Show LABOR UNION MASS MEETING Con considering the small email amount of advertising 11 it had bad received the vanes meeting of the labor unions last even ing drew a large attendance the chief topic was wag silver and on this subject the sentiment was unanimous and its ite expression enthusiastic J L franks president of the federated trades council presided he urged the laboring classes to come forward and demand their rights in 1111 financial matters he also reviewed briefly the silver issue 1 and came out strong in favor of th the v white metal he was followed by 11 M roberts roberta who spoke in a similar strain lie he hold held capitalists responsible for the financial distress which now afflicted the country james terry then made a speech on the chinese question denouncing all who employed mongolians Mongo lians and iad call 1 I ing upon the people to boycott such employers in this way he prop proposed to shutout shut out from all labor abd thus compel them to leave the country the following resolutions were when then s unni unanimously adopted whereas where an aa was proved by our ex peri euce ence during the civil war and suase when gold was two hundred ank two hundred and fifty the wage earne and worker prospers when money mii mi 1 i cheap and suffers when money is dear whereas A century ago it was enacted e by congress and expressly rati ratified fied in d due form of law by the legislatures of all the thirteen original states that the money of account of the united states staten and each and every state stale thereof in which all public bubli c go ao counts should be kept and all jud judgments genta rendered was and should be the dollar or I 1 unit containing grains of pure ail ver and whereas there is not now extant and never has been any law of the united states expressly repealing this enactment and 1 whereas anything requiring as this thi did the express ratification ot of all the eta states tes to give I 1 it t full force vitality and effect can only be repealed by the ex press sanction of three fourths of the s i tates of this union and no such sanction hath never been wherefore the mona of account of tho the united states and each and every statis state aa thereof is now and abw always ays has baa b been een the dollar or unit containing grains 0 at pure dilver each whereas by the express provisions or of the constitution all power and authority relative to the tender of coined money it in the batis satisfaction faction of debts is reserved to the N states wherefore all acts of congress limiting limiti ngN the amount of silver c oin coin which might be lawfully tendered at any one time lime te irta satisfaction of a debt are wholly void and Is 4 of no effect and a tender of silver coin ivi ift any and all amounts is now and always has been a good and sufficient tender tendering iw law and whereas the power and authority vested in congress to coin money waw not an absolute abbO lULe donation of such power an and d authority in fee simple but a grant thereof upon trusts some whereof are the following to wit I 1 first to administer the said power for the best good of the whole people peopled at tile the united states and not some part thereof second to preserve and secure to each and every state sate of the union whether they be now admitted or hereafter reatter he may possibility be admitted all the by any rights privileges and authority which states possessed after they had joined the union and third to administer and execute the power and authority delegated so as to in no wise affect injure or impair any right lawfully and properly belonging or appertaining to any state or individual citizen wherefore any act of congress limiting or restricting the full free and unlimited coinage of both the metals gold and silver or either eicher ot of them is contrary to the full fall and true intent and meaning of the trusts aforesaid and therefore void slid and of no effect and whereas it hath at sundry and divers times been attempted with greater or lew less success to unlawfully discriminate against thi full tree free and untrammeled use of the silver e coins of the united states and give to them an enhanced and fictitious value as tokens to that which they intrinsically possess as coin to the end that the debtor class clan in this country should be impoverished and the creditor class enriched all of which is contrary to the constitution of the united states or any free country and whereas whereas in consequence of such abuses and unlawful practices the wage earners and workers are oppressed and impoverished because while they may and possibly do receive a greater daily wage if the intrinsic value thereof be alone regarded yet nevertheless because they are unable to retain for them and all of toem them continued daily employment at such wages the intrinsic value ot of their annual earning is greatly dimini diminished she a and whereas in consequence of such abuses abnes and unlawful practices the riches of those whose capital is invested in coin or its evidences is by the artificially created scarcity of coined money largely ine increased reamed all of which is contrary to the constitution of the united states stales or any free country now therefore be it resolved that we the wage earners and workers of salt lake city in mass meeting assembled demand as a right we are entitled to demand that if upon inquiry into the matters and things aforesaid be true as we verily believe they are then that i he laws of the united states be properly enforced and that the abuses and practices complained of cease and be discontinued and be it further resolved that we urge all the wage earners and workers of what kind or description so evert ever to unite with us in this demand to the end that by united effort that impartial administration ot of the powers delegated to the executive and congress of the united states to which we are of right entitled be secured the annexed resolutions weis ul al 0 passed by the meeting whereas where the money lenders and usurers of new york city are striving to ruin the entire pacific coast by doing their utmost to dishonor silver and whereas the merchants of the same place refuse to aid the west in securing justice for silver and persists in blindly following the dictates of those who have them hoodwinked and who are striving to make slaves of the producing class clams or of their countrymen therefore be it resolved that we the workingmen ot of suit salt lake city in mass meeting assembled respectfully request the merchants of salt lake city to purchase no goods from new york city that they without 00 oo ao much of a personal sacrifice can buy elsewhere we further call their atten tion to the fact that the only hope for the west in this matter is by uniting with the south and as one good turn deserves another we would suggest the new orleans baltimore or any other southern or western seaport is just as near as new york we further believe that this action may have a tendency to 10 cause them to stud study y the silver question out of which at least there can come to them no great harm and be it resolved that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the chairman of the chamber ot of commerce for action by i t hat body and that the secretary of the federated trades of salt lake cit city be requested to forward a copy of these re resolutions to the different trades and labor unions of the entire pacific coast and request them to take the same or similar action J B rawlins made a speech in favor of silver scoring mooring some good points lie he went ao far however as to declare that tbt the theater meeting was a out cut and dried affair manipulated in the interest of capitalists H V A ferguson delivered a fiery aery speech on the silver issue and was followed by 8 P miles of butte who urged the workingmen emen to organize and make a strong fight against hurtful legislation JR JB morris county selectman made a speech against the retrenchment ciment resolution reeo lution now before the city council and at the close of his address the tol fol lowing was adopted resolved that it to is the sense of the laboring men of salt lake city as here represented that the retrenchment resolution so called now pending before the city council should not pass and that at this time all labor engaged on public works should be In increased creamed and the price thereof should rescaled be scaled up rather than down and that bona fide taxpayers be 9 given iven the preference over imported labor J B rawlings stated his conviction that those selected as silver delegates to the chicago and washington meetings should be called on before they departed for the east to announce their sentiments to the public mr rawlings Baw linge was empowered to call a public meet ing to obtain such expression J li prank frank chairman advised the workingmen to boycott all dry goods stores in the city that keep open after 7 p m mi and the meeting adjourned |