Show DOWN the copper carper globe property mouth of has hut shut down pending litigation over tile the miners employed are rr perron ian into and ui they bad aide VAl 11 cula I 1 tons for a work ark prk eving isid off now will work to tham elves aiau na families fa ekit T tula they llaque a 1 at t V 1051 lessko cur I 1 ahe a trouble Is I 1 5 u f ot i ow one of a group of ol four claim claims sold by tha carny to lie lar vv V v abatte people it is claimed by Man nizer L benr ur that he ter maln ground ai as claim io 10 4 located in 11 a direction from tb at net claims while be the epha abat the ground U local located f in aa al gethel OK the direct direct direction lon 1 01 I ol VA that lebleue o 0 Us moved 1 ata of X 4 ou aoto ae to pot put th uli on I 1 be brouna bs b wanon the ea ce c e Is I 1 la in court but will not ome up until october tober next the pi 1 rala ablo one thew who ho know uy any it will be owe cue of the biggol copper lutnes in ulan there I 1 4 auw that a deal to sell ell the calsy rot t ta a a for a r AM 16 in la in a bans toll |