Show TO contractors the undersigned board ot of trustees of price schoot district no so price carbon county utah will receive bid bids tio u to I 9 it clock n IP queue 23 1901 for the heating and of a school building now in course of erection bid bids will also be rm received civo till the same date for the completion ot of said school building to plane plans and er erece tin tion of tUiS it I 1 le an and FX dg aid ing floor c second atory plan lans and 11 can be e found at t the apice II 11 0 Wat kitis arc architect hilea lini knight glit block provo city utah each bid must be accompanied with a certified ch tk k for 8 per cent rent ot of the amount of bid as a guarantee to enter into contract th the board will meet at the old school in utah the above a open and P publicly read all bids board reserved the rant 15 reject tiny and all bide bids BV I 1 ard order 15 1 ot of trustee trustees R fc G o 0 H W ditto D L LM X buoy dated at price ju july ly 17 isal |