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Show And I beg that the members of the Statesmen reparation and settlement. permit me must by this time have learned that the house of representatives will will be imto express the opinion that it opinion of the world is everywhere wideawake and fully comprehends the issues possible to deal in rny but a very wasteinvolved. No representative of any self ful and extravagant fashion with the enormous appropriations of the public governed will dare disregard it by atmoneys which must continue to be made, tempting any such covenants of selfishness and compromise as were entered into if the war is to be properly sustained, the congress of Vienna. The thought of unless the house will consent to return to the plain people here and everywhere its former practice of initiating and preall appropriation bills through a throughout the world, the people who en- pared joy no privilege and have very simple and single committee, in order that responsiexpenditures unsophisticated standards of right and bility. may be centered, uniform and waste price will be. It Will be full, Imwrong, is the air all governments must standardized and made President Requests Immedi- that and duplication as much as possible partial Justice justice done at every henceforth breathe if they would live. point and to every nation that the final It is in the full disclosing light of that avoided. must settlement our as enemies ate Declaration of War OTHER LEGISLATION. affect, thought that all policies must be conwell as our friends. ceived and executed in this midday hour Additional legislation may become necYou huwith the Austria-Hungarvoices me, catch, of of y. the world's life. German rulers have essary before the present congress again on manity that are in the air. They grow been able to upset the peace of the adjourns in order to effect the most efdally more audible, more articulate, more world only because the German people ficient coordination and operation of the and they come from the were not persuasive, syssuffered, under their tutelage, railway and .other transportation hearts of men everywhere. They Insist to share comradeship of the other tems of the country; but to that I shall, PACIFISTS ARE WARNED that the war shall not end In vindictive peoples ofthe the world, either in thought if circumstances Bhould demand, call the action of any kind; that no nation or or in purpose. They were allowed to attention of the congress upon another people shall be robbed or punished behave no opinion of their own which occasion. cause the Irresponsible rulers of a sinbe set up as a rule of conduct If I have overlooked anything that country have themselves done deep might for those who exercised authority over ought to be done for the more effective Suggests That Instead of Confining gle abominable wrong. and concludes them. conduct of the war, your own counsels congress that Enemy Allens In Comfortable InIt is this thought that has been ex- this warButwillthefeel of will supply the omission. I am full the strength In the formula, "No annexations, the tides that run now in the hearts perfectly clear about is that What ternment Camps That They Be pressed In the presno no indemncontributions, punitive and consciences of free men everywhere. ent session of congress our whole atPut In Penitentiaries. ities." Just because this crude formula Its conclusions will run with those tides. tention and energy should be concenexpresses the instinctive judgment as to TRUE FROM BEGINNING. trated on the vigorous, rapid and sucof plain men everywhere, it has All these things "have been true from cessful prosecution of the great task of President Wilson, ad- right Washington. been made diligent use of by the masthe very beginning of this stupendous winning the war. German intrigue to lead the peodressing the members of congress on ters of Russia We can do this with all the greater and I cannot help thinking that astray and the people of war, December 4, called upon congress to ple of other zeal and enthusiasm because we know if had the at been made very they plain their country agents could of high printhe sympathy and enthusiasm of that for us this is ano war declare a state of war against Austria-Hungar- every reach In order that a premature peace outset selfish ambition once ciple, based upon been Russian have the might people, be about before autocbrought might Decause we of conquest or spoliation; for all enlisted on the side of the alracy has been taught its final and conthat we suspicion and distrust swept away know, and all the world knows, Pledging America to war to victory vincing lesson and the people of the lies, the and a real and lasting union of purpose have been forced into it to save corput in control of their own destiand declaring nothing shall turn us world believed these very instance we live under from effected. Had they nies. The purposes the very moment of their revo- poration and destruction. aside, he asked that Austria-HungarBut the fact that a wrong use has things at and had they been confirmed in of the central powers strike straight at idea is no reason lution,belief te formally listed among Americas been amade ofusea just we believe of heart everything since, the sad reverses which the very should not be made of that right warfare outrage enemies to remove this embarrassing why recently marked the progress of in; their methodsof ofhumanity it. It ought to be brought under the have and of their affairs towards an ordered and every principle Obstacle that stands in our way. patronage of its real friends. stable government of free men might knightly honor; their intrigue has cor-of HUN MASTERS. CRUSH The Russian peobeen avoided. Any peace that America makes must rupted the very thought and spirit Let it be said that autocracy havehave been poisoned by the very same many of our people; their sinister and Include delivery of the peoples of must first be shownagain the utter futility of ple to take our that have kept the German secret diplomacy has sought claims to power or leadership in the falsehoods Austria-Hungarfrom us and disaway the has and in Turkey and the Bal- - ita the poison very territory people dark, modern world. It is impossible to apply been administered by the very same rupt the union of the states. Our safety any standard of Justice so long as such hands. The only possible antidote is the would be at an end, our nonor forever as are undefeated forces unchecked and Belgium from Prussian domination, he the and brought into contempt, were masters of Germany com- - truth. It cannot be uttered too plainly sullied we to permit their triumph. They are tsald. The president suggested reme- - man( present Not until that has been done can or too often. From every point of view, therefore, striking at the very instance of democtflial legislation to meet the railroad right be set up as arbiter and peace- has seemed to be my duty to speak racy and liberty. it maker among the nations. But when these declarations of purpose, to add PURPOSE OF WAR. and food price situation. that has been done as, God willing, it these specific interpretations to what I It is because it is for us a war of high, The latter, lie said, was based on assuredly will be we shall at least be took the of. saying to the senate disinterested purpose, in which all the an unprecedented thing and liberty to do free selfishness at present rather than on this is the time to avow our purpose to in January. Our entrance into the war free peoples of the world are banded todo it. We shall be free to base peace has not altered our attiiwde towards the gether for the vindication of right, a war the law of supply and demand. He on and justice, to the exclu- settlement that must come when it is for the preservation of our nation and of urged legislation for full use of nat- sion generosity of all selfish claims to advantage over. When I said in January that the all that it has held dear of principle and nations of the world were entitled not of purpose, that we felt ourselves double ural resources and waterpower of the even on the part of the victors. outcome Let there be no misunderstanding. Out only to free pathways upon the sea, but in constrained propose for its country, more drastic laws to punish present and immediate access only that which is righteous and of irretask Is to win the also to assured and unmolested our foes as well alien enemies and an. amendment to war and nothing shall turn us aside from to those pathways, I was thinking, and proachable intention, for cause am thinking now, not of the smaller as for our friends. The I power just until is it it Every accomplished. men women as well as Include under and resource we possess, whether of men, and weaker nations alone, which need and holy, the settlement must being be of like For this we can our countenance and support, but also motive and quality. of money, or of materials, is being dethe alien enemy act. and will continue to be devoted to of the great and powerful nations and fight, but for nothing less noble or less The president suggested that instead voted his cause until it is achieved. Those of our present enemies as well as our worthy of our traditions. Fort that purpose we entered the war and for this cause of confining enemy aliens in comfort- - who desire to bring peace about before present associates in the war. will we battle until the last gun is fired. that purpose is achieved I counsel to WAR WITH AUSTRIA. able internment camps they be put in carry because this I have spoken plainly their advice elsewhere. We will now I was am and seems to me the time when it is most thinking, thinking it. penitentiaries, where they can be notWeentertain of as Austria the rest, herself, among necessary to speak plainly, in order that regard the war as won only made to work as other criminals do. when shall as of Serbia and of Poland. Jusall the world may know that even in the the German people say to us, well and tice equality of rights can be had heat and ardor of the struggle and wnen The pi'esident spoke as follows: through properly accredited representais of carrying the price. We are seeking our whole tives, that they are ready to agree to a only at a great not temporary foundations for war through thought to its end we have not forGentlemen of the Congress: settlement based upon justice and the permanent, must seek or of and world the principle for which gotten any ideal Eight months have elapsed since I reparation of the wrongs their rulers the peace candidly and fearlessly. As always, the name of America has been held in had the honor of addressing you. They have done. They have done a wrong to them be to the will nations and for which the honor expedient. prove right among Belgium which must be repaired. They have been months crowded with events have What shall we do, then, to push this it has been our glory to contend in the over other lands a established power of Immense and grave significance for and peoples than their own over the great war of freedom and justice to its great generations that went before us. us. I shall not undertake to detail or great empire of We must clear A supreme moment of history had come. over righteous conclusion? The eyes of the people have been opened even to summarize these events. The hitherto free Balkan states, over Turkey away with a thorough hand all impediwe must make and they see. The hand of God is laid to ments success and relinmust be Asia within and which we of the part practical particulars upon the nations. He" will show them every adjustment (ft law that will facilihave played in them will be laid before quished. tate the free and Aull use of our whole favor, I devoutly believe, only if they ADMIRE INDUSTRY SKILL. executive of in the the reports you rise Jo the clear heights of his own jusand, fonpa-- a fighting unit. success by skill, by industry, capacity One very embarrassing obstacle' that tice and mercy. departments. I shall discuss only our byGermanys we did not by knowledge, enterprise war we at are our in is that way present outlook upon these vast af or oppose, but admired, rather. stands Germany, but not with her allies I ".fairs, our present duties and the im grudge She had built up for herself a real em- with Sane, but Insane. therefore very earnestly recommend that by mediate means of accomplishing the pire of trade and influence, secured United declare Sane the but congress conmad, according to the docimmediately were the peace of the world. We objects we shall hold always in view. state of war with Austria tors, a man has been released from a abide the rivalries of manufac- States in aDoes I shall not go back to debate the tent to to you it seem strange science and commerce that were in- Hungary. of London asylum. He had been suffer causes of the war. The intolerable ture, volved for us in her success and stand that this should be the conclusion to ing' from insomnia and was addressed I the have us argument just or fall as we had or did not have the wrongs done and planned against given an It is not. It is in fact the in,by the sinister masters of Germany brains and the initiative to surpass her. you? some of of morsaid. I evitable have injection of what conpreparation logic had she 'have long since become too grossly But at the moment when y is for the time being phia, the effects of which were pracof peace she obvious and odious to every true spicuously won her triumphs them away, to establish in tneir not her own mistress, but simply the American to need to he rehearsed. But threw tically unknown. He went to stey at of the German government. what the world will no longer per- vassal I shall ask you to consider again and stead We must face the facts as they are a boarding house and in giving a readto be established, military and pomit with a very grave scrutiny our ob- litical domination by arms, by which to and act upon them without sentiment in where she could not excel the rivals this stern business. The government of ing from Dickens Impersonated jectives and the measures by which oust is not acting upon its As Pickwick was in the midmost she feared and hated. we mean to attain them; for the pur to the dle of his The peace we make must remedy that own initiative or in response pose of discussion here in this place wrong. performance the doctor who own peoples, must deliver the once fair wishes and feelings of its is action, and our action must move lands andIt happy of Belgium and but as the instrument of another nation. had attended him came to the house, peoples own straight toward definite ends. Our northern France from the Prussian con- We must meet its force withas our but one. and, assuming his dressing up to be regard the central powers conducted object is, of course, to win the war; quest and the Prussian menace, but it and an act of insanity, gave a certificate The war can be successfully and we shall not slacken or suffer our- must also deliver the peoples of the peoples of the Balkans m no other way. next selves to be diverted until it is won. day for his removal to the couna to in also lead same The the peoples of Turkey alike logic would Europe But it is worth while asking and an- and alien declaration of war against Turkey and try asylum. from and and the Asia, impudent swering the question, When shall we dominion of the Prussian military and Bulgaria. They also are the tools of consider the war won? commercial autocracy. Germany. But they are mere tools and of Gnats of Manv Varieties. From one point of view, it is not We owe it, however, to ourselves to do not yet stand in the direct path necessary action. We shall go wherThe necessary to broach this fundamental say thator weto do not wishthein any way to our gnat is only one of the many war of ever this the necessities carry rearrange matter. I do not doubt that the Amer impair of mosquito known to dipter-istshould we no seems me ours to but is of that species affair it us, It empire. lean people know what the war is what they do with their own life, either go only where immediate and practical there are no fewer' Altogether an outcome about and what sort of industrially or politically. We do not considerations lead us and not heed any than 35 as described as natives of Euthey will regard as a realization of purpose or desire to dictate to them in others. their purpose on it. As a nation we any way. We only desire to see that FINANCIAL MEASURES. while as many as 100 different rope, their are own in affairs their left hands, are united in spirit and intention. The financial and military measures varieties are scattered over the rest in all matters, great or small. We shall HEAR DISSENTING VOICES. must be adopted, will suggest of the world. hope to secure for the peoples of the which Of this large number I pay little heed to those who tell Balkan peninsula and for the people of themselves as the war and its undertakdevelop, but I will take the liberty some are known by the Spanish name me otherwise. I hear the voices of the Turkish empire the right and oppor- ings to make their own lives safe, their of proposing to you certain other acts of of mosquito that Is, dissent who does not? I hear the tunity fortunes little fly which seem to me to be needsecure oppression legislation criticism and the clamor of the noisily own for while others are content with the title or injustice and fromagainst of ed for the support of the war andenerdictation the the release of our whole force and thoughtless and troublesome. I also courts or parties. of gnat; but from a scientific point ' see men here and there fling them foreign gy. It will be necessary to extend in ATTITUDE TOWARD GERMANY. of view there is no difference between of the certain the legislation in particulars selves impotent disloyalty against And our attitude and purpose with re- last session with regard to alien enemies; the insect known under these different the calm, indomitable power of the gard to Germany herself are of a like and also necessary, I believe, to create nation. I hear men debate peace who kind. We intend no wrong against the a definite and particular control over popular names. understand neither its nature nor the German empire; no interference with her thevery entrance and departure of all persons affairs. We should deem either and from the United States. way in which we may obtain it with internal one or the other absolutely unjusti- into the Coal to Replace Logs. and unbroken Legislation should be enacted defining But eyes uplifted spirits. to the fiable, prinabsolutely contrary vioa as willful criminal offense I know that none of these speaks for ciples we every For more than a century theold have professed to live by and lation of the presidenetial proclamations courthouse of the nation. They do not touch the to hold most sacred our life throughout to alien enemies Fairfax, Va., has been relating promulgated heart of anything. They may safely as a nation. section 4067 of the revised statutes heated with long logs of wood In The people of Germany are now being under big be left to strut their uneasy hour and and appropriate punishments; told by the men who they now permit and providing be forgotten. women as well as men should be stoves that kept the rooms as comto deceive them masas to act and their But, from another point of view, I be- ters that included under the terms of the acts fortable as could be desired. Now the they are fighting for the very placing restrains lieve that it is necessary to say plainly life upon alien enemies. It county board of and existence war of their a empire, we seat at con of supervisors is going here action the what of desperate self defense against delib- is likely that as time goes on many alien .sicler the war to be for, and what part erate enemies will be willing to be fed and to make a change. Coal is to be he more could aggression. Nothing we mean to play in the settlement of at the expense of the government substituted for wood as a or wantonly false, and we must housed heating in its searching issues. We are spokesmen grossly the be detention would and it camps by the utmost openness and canof the American people, and they have seek, the purpose of the legislation I have sug- medium, and at a meeting of the suour dor as to to real convince aims them a right to know whether their purpose its falseness. We are in fact fighting gested t confine offenders among them pervisors coal burning stoves were oris ours. They desire peace by the over- of for their emancipation from fear, along in penitentiaries and other similar- inonce of for with our own from the fear as well as stitutions where they could be made to dered purchased and fuel for them seevil, by the defeat coming as other criminals do. all of the sinister forces that Interrupt from the fact of cured. Whether the change will suit attack by neigh- work Recent experience" has convinced me the ultra peace and render it impossible, and they bors or rivals orunjust schemers world after conservatives, and there are wish to know how closely our thought empire. No one is threatening ' the ex- that the congress must go further in auruns with theirs and what action we istence or the independence or the peace- thorizing the government to set limits to said to be many of them in Fairfax propose. They are impatient with those ful enterprise of the German empire. prices. The law of supply and demand, county, remains to be seen. I am sorry to say, has been replaced by who desire peace by any sort of comThe worst that can happen to the detrilaw of unrestrained selfishness. While promise deeply and indignantly impa- ment of the German people is this, that the we be will have eliminated profiteering in sevequally impatient if they should still, after the war is over, tient; but they Would Rather Walk. eral branches of industry, it still runs imwith us if we do not make it plain to continue to be obligated to live under them what our objectives are and what ambitious and Intriguing masters inter- pudently rampant in others. The farmers, When Nellies father came in on his we are planning for in seeking to make ested to disturb the peace of the world, for example, complain with a great deal horse .he got off picked her up, and men or classes of men whom the other of justice that, while the regulation of conquest of peace by arms. HUNS MUST BE CRUSHED. put her on the horses back while he peoples of the world could not trust, it food prices restricts their incomes, no reI believe, that I speak for them when might be impossible to admit them to the straints are placed upon the prices of shut the gate. No sooner had he I say two things: First, that this intol- partnership of nations which must hence- most of the things they must themselves his back turned on than he heard the and similar obtain Iniquities erable thing of which the masters of forth guarantee the worlds peace. That purchase; must be a partnership of all sides. sound of horses hoofs and knew that Germany have shown us the ugly face, partnership this menace of combined intrigue and peoples, not a mere partnership of gov- USE OF WATER POWER. It is imperatively necessary that the the horse had begun to run for the force which we now see so clearly as ernments. It might be impossible, also in such untoward to a conadmit German consideration without the circumstancs, power of the full use of the water stable. He looked around quickly, exthing science or honor or capacity ror cove- Germany to the free economic intercourse power of the country and also the considpecting to find her badly hurt, but innanted reace must be crushed and, if it which must undoubtedly spring out of eration of the systematic and yet econombe not utterly brought to an end, at the partnerships of a real peace. But ical development of such of the natural stead she had slipped off and stood would be no aggression in that; and resources of the country as are still under placidly smiling. I fought I least shut out from the friendly inter- there preferred com se of the nations; and second, that such a situation, inevitable because of the control of the federal government to walk, she replied, . distrust, would in the very nature of should be immediately resumed and afwhen this thing and its power are indeed defeated and the time comes that things sooner or later cure itself, by profirmatively and constructively dealt with at the earliest possible moment. we can discuss peace when tne German cesses which would assuredly set in. The OF RIGHTING whose WRONGS. word we can have pressing need of such legislation is daily spoken people New Pencil Holder. The wrongs, the .very deep believe, and when those spokesmen are becoming more obvious. For persons name of The' their to ac in in the war last at using pencils almost this the to legislation will be people have proposed ready judgment of the na- - righted. That of course. But they can- Ression with regard to regulated combina- continuously a. clip has been invented pept the common shall - "itions tions among our exporters, in order to to hold one on henceforth be the not and must not be righted by the comas to what the back of the left provide for our foreign trade a more ef(bases of law and of covenant for the mission of similar wrongs against Gerwe fective organization and method of coophand momentarily when the right hand be world shall har life of the allies. willing and many and for peace, and The world will not permit the commiseration, ought by all means to be com- Is occupied for other work. glad to pay the full price We know what sion of similar wrongs as a means of pleted at this session. (pay it ungrudgingly. FIGHT TO VICTORY DEMAND OF WILSON Had To Give WuAJnosirHnUc With tad T 0 wer,e. Jnf1 ! regulated l and Z no or rheumatic ake D??!1 3 occasionally and keep my kidneys in good health .Sworn F. W. to before me CASSIDY, JR., Notary Public. Get Doans at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S , s VllK I didnt on accunt of the terrible pains in my back and head seemed to do me a bit i Nothing taking Doans FllneJ ITbegai Pill8. soon see they were helm ing me; the backache stopped, my kid y, - P.h needles were sticking into them. I had to give up finally and went zrom bad to worse. lMy kidneys didnt right and the secretions were scanty and I had aw-fdistressing. dizzy spells when ewthing before me turn- ed black; one time I Mix Shatter couldn t see for twenty ful pains in my head minutes. Aw-salmost frantic and I was so nervous stand the least noise. How y y, the Suffering of Kidney Com- pliint Doan's Made Her Well y. Austria-Hungar- Un 1VIDLNLESY BUFFALO, N.Y. Some Reason. Probably Delilahs hair was getting thin and she became enraged at Samson because he refused toy name the brand of hair tonic he used. The Quinine That Does Not Effect Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Brorao Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the bead. There is only one Bromo Quinine. U. W GROVH8 signature is on box. 80c. t Tragedy of the Cuisine. Did you tell the cook she must economize? Yes, replied young Mrs. Torklns. She asked me what it meant and I said to avoid waste. She said she had no more waist than I have and it was nobodys business anyhow; and shes going to leave tomorrow. Old Stuff. What started this row? inquired the judge. Fighting talk. He called me a minion. What had you called him? varlet. , Youre both about eight hundred years behind the times. That might have been fighting talk during the middleages. It Isnt now. , A - Austria-Hungar- Pick-,wlc- Austria-Hungar- k. y Austria-- Hungary, Austro-Hungari- an s. - . wrongs,-committe- Laundered Soldiers Watch. Being laundered didnt hurt a watch at San Antonio, Tex. The watch was thoughtlessly left by the owner in the pocket of his army shirt. In the pocket it was carried to the laundry and went through the big washing machine. One of the laundry employees felt it in the pocket just In time to save it from going through the wringer. The-watc- was still marking time. - Appropriate.Just look how those old maids dragging that young drummer into their hotel. Yes its what might be called of the Ancients. t the-Hau- l Ubtant Postbb Fos?m Q CEREAL Instant Postum fits the spirit of the times per-- . feedy. It is Purely American . Economical (without loss J Convenient (ready for use 1 and is a pleasing, e wholesome, drug-fre- drink good for both young and old. There a Reason |