Show WONDER WONDERFUL FUli GROWTH OF THE RAILWAY THE railway statistics for the year now closing present same wonderful features some things to reflect upon the number of miles of track constructed ted was ahead of anything in that line the world ever produced before the total being miles so far as heard from wi with th some little building not yet reported which is id expected to swell the figures to enough if placed in a direct line to extend considerably more than half way around the globe the grand total of mileage is put at upon which and the extensions previously noted the amount expended during the year year was giving employment to an army of men representing fully half a million people these figures aye simply wonderful and ri represent present in a slight degree the power wielded by the iron roads a power second only perli perhaps tips to that of the press this is essentially the land of railroads containing as it does more miles than all Europe EuroP combined and considerably more wad halt half of all inthe in the world at the present rate of increase there will soon be iao BO frontiers no tracts the stage coach will exist in recollections and records past only the uses of toe the equine will be reduced as his field is curtailed and the iron horse will bethe be the recognized factor in the great industry of transportation por tation no wonder the cry goes up gathering strength and force lorce from year to year for the government to take the railroad and its indispensable adjunct the telegraph firmly into its keeping rhe fhe growing proportions of each means a corresponding growth of influence and potency and those who make the call claim that unless something divisive dici sive be done without grat de laythe government go will soon be under the control of those great corporations instead of vim vice versa it is a great problem truly when a purely mechanical and most useful enterprise assumes such proportions proportion a that those who uphold the nation which fosters it ask that the iron hand of ef power be applied to check the further spread of a real benefit but an alleged growing evil |