Show SHORT work will in a a jw daya days biu on an tb foundation tor for new now wall the town in rotten saturday 1 to consider Bldr tx the tb matter of 0 the rev isloa of the town the recent improvements at t towo town hall 1411 make ll 11 one ODO of the neatest public be otan arry harry ilynn b bi a general dcarr oat t ideller r bet but will make a specially bt C 1 cigar cigars and groceries ro cerie chub SI burn baa bas fl oishI repainting his place of busine and ad it is now one of I 1 tb he oat est bouw in this part art of the 1119 country alem 14 I 1 a nw boy baby at the home of f air mr suil Mrs it C which at rived fired lat last week mrs Is i retting along nicely V material Is I 1 aming through tat here re wry every dy day ler as u at t i ib he coal wl mine la IQ N hila ilora canyon and upon the rill fail road food grade thereta tu ereta pile artice met clients 01 an ol I 1 abo we have aled al ed wilb with from towne towns of E nery and lintag counties coun tle say y generally li is beatr thun than at t any ny time for several 1 yian years previously 11 the depot ball bull ling at will bo be moved to the new town in whitmore ore canyon wilch Is to be known as bunny sunny jn ra 01 0 I 1 station of Sunny Sanny ilde side is 1 to 19 1 9 abando urd alt alf 11 Kall allinger loger antl od tobe tube cleaned up about ISO between them on the tb bores bor races on the fourth the th for or aner lont about tv 0 and nil the letter latter la to the its neigh neighborhood borborA of the horse races here on the 21 tb wall no doubt draw a big crowd to price from the tb surrounding country there will be bm plenty of ion anil and amusement for all who come it re on that date ot of il all I 1 kinds a i if bt I 1 the fourth men and those who are considered con eldered transients as a 4 gen eral thing went into the city and bare have not as yet gotten aroot aroni d again at abe liddell will wid go to to work for the coal company iu ho the capac cargo tty ity of contractor au an I 1 bail bull ler ilia ills family will remain mt at wellington until tub auh flaule lime as 83 women are allowed to lire live in the camp the board 0 of f county commissioners will meet next monday the mot most important matter to be consid co nider end d IA 1 the boadine of the conety to pry pay off oata anding warrant warrants at the aine a hood was granted bennt d the advocate Adro cale has in stock over different forma forms of it gil blank and od mp pop rues anything in this line at salt lake and nd P oro all kinds of blank d aas ja and ud location notices mail order given prompt attention the dance given at town rown hall 1111 on the night of the th courtn WM quite largely attended und and netted lue tze handily a neat sum the dincel the eliy friday ant an I 1 also bo brought oat out big cro de ds there willbe will be DO wo en allowed in the uw u w town in whitmore C anyon nyon foi for a year or at let least until the lit to lb ib coal land lands ar are perfected the intention of the company ie is to pit vent any trouble ilku like that it went at bastle auto oute the town tru taw ie anda in regular drw aion 1012 last friday night the was wa kakta up with ith busin tai the report of tie tle city trekker tre 1 Kuer showed tl a at abre ie Is about f tu fu u in IQ ibe the city trtat nry ary 1 ibe he report wall tot for the fix ox mou his eluidge the V ack leland island den yr ver rio grande mad ad rio ard grandc have elured a bared abe contract for u ling the whole of the veiled united infantry iti antry it 1 lat at V atu id is train 41 1 w pass through pi ice of toe too crop prospects in the affy valey lb ib vernal af bolt bait lakee H ahmid 4 nay gays I 1 haying baa has co U lna I 1 in 1 1 eouse ou peru parts of the valley ahe fi wea stather h e r 0 t the last tek ku a begin abing umito to hard ite its effat aa trope 0 t all an kinds are ow growl ig nicely dick cotner cower came in iii saturday Batu batur rilay day from vh wh imore and went down to C to remain over tue the hd lid lays tays the fore forc ot inn tin aloyed iu tue radues lj Is being steadily lea dlly aar itell and here are now tinny thirty fire to lony forty employed doing work M M hiley ailey of 0 moab atah wel known ere la price ws was in sail ui lake the other dy day ou the 0 irge arge 0 ut a adult and battery upon one of lie the nain ruo jenson fatulli lr tho bo news I 1 apers state was wa badly beatta up the row tow occurred in a saloon over oter a galip ui jird ards I 1 bir railway age alm states that a J graude western ie Is in ibe ito market tor for ja M to forty ton ore cara cars tuese arr are be he bou pound capacity cars re of abich so much haa has been aid said cf Is iz ud ul are oo 00 doubt calculated in be put in use in bandling handling the o 0 nt ut cf CC coal in the icar lear intyre from the anyon minee mines superintendent R rak ak pope of the old dyer mine in the vernal conakry con atry passed through price the other day on bb his way to 10 cato CAW oate with samples of a very fine flue of cral which ho bo wai we taking king 10 0 o catle castle va ite to tp to ht bayo teci tor lor its i oking the coal colnes from large vein vacated ome some twelve mile at out of t vernal the rumor rumo la 14 oot out lb tbt it ill the southern pacific tilo i tt tired red of V paying the short line and ir r bauling its ts freight from ogden to salt bait jake ake and unit that the om pany intends fo to bild l into salt lake in to the near ful fautn re Alt Alth boub ouila I 1 in m to will be malu lake rail nd cen men do tatt ri gard it ae as an event of the near f future attire the Is apa fled axed t ate ement f the tylel tle borie boise line fit of AT t imor ji balling ir at 11 IV T tj lir arte rte i fur or carbon Arbo aaa emery foual so abe h he N t ris 4 14 county giree at t 11 4 and ud the aio 1 grande western UIA 1 gly lit t bal the bemal 1 a nt t W vinum bunty arp 11 rt to a vernal Is T afi thi th adv u all A k 1 oyt ot 14 liff reut fonna forms c el miyk ti 1 saks ad aix aup aliee anything in thia thy at fait leke lake an vo A to A alla I 1 kiadas of bla blank blak k aeda A eda and nail 11 na sit ll orders given atten 1 on several la large ao 10 crate crates of five honey boney can cans are lu in the luo gran ie it NN nt cot arn a war warehouse enouse cou 19 to honey deal ere cr in emery nui connole conn tle bleb would indicate that tha tahe the honey houpy crop this year la IQ ath K estinna ec tinna will bd be a algeon Il keoke geon Ke oae tube IN lilt biltmore more and nd matt thorna thom will very likely dutch match their poole pooles for or a bv fly hundred yard race on the for ldoa IV a 1 I I jo adu I 1 ih h re will be uther horses here oa on that hat date him I 1 mery county and elsewhere anil a number of good event an apt to come off now that an interest hae has been roaul in racing by reason of the th say everal em hatchw of the fourth the advocate has b rewired the 1110 itter tier from dr field at el edralin Eb ralin and in bleb be he w ay bo he baa has been delayed in retries 9 away Y lt tot h 0 intend intends to corn come to price lu to ertla priM 11 madl won cico aal aul simory lie will be here about awat thelta the tn which wl wi I 1 be tomorrow Friday tb tits doctor will bo be located in the office omee building wt it ot of price trading com piny th the on broo hire about fin ibel up their of and rep la to log town 11 11 an I 1 potting putting in new now scenery ce nery the drop curtain which rep an in old cAthe cathedral drat in england in Is a very a tittle piece of work and would be a credit crell to more mom pretentious bow houvis the will col itin t in th tbt neighborhood of 03 13 and bud make tb the ball one ot of abo beet best to 10 1 0 een in any 01 ol the mailer smaller towns of the tate state deare jodae Hol holdaway dawny luet last thurs day U 0 johnson pleaded polity guilty 1 to 0 a charn i ot of bitter b buttery itter 7 on the petan 0 of f hi bl joseph brundage of nin nino SI 31 IP le minnie maud precinct and wag w fined lined 1 S and cats mr sir ba filed a civil action for do husges on ac i of the araut aut in te sum of tavi t fr r loo of time injury to person A and ad m attention aft r a desy of rix y day days the corn com copito of ibe the sessco i a lawi lawa pawed by ty t the he third lecial ettare bv have b v beca becu de livard by secretary 1 of state ammond ll 11 who ba ha sent oat the complete looff it ezi I hange luge for the nn indexed and no un b und col 1 9 a boutt ago when n the liw tai to k eff tt ot o t by it ity abe secretary of st ite baa has no cochs copi for far ale gale to attorn attorney ye or other others but the print 1 it g contractor will them at f per copy two parties at 0 p M lave re to ferron from the region in ae extern eastern part of at the col WY one outfit consisted condi ted of H M fugate abjani 0 ono ov vrr r abris nel kelon nelon on and thomas bacate of ferron and E tattle abild am of thel bring back some fine samples earu ol 01 opper ore buy ng located new tie allm tat other returning 11 party wao joseph rig big ey and murray L lr arson on who comeback come back I 1 ing althey a they have ako alto in ide some yd 1 fia li Is the reception to the soldier boy boys coming back from manila will be a ir glorious glori oue aa as the state can make it says tio governor io vernor otiis wt allt I 1 I 1 do not know def del finitely what plin plan I 1 biu 1 arsue in ar at it tor for it but I 1 will begin 1 at cace I 1 bellev ix alet that no n will be necessary aoe neo eary essary the beet best ald I 1 think would be he to designate committees in even county who will hite hive charge of bulb both their bare share of flo flounces ances und and armav arraiga oga menta the plan ir it to bring in eve every who entitled in the tate state to salt lake and bare hairs a reunion of volet teen at time the medals walli the logi legislature slature laade provision fur for will be prea atel I 1 am arranging to 10 11 mtv them then completed aa a time for thi this acce ion loul tb a vora at correa pendent c f the wa lieke la herald of the irth says ay chart charles C onee of brofee park la Is la in town en on route to price with ills ool clip amounting mounting to 2310 00 pound pounds the wool woul team are camp d in aba valley ton an aad 4 will continue their journey in tb th ca morning orning mr crouse report every thing quiet in bia his lection section nothing bar ing been seen or heard beard of the union pa cefic train robber robbers sheriff aha ta rondo taide ide a is trip into that section becenti re centi in nie to a it t it grain from olen miller er came back yesterday esterday een tor hend noth rag n of the robbers rob beri |