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Show 8B Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Mar. 9, 1983 y M 'if ' ILnEseoMe .' 4, BUSINESS SERVICE Cot o fob to do 9 Coll on someone who knows how1 30 OST iSrF 100RJWAI Pool Table Service Locksmith vice, Moving, LOCKSMITH services availabl oltor 4 pm. All Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING addition or building needs. Call 731-31evenings ask for ' Bob. and carpenter work Siding done, reasonable prices, deal direct with the people who will do the work, licensed and ex- Nail, Tip. Wrap, Monicursi ond Podicuros, Work Guaranteed 0 Teroso Ac- Rocoivoblo, appointcounts Payablo, payroll taxos, FINGERNAILS-you- r ment includes manicure, tips Lpnk statomant, billing, your and boautiful linen wrapped ffico or my homo. nails. Professionally sxpsrisne-- i d manicurist. Introductory Ixporioncod bookkooping) noat and occurato, for your $20. Satisfaction businoss. Roforoncos. Call 731 -uaranteed. Call Alice 773-04- perienced. Fro estimates, 3. winter rates, Complete Ceramic remodeling, new construction, residential, small commerical. All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, docks, concrete and aluminum stdina. Odd Jobs Til utCmements, yards,' hauling. Alteration Sdwlng Rwonabla ASSOCIAT8D CERAMIC TILE r Specialists, free ssti mates remodel, 3662. Dennis Falls Construction, NAI SCULPTURED sionally don. Introducfonr of- fer $20 per set. Call Patti Luca for appointment. 9 carpots doanodT. Carpet Cleaning ,00m' hem CUSTOM SIWINO AND ALTERATIONS 782-200-1 KAY Chimney Cleaning Painting-Texfurnin- r , , ' - ' , . v'amkJS raihiaw' WANTED INTERIOR , ' . Preparatien-ex- Sunset. Typing den In mv heme. Fast and accurat. Pickup and delivery availabl. Call Janna, TTMUTCIrarflsW 8' Piano Tuning PIANO TUNING Upholsttry Professional tuning, repairs and restorations, Full service models piano technician for allMichoel including players. Mann Music Services. 773-538- 2. FURNITURE UPHOSTERY Free Estimates, Evan's 782-394- 3, 246 E. Lomond View Dr. : Water Proofing Piano Tuning and Repair, Experienced Technician for Tired of water In your basement? Call Dayton Construction grand and all makes serving Davis County and vicinity. Take 392-111- 2 Finance availabl. . care of your life time invest- -. ments by tuning now. Cali F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS perienced fax consultant will prepare returns i the privacy of your home. Reasonable rates. Call Kent for appointment.. 546-175- -- General 120 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Aut Start Automotive Part qndjrwtatoion Center ioaCHILDCAA and Ty)- lew. Dae Rsstewrant, help, needed, CHILD what's you waitress, cashier, dishwashers, cooks, and assistant manager. No experience needed. 3. 1 CARi-- year and up, 2 t nSirwJl5niRlfdran 40 -P- ERSONALS In Bountiful home. creative term firiosd 30's Call So 2 GJenng 295-43Cntory21 Smoot 292- - my 64 OES OP INTEREST Ixperlonced child care, North LOVED ONE SICK? SALES L.P.N.'s R.N.'s Nurse Aides Companion A Fortune 3yd Co. I looking Home Cor from Day-ta- r noun, for men and women interested Grandma Thee' Medicare nbursed in dew Center opening seen in SyraCallcellect Groat 20 cuse, experience. intui limi 801 SO -- NOTICES 180 WISER 90 all nt0 Wholesale aut or for cash. part-tim- grade. byiinsii. ornings Sonfe"1"9 with $18,000 Invest. mnf. Xall 3440868 or 392-13- Would you like a business of your own? You don't need an to start. Bogin at homo ill or part time. .Singles, or married couples. Calf 393-42anyfimT399-398- 1 after 6 for appointment. Hsmes starting at $49,900 you must laaK at eyr various 3 or 745- plar.. Cali 2311. New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sun- ken living roam, finished family rom with fireplace, 2 car ggr- Vi oer .... Sm or 825-81- 1 ) 3 bed rom heme, $2000. down, area, S410.mo. struct) on Co. Inc. says Build Nowl 9 interest, fixed payment, income $2,000-$2,30- 0 to qualify. Homes with double carport, dishwasher, disposal from S33.000. Lot extra. New style house plans. Call Gqry Lucas, President and General Contractor or private 9 9 T 3152,a Asm ass & or plane lessons by Can earn $6 or Organ, qualified teacher. Small group more an hour. Call sq. .ft. retail BE Interest, We-le- Professional Metzler Plastering, sprayed Gceiling, textured ceilings, foundation, plastering and stucco. Wi hwasher, range much more. Karen Mortensen $54,000 777-79between 7 and 3 or 479-325- 3 after 6 BY PWNIR-Clearfiel- old home, d i year 4 bedroom, large sumablo, law IMorest .rate,' payments under $300. Cloi to, Freeport Center. 1176 sq. ft. inishod 87t $39,300 basement, wafiuiSBaar ' 344800 $39,900 evenings COUNTRY LIVING BeoutlfiS'ltoiwtanton, Vi from HAFB, secacre, minutes 1570 sq. n.,' luded ail e-sac, 3 yeors old, toe many extras to list, but few are double car garage with autpmatic opener,'-largredvraed dock, family with car fireplace, 3 bedroomiTl 34 baths, largo family roam and more. Loan assumption availabl. 479-94- carport. assumable loan. 773-41- fireplace, room E. Barbour Estella Epperson Barbour of Pebble Beach, Calif., died at her home Jan. 30, 1983, after a period of failing health. She was the daughter of William P. Epperson, founder of Inland Printing Company, and for many years publisher of The Weekly Reflex, Kaysville. Born July 1, 1897, in Colorado Springs, Colo., to William P. and Leonora A. Epperson, she moved with her family to Utah in 1910, where Epperson and son Clyde A. Epperson established the Inland Printing Company and published The Reflex. - 2 bedroom i starter In Ray basement, do- tochod garage and fruit trees. Ammaok 6 34 loan, price reduced far quick sol to $42,300. 8 Fall Early American Home 2 story, 2500 floor plan with upstair and down, 9 stall hors bam with fumoce, 6 acres of ground, owner carry centr olio 514 acres by house too 6. 6 BEDROOMS IN ROY 234 bathrooms, 2 full kitchsns, Farmlngton-BOWNER 3 for or perfect mother-in-la-large family bedroom, 134 both. contraL downroom for airandseopod, $79,900..! stairs. ONLY $76,000. $5,000 down, assume contract balance 3 bad-rooFlexible. Call Farmington 10 intorest. at 3 fireplaces, Easy As-Martin 773-619- 9 or JDS -- $673 ; 451 REALTORS. $122,500 HOMESTEAD sumption the weekly Ogden Post. She was a delegate several times to the national convention of the LnlTo o Bayview Club. Mrs. Barbour was a member of St. Johns Episcopal Church in Monterey, Calif., and of the Altar Guild. O Survivors include her son Richard E. Saxton, San Francisco; stepdaughter Marjorie Mrs. Barbour moved to Barbour Sloat of Oakland, Bronxville, N.Y., in the 1930s Calif. ; niece, Mrs. Betty Epperand later to California. Her hus- son Browneller, La Habra, band, Samuel Barbour, died in Calif., four grandchildren. Services were held at St. Johns 1960. In keeping with the publishing Chapel, Rev. Jerome Politzer tradition of the Epperson fami- officiating. Memorial contribuSt. Johns Chapel, Monly, Mrs. Barbour had been tions toCalif. editor and business manager of terey, march 17, 10 55 There's never been anything like it! VA -- Events Confer Wcbor State Collogc 116 Souto Fort Lon Uyton, Utah $4041 - 9 & 20 12 Noon to 0 P.M. Daily G3ce 544-41- 1 ADDING MACHINE TAPE An Alphabetical listing of Zip Codes by City and State. Very Surple and Easy to Use Rolls x 318 " Adding machine tape. Regular $48.75 case 100 5015 Special Price wea. MASKING AND NYLON STRAPPING TAPES $3295 Special Case Price AVERY 80 Commsrcial Display Eooths 'y Flower Show ii SELF-ADHESI- DATA PROCESSING LABELS Helpful & Interesting Classes Home fix-u- p, mT? ... 9JJrl1 " 2.45 roll ... 2.30 roll 2" Nylon strapping tape 4.75 roll " Masking tape 2" Masking taps " Nylon strapping tope H5615-S- W One 3b"xl516" across. 5,000 box. Special gardening, lawn care, etc. n! Regular $21.20 box . 26 horticulture classes and 1 7 artistic classes plus displays & exhibits. located on tho concourse $165V . 9 Entertainment Ogden City and Weber County schools bands and choirs plus a fashion show and musical groups. Something Every Hour of the Day rm 4 POSTAL SCALES Sponsored by MODEL PO THE PETITE MODEL F1 THE PETITE World s largesl seller for office and home Economical Accurale dial beige lone Easy housing coded dial aluminum platform 1 lb x Vi oz 1st Class 3rd ClassEurope Asia Air Priority Rales x 4"D 2"W MODEL Z 5 5 lbs x v, oz 1st Class3rd ClassParcel PoslPriority Mail v,-x 54"H x 4 D tantorfo-fExamut- V x4.H Reg. $21.95 Regular $7.50 $175 Just w: with the Ogdon Arts Commission 5 98 i Watch for complete UPSUTILITY SCALE 70 effective for UPS'Parcei osf P250 for generalindusfnal veighinq Larqedial TOP or IDE viewing Holds readmqs teavy duty Carrying handle namel finish Shock ribbed plat orm tODEL P 70 LHbs x 1 Reg. $68.95 $5495 E 2 lb I details and proiram March 16th in the th cupboard and counter space. dining roam, central air, full unfinished basement. Truly must $500 DOWN see to qppreciat. VA, apNO QUAUFYING $85000. Weekdays 3170 Porter, $43,000. $390 a proved 5' 73 1 576 Twoekends month, 2 bedrooms, dining, fireplace, fenced yard, laundry Energy efficient home. 3 b andstorag. 5464)922 or 77(b rooms, 13 baths, lVk acre share water. Good fireund, Call Clean-san- d Daughters of the American Revolution, and founding secret-er-y of the American Red Cross in Utah. She later became national vice president of the American Legion Auxiliary and was an early member of the with large master bed-rifireplace and walk-i- n Obituaries Estella Ley- - Help Build Your Own Hem interest Stats Atoney avail- -. 5 down. Lots in Layton parts, Excellent Ms!r money bonuses. For appointment or interview 825-28NEED MONEY? Sell Avon full COUNTY" (A BUILDER MUST SELL (heir own without risk. Writ for appointment. Box Ogden Standard Examiner. tion, Lev to tend your children. 6 Holrstyllit wanted In Layton, REAL ESTATEFOR SALE Mok money from day !. No a.m. thru 6 p.m. Hof meal Considering a career change? clientele needed. Progreuive, served. Country Oak ConWr looking fer men and 160-ARIA serious stylists only. Dale's women. Bright, articulate, indidominium. Layton. Call 776-67- 1 1 4 kedroem trame house with viduals looking for good money Catherin. 446-60appointment Our Need babysitter in garage in Lima Atontona, gate&nd Independence. Join put domestic staff, 1 my her it helping people atway to same at AApntqna's far my 2 year old weekdays opening. Bountiful financial success, by showtain hunting ana fishing. greatest grso. flsxibl hour . ing them hew they can moot 4, ray area, 773-2- 1 87. Cameswith 2 targe adjoining Need playmate far (taro year their Investment objectives. After you're invited to join us, w old. Bov or girl. Our .home Non LDS pleas. invest our time, money, and a Large and fast growing Fla- tional AAarkofing Firm searching Koyivillo, Farmington. groat deal of effort. You repay tofor full or part fim candidates. and jNMvIth your energy Would lev to tend children Top part fimer mad $40,000 170 -C- ONDOMINIUMS ogee infant to 4 last year, pleas send We'll tell you everything you Clearfield home. BEST CONDOMINIUM BUYt need to knew to get starred. toi PO box Two qppeiout bedrooms, built-in- s, Then well teach you hew to be 84409 Attem 105 -E- LDERLY CARE refrigerator, thermopan even more effective through Need Cocktail Waitress, our and deWonderful car for elderly windows,, luxurious carpets carcontinuing professional Bartenders and Disc Jockeys, , -, swimming pool, home atmosin velopment nice ladies, program. Apply in person between 2 You'll earn while Near and storage. pane food, private or you learn. After good phere, and 3 p.m. The Balcony 2402 nni is court. Everything in that It's your own business. If semi private rooms, modest Wall Avo. Ogden. heautiu dean condition, this sounds good to you. Conprices, many reference. 479-85Where can you boat all this for Need telephone eelicitor for tact: or only $39,500? Low down pay- business, pays Dwight Adams carpet cleaning ment and low interest. Call commission. K interested call Al District Sales AAanager 776-235right now before this jewel is P.O. Box 3354T soldi Mr. Pprks 250-591- 8 Utah 84409 FUN NANO LESSONSI ImproOgden. New-Lif- e Realty. Mana49-306- 8 ReceptioniitBusinoss vising popular songs many 4 ger for growing Denial pracvrays, plus scolos, chords, tice. W need a strong, outgo- Investors Diversified Services Inc. sightreading, harmonizing, at ing personality, willing to in 30 keys, tom- in our team effort. At- Earn extra money. Have fun for plot, oroonizod nomodc titude as important at experisoiling children's mus 546-266- 7. odultsanachildron. AAusic Brit a ence. Salary plus incentive far repn after Loom how to program compu-tor- s the right person. Resume-ple- as in basic dassos. Bogimng to Box 3. Ogden Jobs with Fortune 500 Com-pon- y March 22. Limitod doss six. Standard Examiner in sales. Excellent opporE Rico Electronics YorkshiraMooaows almost tunity for self motivated person Classified is a proven" to be independent. No experience Excellent necessary. 'performer. Turn to classified when you want to sell something or, 3000 FOR SALS Dpening fer Ambitleu Fee-d- I to develop a business of. I'd lev to tend yevr children, agt 776362 ' Become a 'Sucker Shoppe ARTISTS INVITED demonstrate tuc- Licensed To show and sell your art In our family Jay rare, ker molds, have fun. and earn Atom would lav to car for professional Fin Ail Show at. extra money. Flexible hours, Fashion Place Mall, Murray children 3 weeks and older, littl fro or Investment and no (Salt Lake). Wodithrough Sun. Layton 344-473training. Donna 344-972Bills got you slown? lam $10- - Licensed day ear, Layton hot lunch, 2 snacks, and through Sun. Oct 12-1$lz per hour as Princess House octlvltls. 344-439-0 by pRono (714)993-730- 1 Crystal consultant. Free training, car ond phono required. Lev to tend l or 2 children In Set awn hours, no delivery. our Clearfield home near Holt 80 JOBSF INTEREST Minimum Initial cost. Phone EJementarjdays Of evening. 3 GENERAL for mere informa- biw Assume VlAL ISTATi ! 3, story edging, trimming, prunning, rakin leaves, power raking, shrubs, flowerbeds, top son, retaining wal't, haul trash, now sod or repairs, anything you want for maintenance. Fro estimate Plaitgring per inch In Special) Move (Twnhie 3 bedrooms, nice decor and leveling, Insulation Urethane Insulation 4x8 foam sheets, Vi x 4 in. 190 -- DAVIS COUNTY A m;;i maksiOn Association of Teachers of Singing. In-t- o GENSRAl . TOSSED OP INTEREST BS , COUNTY 10-V- lkt FIND FREEDOM. BEAUTY, RICHNESS in singing. Barbara Jonkins' p44-2l4in vocal Rich background technique and musical theater performance. Affiliated with National RIAL ESTATE PORJALE Yard Car 544-107- 5 5. thick 11394-39- 776-47- processing, Typing, word-dat- a 'letters ana forms. 5 HOUSE PAINTING AND EXTERIOR, For estimate 2 Income Tax Data Scribe able price. Coll Dan INCOME TAX PREPARATION Fast and accurate returns pre- -. pared in the privacy of your home. Federal, State and out-- " of state covered. Computer processed and printed. Audit service included! Coil Grant 546-053- 4 for appointment. businesses. TYPINOW RESUMES IntoriorExtariar, neat, fait, quality work don at a reason- -, Tax returns prepared in your home m CPA. Past service, reasonable. Call 298-35for appointment. " Accurate, fast, tax returns, prepared for families and - Typing 546-063- TAX SERVICE Dependable - honest tax pro - guaranteed, r, winter rates, fro caroet dean- jW,, with ockK room painted. Incemt Tax ,R?Jd g etc Interior-exterio- Michoil 5 Imatos -- 1348 SERVICES- TREE COMPLETE Topping, cutting down, digging up roots, shaping, prunmng, 5 Need Help with your Spring 4 or Cleaning? Call AM ft, Service b Complete Tree Service Household Cleaning a 392-890- 9 Tree-Shru- THE CHIMNEY SWEEP MAN CALL spe-o- ol room addition, garage conversions, basements, free estimates. No jab too small. 776- - 4319. Nood your hall, doing. 80-JO- RIAL ESTATE POR SALE -J- Acrylic Bookkeeping Serre-- 343-314- 7 Lino, Lovolor'i now lowott cost blind. Shop by phono. Samploi Manicurist maiiod or aolivoroa. InitaTla-tio- n availabio. Froo Dolivory. Nall and wrap don by Tip Mooturo your windows and call Sholli. Call for appointment, Kont or Susan, anytimo, for 120. complete, 3940893 479-30pricos Account Peel Table Experienced Coll POUND -L- ittal, vicinity liVOLOR WINDOW BLINDS GuarantstqlowMt PrlcM Atk about "Thrifty Custom Woman da you need additional incomer You can work from your homo, earn, S400. to 1200. a manth-part-tlrMinimal Initial investment under $20. You can own your own business. Investigate our op- 2 or portunlty. Phan (Dflaeolffifleail DIRECTORY Blind OP INTEREST C1NERAL 0-J- OBS , V.S, v 0dan Standard-Examine- r. r l |