Show A DARING ROBBERY 1 BANDITS HOLD UP PASSENGER TRAIN IN WYOMING 11 1 IMI ap the 11 ali sIt alvideo ka ala 1 tar ef of it 1 I 1 burr wr re lollia lol lil bf by ll Clit jenn ihyo yo june ajust Just before daylight f ridsy morning in the midst of k drenching calm the union writ west bound pt iger train was held hold up about a mile from 1 bilcox the ro ir ra r blew op up the express cr car with fill dynamite wounding roand loff abo engineer anti then escaped to the mono talus according to the it the robber robbers obtained only a nominal nom reward for their daring crime A posse the a itric of carbon county I 1 a in a penult and nd the officers are re confident of 0 capturing them I 1 he bandits six in num br her are re believed bell eved to te be of ibe the irole lo in tl ali 1 all ll fang the train was wa the passenger also carrying mall mail and express it was la in no lection sections the test section bring the ore are held field up this motion section I of 0 two mall car cars a baggage car filled cited with mall an a espre car and two well ailed filled pas couches coa chea chis v as dae due at 11 alcox at 2 09 an but it wits a little late it 11 had pard passed 11 ilax lau 1 wall wa fiad A rd by A red light between U alcox still ajtora at I 1 19 it htwa wool rf at ft a point 33 miles cat cast ot of ogden or mites miles west of j cheyenne aa As the train rose acael ed llie the bridge ono couck of the robber robbers into the tb cab a ad at the point of a gun ordered 1 n glacier jone jones to pull across tile beidl bridge 0 and anti top stop Mean meanwhile willit the others of the pane were at work la in the express car just as a the tile engine pulled off the bridge there wax was a tremendous tre explosion I 1 0 n that scattered the express car for a hundred feet in every the aud 0 alie inell car wa blown in and several u stringers knocked out erf of the bridge Ln engineer ginter jone jones wa w slightly injured by flying debral a it only required d a few favor minute minutes for the robber robbers to rioe rifle the eafe safe which was va blown blow open by tile explosion ahey took ita its content contents their cou federate on the engine ond and before the passengers an I 1 llie tile train crew were aware award of jut just I 1 nh a hal is happened tappen were off for the it ro re quiren two hour hours to clear away the wreck ao so that the train could to medicine alle dicine dow tl 11 a e next tation station from which the rep report orL as sent the passengers were cot riot by the bandits and rod the only person in aured was wa the engineer A reward of of for the arrest of the robbers acad or 11 has beep a offered I 1 y the ex capres press company |