Show GENERAL KINO KING 5 VIEW aises the lb in she I 1 Is I 1 by amr mf 1 3 oded binl so sn francisco june julia 3 general fie aeral charle barles klair hing V U M K V was among the passengers from fault that arrived 0 oa is the city of puelan general wot ta to aa an interview dlo 11 if the I 1 plus 1 situation aall the tb situation in the tb I 1 to an abot not serious orlou rr lou the tb people of 0 aba Is I 1 lanil lands will keep op up warfare and rod there Is I 1 no telling when hostilities will WM cease tiley they retire lo 10 hie the fast t nicu messes of the th ret when ban they are re hipped and od blile bids in the subsisting on practically nothing noth loy they havo no need of a tese bass of it rill will necessitates large force of caloia to ia subjugate them completely abe the wr war in the PhIllp rInee to I 1 by oo 00 income ended their ire works wor liot of military engineering and equal to lie brt beat the th most elvill sed military lations liar have procured under the spanish regimes the fill pino learned war anil nl we are receiving evidence of till this every day doy the volunteers who fought in the Ilal lippins arc are a splendid lot of men capable and accomplished fighter fighters they behaved like veteran veterans when under fire and there Is I 1 no limit to their conrede their record in that awful country trill will a tilon lon tilo lo n pee pages of am american e clean I 1 story tory recently funds and y yet t un writt lo 10 t |