Show gen butler and mrs Nu mumford it is very well remembered that mumford was hanged banned in new mew orleans in 1862 by gen butlers orders for hauling down the flag bag on the united states mint but there is a sequel to that historical fact that has never been published afew A few years alter the war gen butler was a member of congress and learned that mrs mum ford was in a small virginia town with her children in an almust almost de destitute sti condition A week after that Ms mrs mumford was vas appointed to a clerkship in ahe interior department she had no idea where the influence came from that put her in the position and could not learn it et enabled tabled her to live comfortably fort ably and educate her children with the first change of administration she he lost her place and was in great distress again the unknown influence come came to her and she was given another place and her salary increased A year or two afterward ay accident she found out who had bad been her unknown friend when she found fouad that lie he was the man she had bad always considered the wanton murderer of her husband she had bad a terrible struggle with herself but at last sought gen butler to thank him it is said the scene between them was a roost most moving and pathetic one cincinnati gooz mercial gazette I 1 |