Show 4 4 T a agil gea 4 0 4 t to kallo 33 vr that I 1 have the best A 0 assortment of ladies shirt waists wrappers and skirts that I 1 keep the best selected belec ted up to date stock of dry goods 4 that I 1 sell cheaper than any other house the rhe leader of low prices lo 10 lowenstein 4 44 I 1 we WeH handle andje everything b that the farmer 11 requires aqui alres ARTHUR J LEEP LEE A manjoor Mana branch house george deoro I 1 C A lowe headquarters for the old reliable t wagon t and vehicles t 4 deering binders mowers and t t hay rakes agricultural URAL implements OF ALL KINDS 4 our good arc are the best the low prices sell T them heln 4 price and venial vernal stage and express lice line rahn prica 1 fr CHUNK 9 AND I 1 annal IN BOTH price to ft rt Duc ionne one way round trip bijou W price to vernal one loewy way 1000 10 I 1 nd trip atre reu to any way y stati 4 agnir taw it awk ii wats per mas corly pound 1 always 11 1 free aro birge 1 li arm 1 natt 9 14 OO to 4 4 to 6 fw alp to a is GY r S r pr pauw I 1 t to in t L xa arps 1 so ibo per pound price ko ke n trivet lk H arh at 5 JU 46 art V U U V cloak cokl lo kl dm B R mcdonald AGENT price utah fank 21 xa aar ANDERSON BROSI BROS general blacksmiths horse t and wheelwrights Wheel wrights eer E er piece of work turned out of our shop is 12 fully guaranteed shop north and east cast of th the railroad warehouses prices consistent hh th honest work t H OTEL new under bclark C lakic manage ment anage C W SPALDING G the beat best in eastern utah sample 81 bloom for commer wal trailers Trai Tra elere elers uses filtered water H ater cheo in handy to depot stage stages north anti 1 south 4 warders board ninn nino hit out of f tro ten tj liber liberal listed to partis 0 nl Ile regular gular traveling V blung pric price stop it at hotel I arke g 1 1 M H W GENERAL blacksmithing barriage abd wacon workhorse SHOEING A SPECIALTY UTAH VITAH ae ae smith premier typewriter j JA is at economical 11 writing machine macune jt cf alid t P 41 d Y ef auitt is ahr MOO dm d M ME weft fd IV 53 a ft is ft AA A fop b af A f C r 7 a J IS 18 and 19 com irv salt L bk 1 le city utah S a 7 aa 1 y 7 4 4 4 4 4 4 f f j einera county mercantile co GENERAL 4 merchandise AND 0 FURNITURE complete stock in every line prices 1 I and goods ALWAYS RIGHT STORRS AT P 1 4 1 io ferron and castle bastle oas tle dale 0 tt t 4 4 robert mckune TOR american woolen mills company of chicago tk token fr r irl MA Cleth isic new lime LI foam pi I 1 t 11 rr from k D th N nobby I 1 44 4 D 0 9 ut U t fl 1 pants Sui tings overcoats fancy vests MX va S 8 lou iu UIG M 0 wanted lo 10 the th CI cl f LJ IA F E WOODS ATTORNEY CASTLE DALE L UTAH district attorney for the seventh jai judicial altric Dl will practice in all the courts where camin are not in V alved mining irrigation and probate matter matters given special attention W WC C RICHMAN M MD D SURGEON 11 UTAH will cals from surround surroundings ins oetta tu J W WARF attorney at law and notary public baity raity 11 special attention given to collections office west ol 01 the hotel mathis E W actor A 11 r n e y at L a w MANTI MASTS ITAH mining irrigation and bankruptcy Lid litigation gation a spec specialty balty R A KIRKER pa E examines and R B deports on mines and carbon emril properties iee in eastern U utah b aud beetem colaramo Col arado address PRICE U arau urau rah MARK P BRAFFET j ATTORNEY PRICE UTAH occa on OX MAI fall tock stock of ammunition and genf no including colt well rood marlin litiza rifle and ton shotguns kept la in lock stock by the JV J C weeter lumber lumber utah tbt fourth ot of july comes on tuesday ibis cocat location on notice it kept ia in lock stock tit tb the office odice current time lable 1 able GREAT SALT LAKE in effect june 1 1899 FOB FOR PRICE UTAH boino WEST N no 1 1 ablao mall mail t IT 4 46 a in torf pr roTo v th coot N no t lr LV I 1 a Is for provo atit ord and the coast HAUT no I 1 chic limited lr 12 16 up m tor for orami orand junction denver and 4 eal t no t atlantie antle a LT lv it 12 7 a for ud U d justl D brer nl 11 the t L aan 8 2 FETE PETE AND RH BRANCH no leav N lieu 2 at atlo 1011 ou 0 ifor ru for all point poin is la a b aa a 1 I 1 I aa IL degior 1 oun tio D C va MX general mane r 8 1 11 HAU Hat madler iatter V A WADLEIGH 0 P at T A M LOST VIGO I 1 9 arand MANNO aa cure cures impotency ight and wati ting diseases all effects of eilf self or exta and indle india crealon atil n aton leand 1 I 1 r urine brings the pink glow to pale check checks and restores TL rL storre the lre of youth flir 0 vt D mall mail wc per lox box 0 boxe for with a eb v tee to cure or abo money MEDICAL CO cainton jackson sta CHI CHICAGO CACO ILL j rot fr we lir by allf mcclur il 1 clr lih ITY re r fl Q f best dining car services ELEGANT EQUIPMENT chair cars free TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY I 1 buy count mar warrants rants and school district mar warrants rants of all East eastern lern utah counties and districts highest prices cash R av W crockett at advocate office price company some elpant spring anti summer dress good of tacy t but r ceata the lest best as well va the virgest line that lu has ever come into Last erti tha tock of this tore store I 1 its all now la to ev e aery v ery and nd price prices are la in keeping i gilb ith those of the farmer former rancher sail nd tock stock grower acme cholera Is U the and parent in the or cholera cli oldra autum cholera corbus c coke and ell all of the tb bowels for al s at toe emery county mercantile cow company banys tore ree ame cholera barup cures colic acm acme cholera ulers arup am its A F redding wants the peje beje to know that he lie carri carries in lit 1114 hew market fresh meats 9 Sau sausages siges vegetables butter eggs in fact everything a first cl clam market hata special attelea atte Att eloa itan given to the tb I 1 trade of Sa f g town towns we cater to please olve 01 ua U a trial and yon you NN N iu lom again the skelton company Compa nv located at provo utah make the very beet best black book in use la in tuia this western countr their legal blank blanks are superior to an other others binding 4 an and d ruling done in a manner equal to any printing come house in america the ad Atho otate cate represents rep reent the akel ton company in F utah le gal blank blanks at salt lake like and provo p pice ices la in any ny quantity write for estimates on any work desired lei ired aadree Ad dree THE IT 11 price utah legal blanks kept in stock orders taken fo for r blank books and book binding call on or write to ahr ADVOCATE pr price ce utah the D R G railroad 31 3 la ll 11 of f me tb WIM W IM the tb cuir un 1 two line lines of between al 4 J junction nd tickets rood good via 1 bittar 1106 in tiro TWO capt ex 1 WOO 1 11 lugod w hm FUND L aham A oai an A ra EAST M IM tm anio no 2 price at t I 1 P in at 9 1 amli bearr 1 8 to ava train no 4 arf price at t UA a a arrtie own 4 simi 81 irs a zm t pueblo 5 it ra ani 1 1 orado 11 1 6 46 0 O PAL P BL ir 1 3 azoa mad me at C tora 1 brtna and nd denver 1 with all et e t kir KW et ecob ob chair fr care ami and mill on all aiu take me U IL U trip kad enjoy t tb loft sot on ur the amun L iti rist ri st tine ua to chippi ark colonia Colo raWs rrt fal ania U 11 IL hoopla T at r 0 AT A er kevine 1111 11 f ana a neftal tf pa art LU |