Show u ai OMA pICOt KY another wonderful discovery has airs been made and that too by a lady in this bounty disease fastened its clutches upon bet and aon foi seven years she withstood its severest tests but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent ear three months she coughed couched and could not sleep leep sae bought of us a bottle battle of dr dinglo new mew discovery tor for consumption and was so kilell re lieveld on taking first dose that she siept all nigh tand with one ona bottle AS been miraculously cured her name is mrs luther lutz dutz 11 thus write WG hamrick co of shellby N C get a iree free trial bottle at A C shuh co s drug sto store re the verdict W WD D suit Dra druggist gleis ind testifies ill 1 I carl can Ere earic bitters esthe vo very best every bottle soctt hari bad fn an every eawy case one man took six bottle atell was cured ol 01 of 10 years standing abraham hare I 1 druggist drue mellville Bell vUle ohio affirms s tahe the be bett I 1 aling hae ha e i avet handled handed in my 20 years experience is electric bitters 0 thousands t others have added their testimony so that the verdict is that electric bitters do elbe eare sit alt 04 9 the liver kidneys or blood only half bait t a dollar a bottle at A 0 smith co 18 s drug store LU after forty beare years experience ip in th preparation ara 10 n of f 1 more a gre than a 0 one vu hundred n madr e ta thousand applications for pla patents tents in ia I 1 tho the united states and foreign n countries v the publishers of the scientific Amel american rican continue to act as solicitors forgeits for gents patents caveats a ard marka copy griguts 9 t etc for r th the united states and to ob obtain in patents in canada england france germany garmany and all other countries their expert eapen ence is unequaled ed and their facilities are unsurpassed pL sied dowing drawings Dra and specifications prepared ind and filed in fu t ane 0 pak patent nt office on short notice terms very seasonable nuo no charge for examination of models or 4 advice by bi mail free T Pati ar a ev anta obtained through noticed glie AMERICAN which has the he largest circulation and is if the most influential newspaper mews paper of its kind published in the world the advant advantages akes of such a notice every patentee understands this Tin large sarge and splendidly illustrated newspaper la Is published WEEKLY at year and is admixed to be the best paper devoted to science mechanics n c h inventions engineering works and ana ot other h er departments of industrial pro progress ress pub limbed in in any country it contains atif the ault names es ot of all patentees and title of every invention patented aach week try i it four months for one aillar men sold 01 id by bv all nei news vadea dealers h ers if you have bavo an invention to patent write to munn oo co publishers of scientific americus Amen Ameri cuk broadway new ew york g handbook patents mailed free fi w SALVE THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores tetter chapped lands hands chilblains cor corns us and all abkin eruptions and positively cures plies files or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by A 0 smith aco scarlet fever dalbys bobys Dar bys prophylactic fluid is unequaled in the treatment of scarlet fever used as a gargle it prevents the throat irom froin becoming beco mio allays the inflammation and nd subdues the pain used to sponge the body it allays mail tion of the skin ad destroys infection exposed in the sickroom sick room it will prevent the spread of conta contagion zion and keep the atmosphere wholesome no well regulated ho household use bold should be without a bottle of angostura bitters the world renowned appetizer and inai oi ator beware of counter t frits Asky your oar grocer or druggist dru druz gist glist for the gennivie artice manufactured by dr J G B Sl eikert sons B A I 1 I 1 B U 33 ar F FW F M ID M 1 are tb II 11 U I 1 W B anil h cn il ih and dnn alln n ct t thi bu mill hill IN K C I 1 H in R I 1 I 1 mil had 1 h born ora bi bli t tit that ill 11 ll i I 1 11 i i t kt til alrin 00 1 iud ad ka 1 f Tiu nii u i ha lire 1 large ge ud ad burt fir arri ind t u pon p on man 1 ie nizile and d amow 11 had tillas a biondi it la one lk to unlit 0 o and ad ap d pr I 1 ay h J is if H is to vort alki or ol 01 ii alil not at tin t in FIT fer liang B 0 o pinal ability ability YOU reader mn d do it n will 11 a nl aa ne 1 rite 0 us nt at 0 LI la fah bali i ir iccari we u uil 1 free adri as to maine HORSE LOST OUT TWO W WEEKS AGO A BAY A ABOUT HORSE 4 years old branded p F L on left hip finder will mill be rewarded rew aided on leaving leading information information at this office sew |