia in 8 J Itar lm i i wary 30 ou 14 III A not nalto iry 17 I 1 1121 ra NJ litick a ob coo ith ira ir A J W billor 7 91 g clarry duro durden IrI Joal I 1 I 1 alff A W ind A lh criminal 1 1 wa 13 robert rrita inal I 1 J lai tat oa on page four r 0 ST S r A AT a r em E M IE E IN 1 ar concluded free froze per peg I 1 criminal 11 0 6 too joho john I 1 11 36 I 1 n E anderson UK 1330 john johabba libaw 11 Z 1131 frank Bl ewart 11 3 3 T F too 13 1 1 3 G alger 1 1 I 0 ILSO ill 1334 W 9 Itle bardson 4 isis michael nold nT beveridge ld 0 0 M 1 to 4 1710 1 grover lewis 0 o 0 to 6 wai we 0 I 1 17 itts 1111 andrew smith 0 inquest 0 I 1 so 1119 1139 jamo james wallace wallo jr criminal 1140 1340 andrew 11 walla allace 0 0 0 11 ll jame james wallace 0 0 0 0 4 0 1342 60 cox I 1 4 heeler hunter 0 0 o LO 1141 1343 1 I town if 0 webb oE ps 0 its 1 ste it W crockett indigent Ind lent 1147 C W allred 0 0 salary 0 o 1113 1346 41 t 0 oo 00 1319 robert howard toward ua 1150 albert albort brim bryock 7 koo list it 11 J I 1 world orld aspon as 24 12 1253 I 1 altin thayn baler M J D anderson indigent Ind ln to oo 00 to 0 babary ba lary 1353 robert howard 1 I ints C CW W allred 1331 13 31 1337 albert bratter aloo file 1118 alle alvin thayn to LO hoffman Hoff mair iam attie thayn 63 33 list 1161 robert howard 1163 1 0 W allred 1363 albert dratter b I 1 73 00 1364 alien allen cox criminal 4 40 lehl uhl jeen 3 1366 11 E 0 o 1387 J M LoTer lOge to 0 80 D 3 thomas 4 40 1369 robert 1 I 1011 10 11 1170 1370 W L 1 joe jones 10 go 1171 1371 V W nl NI h r fit 4 I 1 12 1272 it r ca fay 1373 17 E it empy 11 2 to 1174 lat lot k 4 t q 1171 1373 11 II harare art at 11 20 1176 II 11 J stowell 1377 7 george robb 4 2 to geo 0 frandsen s salary ap 1379 J 11 davis St district court liso 0 waldred IV allred salary 2 9 4 dil nal C CW IV allred eine als 3 1382 it J 1 orld taulton ill 1383 skelton pub co book books and stationery 3 00 1194 1394 B 0 mcintyre rod roads aad and uridge 31 TO US 1393 J L price 1 1 ilia 1396 J L pries criminal alls 1117 1387 J ivr W I 1 art roads and bridges as 1388 mr mrs J it IL treela jail 3 75 1119 1389 L 0 hoffmann expense Ex 1390 1390 advocate pub pabco co book md and stationery 40 1391 it W crockett 2000 1393 advocate pub co books and stationery lobo 1393 AdT Adva ct cats pub pabco co boole books and nd stationery 21 75 1194 1324 J jihor J iloco expense 3 00 1391 1395 J atom tom fitch criminal 1190 1396 L 0 hoffmann expense I 1 1873 18 73 1197 1397 mn mrs it U C thompson Thoa ipton criminal Crim laal 1 20 1198 1308 W IV Idel inquest I 1 loo 1399 wasatch store co bod roads and bridges ILSO 1400 frank warren criminal Cri 1401 wm win 11 81 00 1402 nell flanks a 00 1403 J C johnston 1404 W W potter 1405 1403 dan pittman to I 1 k 1 70 1404 1406 P V coal co jail 1407 noab huntar criminal I 1 1408 fred blackburn i 1400 S blackburn Blaek bam 0 1150 1410 sum sam I 1 0 1411 L lowenstein zoo 1412 price trading co court Cour tilou se 04 00 1413 W T dater collecting lichow so a 00 1414 paul caffey criminal Crim loti 1 20 1415 fraak satires 2 0 O 1416 11 F caffey 1 70 1417 mat mattason Patt ason 1 70 1418 1419 F fifick F risk indigent poor ai CO 1419 by wilcox criminal 1420 A Z marshall lla 1421 1411 henry durden duerden A 1422 1423 J JJ J lloyd jail 4 00 1423 Pau lJones iolet 1124 J 4 harrison ll arroa criminal 1260 12 60 1423 14 price town rent 1426 14 john criminal 2 70 1427 joseph jones Bal bailiff liff I 1 I 1 00 1428 9 T P murphy inquest 1 I I 0 1429 1129 gilbert petersen I 70 1430 R att 11 crockett crock I 1 0 1431 sam sara runnel 1133 ella branch 1433 14 charle charles outwit 1424 C CM 31 worth expense Ex pene 1433 M MCH C 11 laon 11 bailiff ailiff 1200 1436 L 0 hoffmann expense 4 1437 D 1 criminal 1 I 1225 12 25 1138 scofield tid town poor and insane 1439 andrew hood criminal I 1 70 1440 albert bryner expend Ex peny A I 1 00 1441 2411 11 II A nelson 75 49 4 1442 1443 albert ST 15 1443 if A nalson salary t 1444 1441 wn win powell inquest 1445 dald david reese ree I 1 2 ta 1446 mathew ta I 1 I 1 1447 peter i leepe 1448 P it criminal V 1030 10 30 1449 1419 P PH 11 it 00 1450 8 j harkness salary 1 1451 6 J if ark expense d 14 1433 skelton pub co book books and stationery 1413 1453 C M I 1 orth expense 3 1434 lewis jones criminal 1455 1433 lewis Leir laJone jones ACS 1 I 1456 lewis jones 2 A 1437 lawle jones 1453 alea me 1459 alex I 1 lison road foods and bridges ti 30 00 1460 e CM M worth Sl alar salary ar W 00 wl 1461 C W allred 2 11 HJ J world 1403 L 0 hoffmans Hoff manu 1465 65 G G 0 frandsen Fra aden 4 1 1466 robert y I 1 isoa i 1467 alvin thayn 1 1468 herman bryner bailiff 1469 emary co mere co and bridges 1 it 1470 30 advocate flub co 2075 1471 advocate pub pabco co election 1472 advocate pabco 1 1473 advocate Adro cate pabco expense 3 W 1474 advocate Adro cate pabco Elect lan t 1475 C M worth expense 27 10 14 6 albert Br bratter Ury ner iw i i 1477 ll 11 D juror dietrict Dix triet ct court 7 14 8 mrs ash sc C LZ 10 aiu 1 1 1 s elm 17 ME RT salary salar tt 1 50 OD 1460 C W allred 1481 howard 1412 14 albert bryn bryar 6 1483 11 J world 64 I 1 1484 G G P nd n IZ 00 1486 S edwin W WY a hirst chaya adi witness district tact cour cou is 1487 J 0 wars weeter aa tabor co criminal and arid bridges A 4 1480 st marc 1 95 a hospital I 1 indigent nd 1120 J 0 poor 55 00 W I 1 and bridges 2715 cri 1 I 11 4 I 1 M P arx 7 r a jirma 1 7 au I 1 A J 4 Ind Inal leat sells pw 6 I 1 0 0 L ame inquest 1193 0 4 anderson Ando noo election 60 14 henry anck 4 I 1 6 1497 P V coal co mads 1 aad 11 98 P P V a MR election I 1 al 4 40 1109 r W moo T W bawls 6 k 1 U 1 0 n cook i MA bridges I 1 J U 9 00 I 1 androw hoad Ho pd Elect election lon IW ism henry I 1 I 1 10 aw ivan EL thomas crimin criminal it 6 ab j 4 1 rm its john james 0 expels to atlo aw WM Liec tion b IWO na W L fuller of k bilk 44 jo too iwa 0 G kimball tk 1510 1 Il bodes ile it as sit 6 h john V U bryner it boil 4 ai 1512 F 11 Mare wether inquest i i 11 bb in I 1 0 o 1413 ed FA bod ana bridges loo 1514 L 0 newbolds ney bolds isis joha potter q 1950 1510 J 0 walter tt od and brages Dr Ugee J a 0 weeter LUti lumber beree co awad a lW ad md bridge bridges 33 0 1518 win 0 alldred Ell En dredge dred C bt Wor tb bb 1 iiii I Ex expense pease ti 00 I 1 tw mike bavollo Ot ca 11 inquest I 1 0 1521 6 SUnn urs butti ak I 1 70 I 1 a 8 1 1 I a 0 L election 1800 1524 james 11 johnson Joh nion 6 19 50 C L hugha i criminal 04 I 1 00 1326 byron L olson ble cllon town poor ind and insane 1528 andrew Wal Wall lc sto election Ele cUon 10 0 IM J L pric price roads and 4 to 1530 Ek poi 1531 criminal Crim lail 11 ao expense Ex pesse I 1 00 1333 CrIMI CrI miD DAI 1 30 1331 advocate pub co 11 Dook 0 fad end estatio irry 74 to ibis price town ident 90 00 E ADd Irlon kod mad and bridges bri dyc 1537 C if ciak 29 1 au W n ward loquest 0 1539 W i holly 0 O luo q 6 1 60 IV V torr erber epter crimin criminal 11 P 45 1542 john myers 1543 1 inquest 1544 C L lester 1 I IM 1545 lewis jones r criminal i 4 40 1546 11 41 t 1547 bolvi price 1 i 1548 baw to jones jailer a 73 9 I 1 I 1 3 L price crimin criminal 1531 LO hoffman 34 george 0 fridea Frn dea 1 I 1 H 0 mcintire ro ind and bridges vu I 1 E 11 ISM advocate pla co 2 20 1 p fink ioor kol insane In nADe boo IW 7 J W wart i mad and bridges I 1 07 to aa 8 nyland criminal ims S A inquest In I 1 morri morris indigent poor i 4 50 1561 win featherstone criminal 4 40 athalyn valary 1 1667 jwj L 0 hoffman 1 W 00 IMA C CW W allred it IW 0 G Frac doen 66 1300 ISM albert 4 1547 hobert howard 11 IMS J JP F crowley election Elec lloa 1569 uhl 11 IS 0 A AW W It 11 6 90 1571 E santouht Sant 6 1 I 7 ta 1572 henry flack 11 1573 price trading co jall Jk il 21 14 1574 james shey criminal 85 w M 1575 jaee james shey 0 1 20 IS 6 W II 11 davis 11 1517 mrs A baxter 6 1 20 1573 james L bryner iva thomas L election I 1 1 J JF V crowley 6 30 1581 A E gibson I 1 8 40 john p hite 8 40 P PP P warren 4 20 1584 GW eldredge a 1 IW P PA A smith 1 I a 30 W 1 jones a IQ 1587 james Jamea ear exan n 1588 thomas sellers election i 6 20 john T rowley 1 I 1500 C cook 4 I 1 8 ad 1591 win Feathers featherstone tono 11 7 50 1592 I 1 hannon harmon i 4 W 1593 11 a F 1 i 1594 jamee james A harrison 11 Corri eThomas 6 i 1594 D dikrane 1 evans i criminal 4 I 1 0 1597 catle blackburn election i IS JO andrew hood 4 1 W WJ J tidwell 1600 X 11 I 1 4 1001 0 00 G kimball flo 1602 aeo A wilson s s 9 iffa 11 nj i world janitor ION L LM M oleon olson dint Diat court I 1 01 andrew young roade floods aud bridges 2400 emery co mer co I 1 election X R G miller Dist court IM 11 II F filanti ind and 11 ridges 24 50 I 1 4 W metcalf salary 1610 advocate pabco dooks Oo oke aad cd 1611 price town it ilent 1 I loll 1011 F if olson election I 1 1013 CW Allred expense 1337 1614 C CW W alfred allred catl I 1 Y 1 25 1615 L 0 hoffmann eapen Ex pen 1616 albert albers brytton 0 1100 1617 albert bryner 6 6 bo 1618 A AZ Z marshall criminal 16 40 1619 james W dailey election J tom fikh cri inal 1621 J tom k itch fleet ton 1 b 4 price trading co hem igent 24 CO scofield tun town poor and In viane peter liddell criminal 1 10 1 lewie aher asber t 0 1626 G W mcintosh ph ia 7 0 marshall 1628 A adelabo delbo 16 9 L ce ato 1 I 1 iam abert how howard 6 it iiii joe JoeB I 1 M 1 john I 1 ad I 1 john williams IM 1634 bert hurd 1 20 william avans im wm IM 1637 V marto IT 0 stobert 1639 W gogerty wo F F fisk poor and insane iam IM E addean rde md and bridges 1612 1 S J Ilar knem salary 1043 SJ expense 2700 1644 A J holmquist Holmqu bt poor I 1 xa za 1513 auphand 1 1646 D W Hol holawy dwy criminal 1300 a NY atul W y indigent boort poo ayi TP W 02 11 haalon HA A N clon ft 8 Alry lary 43 00 ierg 11 hanlon A X Exper moo I 1 ira D lyman criminal I 1 gent A wilmon jr 11 iam henry wade 1 IW mrs aarah ash 1 albert bryner salary 1 I 1500 I 1 as robert howard 1666 1 aa L 0 hoffman salary elary 8 1000 bior 0 OW W allred AUre f Z I 1 W it A nelon nelson go 1659 0 OG G kundsen Frn 1 I 3 IDO th j 1 G im 1 XI a j j 11 V atel lomp bior sri t LOG low Alyo rood t jomaa i ati a 60 as loot goodwin A van roil ity i t 1 GAS OrtAll rl rt A jill 1663 H 3 Wor world ll salary 1 LIA u 1641 Is I 1 liars li arks floor Fo and cosent CLOO 1463 J X alton cl ton w 6 la 10 e 0 id till collier it 1 70 17 warren la 10 CrIm lB 1 1666 J T 1642 herbert 11 Ita 1670 J n ruailmer Cr liel linoal 1120 1671 L lapain Li pain an 1600 w 1472 W D crillo Cri 0 o 1 40 w 1672 W IM 1 1674 afi to 0 o 6 d fly z salary 1676 I 1 it blood 4 ww moo 41 63 A liddell juror criminal dist court 4 40 1678 J A ll arrison 4 40 40 flout is 4 40 0 1680 alfred olo to ato I 1 68 I 1 ollit petersen ll ro 0 1683 chris chak K jo to lao 1040 1683 job john 1 amet l 6 1 1200 forrester I 1 6 1 00 ma W 11 dail a 0 lw 4 40 0 1686 john johal stagg J JW IV Uial 6 4 1000 1688 hugh hunter 6 1889 NON nellann a 6 1 00 U 0 1 I le 91 john declee jr 6 law 1040 log lewis larsen to 4 40 0 1693 0 0 Iran down to 20 s lo henry llor riek flack 1603 Lel jones Joa 4 loa j 1596 J JW W lloyd 6 1040 1697 U 0 C johnston Johir toa S 6 1004 thomi thomas bodes hod 16 t 6 1699 W 11 jones S 6 to 04 1700 john rollo pat court 40 OW 00 1701 G A Ahr iverson ron I 1 so 17 02 abe liddell bary 4 t 7 wilcox 4 M 6 1703 hyrom to 1704 1 it rho lea 1 11 is to beoo 00 HIT damon 46 4 11 ie 1706 IV it Nna ldson I 1 1111 joas 1701 ox 6 I 1 1 1106 H 0 lee I 1 lepene 4 iss 1250 ow N acl 0 10 1 6 1 4 balara 16 1 1710 boldma 11 D lyman salary 1 kod floods and 1 Wid midges 4 ai 1711 V Boa lellIS i criminal 46 4 2 00 1712 r ahk F kisk I 1 6 6 iss bi km it 2050 1713 0 miller s criminal ai win li ill 1 1 61 6 1 1 I 1713 A lemon it I 1 6 I 1 to to old L laka A lauise 6 I 1 1 i I 1 ISO 0 1711 vm win gilrace 4 ill I 1 10 10 1218 JohnC john wId 11 t I |