Show WITH BANDITS alad 0 19 ROBBER HAVE A Is 1 take ralf cali the lh of t the b iw ilaw ot al on pod po d ul U 11 l 4 iu a 1 tue boks ur iowa clr their I 1 ile gotal to the b hole all lIf Wat ls 1 Ita cheyenne wyo juna ff 0 er ear ot of fial rons county who 1 we at out with a pool boLot tolf elve auca tuca in pursuit ot of tile he union I 1 okas irian trao ilond it ins na rolt tr I 1 U returned to casper ODA nd re t e port part a skirmish his coee cil ilia halstead and ud pacan left at t 11 L m aej rid at 4 p at overtook tile fazi pel civell thirty antl mile es north ot of car cooper ca r aruin for or the river country I 1 te the robbers fire at t fc a altan 0 of liitt mile ai nl then retreated a hoot ing st tile ro aa iley ran 1 horse was killed at abe tb art 4 alre a re an I 1 I 1 or e was left arol lie it 1101 tea fifteen miles to a camp comp for ft a DW new horse and nil having aa oo 00 t of overtake oTer tilt ing af the pov a be he lo 10 caper casper flit riff eltro of converse county who na ao with tho tile P cointin aed tho the the robber robbers are on good ool horsek an I 1 are amed armed with tile latest smokeless molt lf powder loo dolt rouge rifles I 1 it Is I 1 now certain tiny are part of the leole lo in the 1 all ind lind l f outlaws tabi azri 1 a p ta aj coa store in it fontao Mon Vor itans tao utah colorado cot and U j they had thirty mlle miles to travel 11 from i the acene of the before reach ing the hole halt in the mall 1 I all region an al of root most a e district lylo iving alone 19 1 the he wg ctorn heretofore when the members of the band I 1 hae laws reached W tt s rendezvous after t conini it lt I 1 ti rig delpreda bious has ceased in I 1 till thill caaso they will be followed into I 1 the fatna and taught fought to 16 colli finish the powe posse now closing clot tog lr ir on them I 1 is beaded headed by the lai c cl I 1 beates marea marsa sheriffs and of the union I 1 a is detective detec tire department and nd no ex peace pence will be pared spared to effect their c and clean out the entire ban 1 |