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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH 00 Of The Newest ATH i ' . For Women Misses Selling at $32.50 Values Many of these were Just Received by Express $25.00 $30.00 $29.75 $27.50 And Represent the Newest Models Yet Created. THE STORE DONT DELAY YOUR tjF fi WITH BETTER STYLES t AND LOWER PRICES CHRISTMAS SHOPPING It SOUTH CACHE Fridaj. Nov. COURIER 1917; 30, The An Operetta in Three Acts entered at the Pwtoffice at Hyrutn, Utah, ai second class mail matter, under the Act of March 3 1879 J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager National Flower Will be Presented by the HYRUM DISTRICT SCHOOLS ' AT THE Local News DRESSMAKING done by Lola Adv. Johnson, Hyrum. Buy your Victr'olas at the HyAdv. rum Clothing Co. Use KREAM KRISP for cooking REX THEATRE Thursday Evening, Dec. 13, 1917 CAST OF CHARACTERS Adv. Judge in place of butter. Suits cleaned and pressed $1.25. Bailiff Adv. T Hyrum Clo. Co. Bethea Cutler ...Clarence Allgaier j Caroll Olsen - Overcoats made to order in any style, guaranteed all Wool $16.50. Adv. Hyrum Clo. Co. i & FOR SALE Second hand harness in good condition. Apply .to LeRoy Adv. Nielsen, City. FOR SALE Building lot close in, taxes and water front paid. Apply Adv. to LeRoy Nielsen, City. FOR SALE or rent, two room house and lot with other improvements. Apply to Maria Albertsen, Adv. Hyrum 1st Ward. Street Supervisor John Holm is ... awyers Goldenrod Clover Oak Tree ... Sunflower Onion Uncle Sam Thistle j Bartlett Parkinson . . . .. ... ... ... - ... ... .. . Ebba Peterson ..Lucy Fennimore ...Leland Wahlen .. Elton Olsen ... ...Ross Eliason ..J. Woodrow Wilson .. .. ..George Eliason Jury, Daisies, Roses, Lilies, etc.. ARGUMENT. Candidates for the position of National Flower have been summoned to appear before a judge and jury, there to plead each one his own case. After giving reasons for desiring to be the National Flower, each aspirant remains to listen to the stories of his rivals. Occasionally weeds stray in, to the horror of the assembled-flowers- , and consternation is great when an onion chances to look in upon the scene. The jury which will happily illustrate the way judicial affiairs will be disposed of when women are eligible to office acting under instructions from the judge, endeavors to decide in favor of the most useful, as well as the most beautiful flower. Uncle Sam volunteers some valuable information, after which the flowers express their hearty approval of the one chosen, and the contest is happily and satisfactorily ended. If those of our subscribers who LOST A gold w atch somewhere have not yet paid for last years along the streets of Hyrum, Wedsubscription would kindly call in Finder leave at and settle, we would greatly ap- nesday evening. Adv- this office and be rewarded. preciate it. Ebba Petersen . 1.00 Nelton Smith ..1.00 Emmett Savage.. W. A. McBride. 2. 50 W. E. Petersen... .1.00 H. H. Petersen C. H. Nielsen. ..1.00 . 1.00 Lenard Larsen... Victor Jensen . 5.00 O. H. Birch Jens R. Jensen 2.50 Jos. Olsen Nielsen 2.50 James Jensen 2.00 Chris Olsen Leroy - 5.00 Margret McBrid H. C. Jensen 2.50 T. W. Hutton 1.00 T. W. Petersen - 10.00 B. L. Nielsen Grace Autrieth 1.00 Maud Liljenqnist 3.00 Ether Nielsen Lewis Ophlia E. F. Lee 3.00 John C. Jensen - 1.00 Jos. F. Nielsen 3.00 Roy Wahlen Ole Tronstad 1.50 Geo. Anderson Abe 1.00 G. W. Goodhue 1.00 Jensen Ingborg H. Facer P. 2.00 Jensen Jensina K. Rose 10.00 Fay Hans Mikklesen 2.00 Mrs. A. B. Nielsen 5.00 H. I. Nielsen - 5.00 G. A. Anderson 2.00 Dr. Eliason Ray Petersen 2.00 A. Christiansen - 5.00 N. J, Nielsen Clara Williams - 2.00 H. G. Shaw 2.50 J. A. Wahlen Francis Olsen - 1.00 G. N. Anderson N. J. Larsen 3.00 Jacob Janes Soren Antonsen 1.00 Harry Hamburg- - 2.00 D. O. Nielsen Michel Jensen 3.00 Z.'W. Israelsen - 5.00 N. C. Nielsen - 5.00 C. Christoffersen 2.00 A. J. Clawson W.fJ. Fryer A. Westerberg 1.00 Allie Petersen - 5.00 J. W. Anderson 2.00 H. S. Williams - 5.00 Ellen Allen J. C. Anderson Veda Anderson 1.00 Alfred Fallows . 2.50 Louis Maughan 1.50 N. H. Salversen - 3.00 A. J. Williams May Maughan 1.00 Magnus Monson - 5.00 Christine Rose Margret Cutler M. S. Rosenbgum 3.00 Thomas Fallows - 5.00 Ezra Petersen C. R. Jensen 5.00 Mantell Monson - 2.00 Willard Rose 1.00 Fred Anderson - 3.00 Eugene Petersen Harvey Petersen C. F. Olsen - 10.00 John Eliason 2.00 Bent Nielsen Albert Nielsen 1.00 Ernest Eliason - 2.00 Leroy McBride Wm. Salversen 2.00 Gustave Eliason - 2.00 A. A. Savage - 1.00 R. A. Eliason J. E. Midgley 2.00 Ren Eliason Chris Christensen 10.00 H. Gulbransen - 1.00 G. W. Allen f f? ti ?$ t ? f? oyer-subscribe- d, T over-subscripti- 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 4 00' 2.00 2.03 1.03 2.03 1.03 1.03 5.00 5.03 1.53 2.03 5.03 2.03 4.00 5.00 1.03 5.03 1.53 2.53 4.03 2.03 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 I To be Continued. engaged with a force of men and teams hauling gravel and improv- ing our main street, this week. FOR SALE 50 gallon barrels, good for salting meat. Price $1.25 Order before Monday at 9 oclock. Adv. Alvin Allen, Hyrum. The Misses Hazel and Jennie Popular Prices. Everybody Invited' James of Paradise who are teaching school in Logan spent last Saturday T and Sunday with friends at home. X Miss by , They were accompanied Casto, also a teacher a3 their guest. Manager Jensen of the Rex has At the close of the campaign for the Soldiers Welfare Fund; and been furnishing the people of Wells-vill- e after the canvassing committee turned in their reports it was found that with amusement in the picture the amount was well the allotment being $500.00 for X show line, since their opera house Hyrum. burned down, and from reports At a meeting held by the committee later, the question was discurrent he has been giving them cussed as to whether they should turn in the or hold it X some good stuff. until another time. All voted to hold it and sent the $500.00 to the The Utah Power and Light Co. central county committee, holding the amount of $202.75 over subscribed. completed their line to Paradise on The amount contributed was $702.75. beFollowing are thenamein part of the donors and the amount con- X Tuesday of last week,the day and the lights tributed fore Thanksgiving, by each. X were turned on that night. No Jas. Facer... $10.00 Robt. M. Petersen. .$10.00 H. P. Nielsen.. $ 5.00 T doubt the good people of Paradise J. Allgaier.. .. 1.00 Vernon C. Olsen 1.50 R. E. Hubbard... 1.00 1.00 Isabelle Savage... 1.00 had something to be thankful for. Leroy Jensen ..5.00 Albert Savage Soldiers Welfare Fund, JL ? t? T v Christmas Prices lbs. Rice cans Corn 3 pks. Tree Tea 35c pks Oats Large can milk, 2 for Small can milk, 4 for. . . 30c 25c 25c Raisins 13c Golden Egg Macaroni.... Corn, per lbs.... Prunes per lbs 60c can Golden Syrup 20c can 9c 13c' 13c 40c 17c 8 2 60c 25c 65c ? t f f tf T ff t ALLEN BROS. t t HYRUM, UTAH t |