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Show U COURI OUTH f TIIII. VOL. The Logan Temple Fire Additional Locals Notice of Delin- ; ' quent Taxes Abstract Minute Blanks for at this office. S. S. sale J r WANTED To buy or trade straw or hay for Pulp. A. J. evening The people of Hyrum were cer- j Notice is hereby given that speamazed Tuesday tainly Adv. cial taxes for the installation of the Clawson, Hyrum. when they received word over the City Water Works, are due and unJust received a new lot of telephone that the Logan Temple in amounts afcd unpon the lands Ladies Skirts, Waists and paid was on fire, and that the entire set forth and described in the deEconomy Store. structure, as far as the interior was Dresses. Williams I Advertisement) linquent list hereto attached, and of was in up-to-da- te 'i r concerned danger being entirely destroyed. However, later reports were somewhat of a hopeful nature, and while the damage done is very great, yet part of the building with all the records was saved. The loss is estimated at one hundred thousand dollars." The building had just recently Dr. F. H. Cutler was down from Shelley, Idaho, this week for a short visit with family and friends. Mrs. Nessler and Miss Rindlis-bache- r of College ward occupied part of the fast meeting last Sunday afternoon, at the 3rd ward, speaking on primary Red Cross work. Dr. O. P. Oldham of Logan, and spoke very interestingly before the parts of it remodled, at a cost of Y. M. 1. A. conjoint meeting at the about $50,000, and to think that 3rd ward last Sunday evening, his such an accident should befall this been thoroughly renovated edifice, is somewhat incomprehensible. At a meeting held Wednesday morning by the Temple authorities and Stake Presidency, at which Electrician Maughan and Architect Schaub were also present, the following official report was formulated and forwarded to the First Presidency: President Joseph F. Smith and Counselors, 47 East South Temple St. Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren; sacred After a thorough inspection of the interior of the Temple,, in connection with my assistants, also the ' City Electrician, Architect Karl C. ...Schaub and President 4S, we came to the following conclusion: That the fire commenced immediately under the cabinet located under the main stairway, it showing that there was a breaking down of the insulation around the wire that was encased in the lead cable and formed an arc which started the fire, melting the lead cable. The janitor left the building about 5:30 p. m., ' turning off the current from the at that time all was well. The fire broke out about 7:45 in the room where the cabinet is located; in this room was kept a small quantity of furniture polish that had inflam mable material in its composition and the flames spread rapidly up the stairway to the C floor where most of the damage is located the walls, ceilings, carpets and decor ationB, and all furnishings are total ruin; 'also the inner sealing room; the main stairway is damaged beyond repair, the art windows; art paintings, are totally spoiled and many of the doors and casings and window casings are badly damaged. Most of the other rooms are badly All of the records are smoked. .safe. President, F.-Bal- lif sub-electr- ic sub-cabin- - Karl C. Schaub, the architect, estimates that it will cost approximately $100,000.00 to put the building in its original condition, not including art paintings or furnishings, carpets, etc. We are informed that work of reconstruction of the interior of the building will be commenced at once, out that it will take at least six months before ordinance work can be resumed. We are still in the game, good Newbold the goods, low prices. Clothier, Logan, , Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Adamson re- to their home in Pocatello Valley last Wednesday, after a pleasant visit with parents and friends at home, turned NO. 2 Hyrum Cache County,; Utah, Friday, Dac. 7, 1917. subject being the Indolescent of the boy and girl. age The E. Eorest Taylor Co. is expected to play here next Wednesday evening, at the Rex. Hyrum Theatre-goer- s may look for in the dramatic something good line. Dr. A. J. Brooking of Wellsville, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Missouri and Denver, Colo., for about three weeks, is expected home next Tuesday or Wednesday, so we are informed. unless said taxes, together with the costs of publication, are paid on or (26) day of bfore the twenty-sixt- h real the 1917,' December, property upon which such.tkxes are due, will on said day be sld fqr said taxes, cost of advertising and expense of sale, at the front jtioor of the City Court House, beginning at the hour of 12 oclock noon, of said day, and continuing until afl of said property shall have been soiii. Otto Anderson, $80.52 on lot seven 7, block six 6, platB. Iver Albretsen 66.38 on part of lots four, 4, block" nine, 9, plat A. Marie Albretsen 23.58 on 132 ft. of lot five, 5, block three, 3, plat A. Marion Anderson 66.44 on145 ft. of lot eight, 8, block four, 4, plat A. Jos. W. Anderson, 41.98 on lot six, 6, block five, plat C. Geo. Buckley 163.18 on 135 ft. of 32, lot three, 3, - bloqk thirty-twD. plat Moroni Benson, Est. 140.40 on , part of lot eight,; 8, block nine,-9plat A. Hyrum, S.. Brown 37.78 on part of lot one, 1, and two, 2, blocd six, 6, plat E." r. Levi Crowshow$30.79 on lots one o, Ike Bradley entertained the Leaf Club at her home Friday afternoon, the time being spent in Crocheting and social chat. A J dainty (luncheon was) served; a 1, aiid tiers', potted plant and fruit formed the .D. Mrs. Clover -- center piece. Mrs. C. J. Christiansen was an invited guest. As Mr. Jos. C. Anderson has practically quit the barber business, Mr. Jos. A. Pearce has engaged the services of Mr. A. B. Baker of Mendon to assist him in the barber shop. Mr. Anderson will now give his entire attention to his confectionary establishment, which that growing business demands. After Dec. 13th, no .more men will be accepted and no more volunteers will be permitted to join the colors who are between The the ages of 21 and 31. be draft machinery will put in motion on Dec. 15th, then there will be no choice of the branch you go into. When you volunteer you choose your place. This applies to men of draft age only L plat David Crookston, $95,82 on part of lots one, 1, and two, 2, block twenty-thre- e, 23. s Hans Mikkelsen. $61.71, part of lot six, 6, block fifteen, 15, plat A. Jonas I. Nielsen, $118.30, on part of lots five, 5, and six, 6, block one, 1, plat A, and $50.70 on a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning on the south west corner of section three, 3, township ten, 10, One east of Salt north range. Lake Meridian and -- running thence east twenty, 20, rods; thence north four, 4, rods; thence west twenty rods; thence south four, 4, rods to ' point of beginning. Charles O. Carlson. 25.oo on part of lot eight, 8, bloqk seven, 7, plat A. David Poppeltn, 9o.56 on lot eight, 8, block fivf, 5, plat A. Lester Dagson, 54 29 on lot eight, block sixteen, 16 plat D. W. F. Hulse 89.13 on lots one, 1, two, 2, and ten, lo, block twelve, Mr. Edward Davis and Miss Rose eight, 8, plat B. Marie Larsen 39.18 on the South of lot four, 4, block eleven, 11, plat A. Ernesl Orell 39. 18 on the J of he North of lot four, 4, block eleven, 11, plat A. Wilford Olsen 44.75 on lot two, 2, block eight, 8, plat B. J. A. Wahlen 100.50 on the West three, 3, rods of lot three 3, and he south four, 4, rods of lot four, 4, block thirteen, 13, plat A. Peter Sorensen 118.39 on lot seven, 7, block eleven, 11, plat A. Adam Smith Est. 142.44 on lot two, 2, block twenty-on21, plat A. Louis H. Petersen, $96.21 on lot four, 4, block ten 10, plat B. Lehi Rose, $93.90, on lot eight Sr block twelve 12, plat B. Geo. H. Johnson, 57.00, on a parcel of land, 273 ft. in width, joining on the north side of 1st north Str-.- , whose more westerly extremity is 427 ft., east of the south-eacorner of block twenty-fiv- e 25, plat C. C. W. Shaw 1 lo.66 on south of lots three, 3, and four, 4, block twenty-thre- e, 23, plat D. C. R. Spencer and E. F. Spencer 8.36 on 4 rods of lot six, 6, e, st ilock twelve, 12, plat A. C. F. Olsen 102. lo on the N. eleven, ,11, rods of lot eight, 8, block nineteen, 19, plat A. John C. Nielsen 35 8o on lot three, 3, block one, 1, plat E. Francis Monson, 945 on the south 4 rods of lot eight, 8, block eight, 8, plat A. Weston Vernon 71.72 on 70 tt. of lot one, 1, block nineteen, 19 1 T grand-daught- er Major Sport With the first snow comes the spirit of tossing the ball through the hoops. Thisf- - week large crowds of High School boys have been found at the Elite Hall every afternoon. The competition for the main team this year promises to be greater than ever before in the history of the school. With some of the flashy 1st years in the lineup it will make the older students get in and hustle to make the the team. Even some of last years regular men are questionable and will have to work to hold their place. There is much spirit centered around the class series and the winning team is hard to pitch. The class games will begin Wednesday afternoon of next week. To games will be played each night until Friday when the championship of the school will $ be decided. Following is a schedule of when and how the games are to be played: Wed. 4 p. m. Fresh-ie- s vs. Juniors, 5 p. m. Soph-morvs. Seniors. Thurs. 4 p. es m. Freshies vs. Seniors, 5 p. m. Juniors vs. Sophomores. Friday 4 p. m. Freshies vs. Sophomores; 5 p. m. Juniors vs. Seniors. . one 1, and $64.17 on lot two 2, blck eighteen 18, plat C. John P. Nielsen, $50.26, on the W of the N W., of block thirtytwo plat D. R. P. Rasmussen Annex and 55.86 on a parcel of land 110 ft wide, in block thirty-fou- r 34, plat D; lying on the north side of 1st north Str., and whose most Westerly extremity is 100 feet East, of the S E corner 25, plat C. qf block twenty-fiv- e B. Anderson, $129.83, on Hyrum a parcel of land situate in the N W 32, Registrants Take Notice All registrants who may have changed their places of abode and post office addresses will communicate immediately with their Local Board where they are registered and furnish their present addresses so that Questionaires, the mailing of which will begin on December 15th will reach such registrants without delay. Registrants are bound by law to keep of N E of Section 5, Tp.. ten 10 themselves advised of all proceedN R one 1, E, Salt Lake Base and ings in respect of them and failMeridianf lying west of block six- ure to do so may result in their o, losing right to claim exemption or discharge.. SIMON BAMBERGER,. ' Governor. T o Basket Ball R Mathews of Arbon, Idaho, down last Tuesday to get married in the Logan Temple. They were considerably disappointed on Wednesday morning to learn that the temple had been destroyed by fire, and consequently the couple were obliged to take the train for Salt Lake City, where they were married in the temple there on Thursday, returning to Hyrum Friday. The bride is a 1917. block twentyone, 21, plat A. of Mrs. Hannah Mathews of this Hans Mikkelsen, City Treasurer the on Oscar Liljenquist $126.8o city, who accompanied them td of lots six, 6, and seven, 7, and Collector of special taxes. East Salt Lake. May came S. C. H. Begins Athletic Manager Benson will have everything in order and the plat A. games promise to be fast anrifex-citin- g Hans Monson Est. 179.60 on and to lot seven, 7, bl ock t h i rtee n , 13,' scheduled.,. begin promotlyias Everybody welcdwU-nplat A. admission. Come out and Annie K. Lauritzen 40.28 on support your school. lot three, 3, block five, 5, plat A'. Heber Lauritzen, $69.17, on south half of lot ono 1, block six 6, pint A Dorthea Nordgren, 78.42 on lot teen 16, plat C; and abutting on the East side of second West Street. Also a parcel of land 126 rods wide situated in lot eight, 8, block three 3, plat A or B Hyrum Farm Survey, abutting on the east side of 2nd West Street and on the South line of S. E. of section thirty-tw32, 1 E. Salt Lake Tp. eleven, 11, N-Base and Meridan. three, 3, plat A. Reuben C. Jensen 80.47 on a parWm, H. James 24,77 on lot five, cel of land 10 r.ods wide abutting 5, block eighteen, ;.18plat A. on the West side of 2nd West Street Frank Anderson, 52. 7o on the and on the North line of lot 8, east eight rods of, lot one, 1, block block 17, plat C, and situated in block 17, plat C. eight, 8, plat A. .'I George Bankhead $51.36 on parWilford Jensen 152. ?4 on that cel of land, beginning 61 rods north parcel of land iOtf the east side of of a point 112 rods east of the souththird west street 495 ft. wide, north west corner of section thirty-tw- o of Block seventeen, 17, plat C in 1 S. E. of S. W. of section thirty 32, Tp. 11, N R E; thence east six north to sub division of thence rods, two, 32, Tp. eleven, 11, N. range quarter section line; thence west one, 1, E. Salt Lake Base and Mer six rods to place of beginning, conidian. taining one 1 acre. All in Hyrum City Survey except David A. Jensen $80.48 on lot E. block where Hyrum Farm Survey has one, 1, plat two, 2, T. N. Liljenquist 105. 9o on the been specified. Dated this 8th day of December Soulh fourteen rods of lot four, 4 Miss Agnes Olsen, a popular young lady of Hyrum, and Mr. W. H. Davidson, the wealthy 12, plat D. Sam Hansen, 3.5Jh on the south agriculturist, of Rupert, Idaho, two. 2, rods of lot three, 3, . block surprised their many friends by 18, plat A. getting married last Monday, eighteen, Philip Albertsen, 47.82 on the also Ira Wren and Mary Thaxton, north 123 ft. of lot three, 3, block both of Idaho. Both couples were married the same day and will spend a few weeks traveling. After their honeymoon they will make their homes in Rupert, Idaho. Logan Republican. block Players The young men of Hyrum who are interested in playing Basket Ball this winter, are asked to be present at the Elite Hall, Monday evening Dec. 10th, at 7:30 for the purpose of organizing a Town Team. All players are welcome. Mr, and Mrs. D. J. James of Paradise have been visiting their daughters, Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Sorensen of Blackfoot, Idaho, the past few days. The missionary farewell party given at the 1st Ward in honor of Miss Lettie Sorensen was well attended. A nice program was rendered and a very pleasant evening was spent. o |