Show TRIED TO CUT HIS THROAT if lew a calf al A avoids aldi ld I III death set utby ut Bt sacramento june 30 georae geor put gier erio n nam am who murdered john sho shower w ID balsom prison while belair shaved yesterday preparatory to being taken into court to hear the death sentence alered the razor from the man who was al having laving him sprang to hit his feet and then deliberately walked to a mirror and drew the razor across bin hi throat the cut while very severe did cot not never the jugular vein 1 and putnam will recover the passing of sentence aen teace wa as continued until saturday putnam killed showers as a th the a result along conf standing stand lof feud showers hating having aided sided in the conviction of abe I 1 major majors father of abe major majore who li Is sentenced to hang haug in utah for forti tle murder of of fleer beer brown of oden ogden in april last while restating resisting arrest archie ila als jors abe a brother was killed by the posse of which the ogden officer was woo a it member when the latter was killed the elder majors wa was hanged in california for murder twenty years ago |