Show I TOWN 01 canty I 1 A 1 flood up near baue c asue onte ibo the ia ter part of I 1 let at week delayed aral is somewhat ome what J IV wart war 75 out for the yesterday nley to take stake off a few oil claim claims for himself ht and friende friends work on be the foundation of J IV new residence red dence 1 well welt under way J at millard he ila the contract J J lloyd Is 4 building wilding an addition to hie his in th tb of a see ond etory story which will giro give him two extra J U fine no grey buggy horse laid down noil and 1 monday the animal illi ill I wa vr a valuable ablit one and wae as much prized a as a family horse two care cars of the kentucky edit edlar rt passed price peterd ay morn logon ing on thell way to salt lake Lak city where they will take in the tight flights of zion joaeph vacher was down laet just week from his ranch went west of price and nil madeo the rho advocate adi acate ocate a substantial call mr vacher re portis panty of fijn in hie his neighborhood welby and party of tho the illis 1110 grande western we robere tuesday and spent a few hour hours in yards and other posses mons of tho the company the watt r lumber this week al of martha marths V mill barim the acce rt ground upon which alie lumber ant la Is situ situate atA the lot has a fact loot and uil te Is ifo IZO amt in its leh the consideration w waa a a something neur 1000 levi N harmon thin this week eek pur chased the frank bryder property across the street from L v Ol olwar souli new store and will fix the placa up and use se it ais a dwelling it I 1 in one of tho the u most desirable I 1 feces leces of property in town th the 3 price I 1 aid was matt warner and leu mccarty bare have bought charley Christe ripens interest in the mint angwill and will hereafter conduct the business at the old star it d they will also in addition to tho the saloon business conduct a first class clas livery slivery and feed stable having erected a suitable building tor for that purpose job oliver will ha hae ae charge of the sam 11 deputy game and fish commissioner J TV metcalf Metca Kwas was here tuce tues day and la in a nver with the advocate young man that he will bring suit against several panics parties vp lip near for wasting water in one place between fish creek bridge and colton gald said mr V r metcalf Met calt some parties arties turned the water into the county road and stud made a regular ditch making the arpad impassable and I 1 m going edg to stop it sall he 11 there Is in any ally law to that effect sergeant edward bird signal corps denver has been ordered to I 1 lort ort duchesne to relieve first class sei sergeant ergeant william thornton signal at of the signal corps who hue has been ordered orde cd to seattle wash to report for dut in alaska task Serg ant auit hird will abrio the last of the week when mr air thornton well leae leaie for or his lite new dut sergeant thornton Tb ornton and his estimable wit have made mady friends during heir their stay at price and duchesne who will to we them leave the adv advocate I 1 has latefy lately received a new and complete coro pete line of blank books payin g cards box capre tablets inks erasers bank blank note notes and re se belp pen pens inks peri pencils ells fountain pens pocketbooks for ladles ladies and gentlemen paper weight bights pencil sharp enra eners rubber bands steel stoel and rubber cr nacre r die clie k pruto cr 4 tu its fact a oo 00 collete com m na lete e line good are 14 at A a email small profit corn come in and look oer oter the COOL stork t baure to show goods full line lino of location blanki biank d deeds eeds and the like at ovo and salt lake city A party of oung folks cajoled a picnic at rowells grayr bust set ot 0 town last frida evening well filled has bas keta were taken by the th is eirls lils and the young men furnished tho the wagon A do lunch was spread to which all did ample justice justic e uter which the larty Y by moonlight rh rhnee k Com composing losing the party were misses vl aws pearl funis of 0 f helper nel lr clar n 2 Q 1 l yit JT 31 ar mullin maggie maggle JOD joni k MA maul U I 1 magle mayme brown ella eta lawenstein and gertie gertle miller and bessm X pe ayr ton tonTI lobert e ar brockm 0 0 M fullee fuglei nd and nd mr J kett lied med nichols la is treat lof fence i rould hi his homo home to a newet of J M WI Whit ti morel bainy this it cutting hie his second crop ot of lucora lucern alie amud cutting Is in holding hold logout out very well owing to the heavy rajna to the west ot of here the lawt last few day days the trains on the tile otero bare have not awn burning on time a II 11 hillstrom george mccall and gorge hancock left ye yes telar for the park ark country to look up eom som oil location T b 1 1 part rt of the country has imen visited the past few day days with itta some re ret re shing showers cool log the atmosphere mo rao sphere off considerable s ol 01 recount account of a it cloud bunt burst la in sol dier canyon canyo n Ture days stage from the north due here at 43 30 did not mot ar rite the until after midnight 11 morning richard Ill chard bran urance eh hag han about decoi recovered er from his injuries a few geeki ago by being thrown from it boree h while herding sheep up near cotton colton lie will be able to resume bis his position in a fw daye days J F crowley wait was here tuesday from helper to purchase a bill of lumber it itla I 1 mr Crow toya y lintn int n tj tin an to 0 put up LP a buh ing to lis t U 4 1 a laundry the building will be 21 feet andar C roley will pe personally conduct the business bu etuess himself judge u and major mo laughlin Laugh lla returned from a trip to the reservation and are at the knutsford they report rains ull all along the line of the western Weeter nUie the rains rallis extending out into the arx own eu allver desert wednesday wednesdays tribune 11 L lobenstein Lon enstein has made bis his wife a I 1 resent of a fine cow and the family will now have fresh milk and butter every day so bokarae far as the ad locale has heard there has hi been no mishaps but e presume mr mrs L ie Is doing all the milking as louie uuie sas sa s bo he ie Is too busy at the tore store to tend to a cow prof prot J E talmage of the state wa wai here last saturday and edethe made the advocate a plea ant call prof fret talmage Is I 1 looking me r enet east ern utah with a view ot making a geographical surrey survey of the lie utah oil all and d mineral formations loca lacau d in this part of the sute state the dauee prof talmage advocates is a good one and he should have the support of ei aery ery citizen major mclaughlin ln representing the interior department at washing too ton is in town on his way to the capt cap tal after an inspection of the ilavern mining romp anys concessions on the reservation reserva tio says yesterdays tribune the raven company acquired from the indians of the reservation a franchise which affords the company the exclusive right to mine for a period of ten years all minerals and hydrocarbons occurring south of the strawberry river with the government exercising supervisory power in the franchise the company Is required quiren to pay the indians a royalty on all minerals etc that are removed by it lt and it Is to check up on this clause in the agreement that major mclaughlin has ivers een making his inspection spec tion which it Is understood has ba b a with ith perfectly satisfactory results 8 lie he will continue on his way to washington tonight where gisob lons s will be spread before the interior department seattle will use utah asphalt in paving its ts et in preference to california asphalt said st V le last week to a salt lal tribune reporter and I 1 have been shipping machinery t tw seattle western asphalt and paving company preparatory to beginning ship I 1 mont men 0 asphalt from here her a and n d tho first carload of asphalt will go from salt lake august luth loth of tons of the utah product will bi be used the deposits are sixty seven miles from salt lake ip tie fork title aide of soviler So liler liller summit and i fri fr i t at then tali aja s rill will be put to an aher the city of seattle has feind to its ita cusi that the 4 p predatory marine marlue et eato tri into the immense maent of ailing la in the so that the kilei gozt only about three years I 1 have found that by giving the piles a coating of V utah tah asphalt that the can not get at the boia and the piles will last in definitely in speaking ot of streets street mr lesieur said that belgian blocks would be bied at the illges of but a few ot the stat and that the width q oi the belgian block trip strip would be bo three feet v aich he thought ample lenough enough |