Show FALSE AS USUAL it must be among the the poor whiter of the south that the mormon elders make their converts for the better class of southern women would have nothing to do with polygamy the poor white in the days belore before the war was despised even by the negro for he did not tare fare so well an aa the slavo slave of a rich planter education has haa spread but little among these people eople who seem to have no ambition to I 1 improve merove their condition that the women of such families should desire to go to 10 some borne new place IS ia not strange for even mormonism niam could be no worse woree than the life in which they have been reared AL 8 A X chronicle the chronicle is ie evidently not much acquainted with the people of the south and except as aa in the foregoing extract when it can gratify its hatiej to some extent against another class has usually no words of commends com menda for them or theirs heirs there are a areat many members of the church in utah who came southern states and among them are men who owned property and stood high some who fought in the confederate army anti and a few who were on the other side aide some who were slave owners and some who were not but we do not know of any that are illiterate or that were so poor that they were classed among the white cramb trashy 02 to use a Congo ism indeed it Is that class more than any other that engages in mobbing and lynching lunching lyn ching of the elders in their midst as the warnings served and the appearance appear anoe of the men has fully shown while among the people of I 1 li telli genoe gence cultivation and thrift the elders have rarely had any trouble at all the NEWS can say with the utmost confidence that with very few exceptions the southerners who have come to utah have represented as goo j society as could be found anywhere north tr south they are as ao a rule weil wea educated broadminded industrious Indus rious and progressive altogether free irona from that jaundiced bigotry which forch so large a per of the makeup make up of our san francisco temporary oo and its salt lake prototype meaning that the they y live in the late afternoon rather than the early dawn of the nineteenth century |