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Show t SOUTH PACK silage in silo proper Distribution and Packing Are Often Neglected. Lighter Portions Are Blown to Outside They Do Not 8ettle Well Plenty of Men and Persistent When Work Required. Distributing and packing silage In frequently neglected. Un has a distributor attblower the less achment there is a tendency for the cut corn to fall in one place in the silo. If the silo Is filled in this way the silo is It Has All Been Said. Are you getting ready to make a big speech in congress? "No, answered Senator Sorghum; "not unless a new topic develops. I think I have offered or listened to every possible observation on every conceivable subject available up to this time GOOD HORSES NEEDED It is true that motor power is taking the place of horses In tnany kinds of work, but the horse still has an Important part to play. This country has shipped more than 1,000,000 horses and 300,000 mules to the allies since the beginning of the war and more are going all the time. Horses hove played an Important role in this war, because horses can be used on roads and in many places where truck and motor power are helpless. At the rate which horses are being exported we cannot help but feel a need for horses In this country and especially if the war continues much longer. ' Senatorial Procedure, I am now beginning to understand about senatorial procedure." Huh? If its a poker game its a meeting. request for a small loan is an interview. If a few senators gather to samA old stuff ple some ence. Louisville e Courier-Journa- its a confer- l. GREENS AUGUST FLOWER The Real Slackers. There are some who are not doing Has been used for all ailments that anything to help because think are caused by a disordered stomach the war will be over soon. they Men have and inactive liver, such as sick head- died because their folks didnt think SPREAD MANURE ON FIELDS ache, constipation, sour stomach, them sick enough to call a doctor. nervous indigestion, fermentation of Loss of Plant Food by Fermentation food, palpitation of the heart caused by and Leaching Ought to Be Pregases in the stomach. August Flower Extremes. vented Test at Wooster. is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion What is to be done with all these both in stomach and Intestines, cleans bills on hand? To prevent loss of plant food by fer and sweetens the stomach and alimenWhy, foot em. mentation and leaching in barnyards stimulates the liver to setary canal; and stables, manure should be spread crete the bile and impurities from the SELF DEFENSE on the corn -' ground during the late winter and early spring months. Greater returns are obtained from manure spread evenly over a large area than from the same amount scattered heavily over a smaller tract. As an average of 17 years test at the Ohio experiment station at Wooster, eight tons of manure per acre applied to corn in a three-yea- r rotation of corn, wheat and clover has proFilling a Silo. the finer and lighter portions of. the duced 25 bushels more corn than land stalks are frequently blown to the outs- receiving no treatment. Four tons of ide, and the heavier parts, ears and manure to the acre on both corn and r rotation of corn, butts of stalks, are deposited In the wheat In a clover oats, and timothy has wheat, center, thus causing an uneven distriproduced an increase of 14.3 bushels bution of grain and stalks and a conof corn, as an average of 20 years. uneven Unof sequent silage. quality even distribution is frequently the Eight tons of manure on the same cause of soft places and air pockets, crops in the same rotation has in- which later result in spoiled silage. When the lighter portions are blown to the outside they do not pack well and the silage spoils near the wall. Such spoilage, which really results from careless filling, is often attributed to the silo. Thorough packing requires plenty of men and persistent work. Good silage can be had only by uniform packing and uniform distribution of the corn. The entire surface, especially the outer edge, should be packed firmly. The best help obtainable should be stationed in the silo. The large cutter with the corresponding large capacity frequently saves money in filling the silo, but it may result In a waste of the storage capacity of the silo. If the silo Is filled rapidly the corn has little time to settle. Slow filling allows the corn to settle as it is fetored, with the result that more corn can be placed in a given space. To overcome this disadvantage of rapid filling, woven wire may be extended above the top of the silo, thus increasing Its caManure Being Wasted. pacity until It can five-yea- settle. Patent roofs are made which serve the same pur- creased the corn yield only 23.8 bushpose. Refilling in two or three days els during this period. In other words, will accomplish the same end. doubling the amount of manure has increased the corn yield only 66 per cent. In order to apply the manure evenly and over a large area a maGIVE EWES A CHANCE or Grain Ration thing Better. NEEDED After New York reports six months. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. & Co., doing business In the City Cheney of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December. A. D. 188. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Holland is short of coal. one-fourt- one-fourt- h overworked women, can do as nothing much as Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. It regulates all the functions, never conflicts with them, and it strengthens and builds up the female system in a way of its own. and assists natural Nursing mother! and women generally, will find it exactly fitted to their needs. the pains and burdens, and It lessens ensures healthy, vigorous offspring. You will escape many ills and clear up the coated tongue, the sallow the dull headache, the lazy liver, if you will take a pleasant laxative made up of the juice of the leaves of aloes, root of jalap, and called Pleasant Pellets. You can obtain at almost any drug store in this country these vegetable pellets in vials simply ask for Doctor Pierces Fleasant Pellets. Sold for fifty years. com-plexio- n, May-appl- The Great Vegetable Remedy e, Pats You Right Over Night Genuine Small Pin Small Dose Small Price bears signature Colorless or Pale Faces STb!!S?. a condition which will be greatly helped by admdli i ' 5kn a Carter SlrOnPllU off How this Woman Suffered and Was Relieved Fort Fairfield, Maine. For many months I suffered from backache caused by female troubles so I was unable to do my house work. I took treatments for it but received no help whatever. Then some of my friends asked why I did not try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. I did so and my backache soon disappeared and I felt like a different woman, and now have a healthy little baby girl and do all my house work. I will always praise Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to women who suffer as I did. Mrs. Alton D. Oakes, Fort Fairfield, Maine. Com- mm mm The Best Remedy is h one-hal- h for exhausted, nervous, Carters Little Liver Pills For Constipation Henrietta, Okla., women are working ; . in a coal mine. A good grain ration for the colt after weaning is composed of f standard breed and stick to it for a corn, bran and s corn, couple of years, or until you are satisf- oats, or s ied there is something better. Mixing bran and oats. Crushed flocks is bad. oats are to be preferred to whole oats. Another point to bear in mind is that A feed-boin which to place the feed you should not sell eggs when can be put in the pasture field if other everybody else is selling. That is when the stock will not Interfere with the colt one-fourt- auto thefts in 4T posed of Corn, Oats and Bran Is Good Water Regularly. If you wish to go Into the poultry business systematically, select one 861 To Cure Cold In One Day Take LAXAT1VB BROMO Q7.TNINH Tablet. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. H. W. GBOvHS signature is on each box. 80c, BY COLT Weaning AS A SUPPORT Trouble With Anuric An-u-r- ic The amount of feed needed each day for young ducks varies as much as does their growth. Their growth averages a half pound a week, and to make this increase of weight each week requires an additional quantity of food over the preceding one. The rule is, feed each meal what they will eat up clean with a relish and do not allow them to linger over the feed trough. STANDARD. BREED ATTENTION There the average suburbanite. How do you place him? Hes carrying home something his wife asked him to get at a department store, a steak, a head of lettuce and a new record for his phonograph. Defeat Backache and Kidney Many people In this section have suffered from rheumatism and kidney trouble and have found that Anuric was the most successful remedy to overcome these With Cuticura Soap and Ointment painful and dangerous aliments. The lucky people are those who have They Heal When Others Fall. suffered, but who are now well because heeded natures signal In Nothing better, quicker, safer, sweet- they time to correct their warning trouble with that er for skin troubles of young and old wonderful new discovery of Dr. Pierces (double strength). You that itch, burn, crust, scale, torture called should promptly heed these warnings, or disfigure. Once used always used some of which are dizzy spells, backache, because these super-cream- y emollients irregularity of the urine or the painful tend to prevent little skin troubles be- twingesToof rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago. delay may make possible the coming serious, if used daily. dangerous forms of kidney disease, such as or stone in the bladder. If diabetes Free sample each by mail with Book. you want quick relief buy It now, 60 cents, Address postcard, Cuticura, Pept. L, all druggists, or send Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg. Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. This will prove that Anuric eliminates uric acid almost as hot water melts sugar. three-eighth- COMPOUND three-eighth- x market is lowest. while eating. In late fall as the pasture grass more eggs from grows short, it should be supplemented with clover or timothy hay, all the Select Best Males From Most Prol- colt will eat. The colt at pasture ific Layers and Mate These should have access to drinking water With Best Record Hens. regularly. If there is no drinking water in the pasture field, turn the young Breed for eggs. This can be in to the water trough just as animal done, though many people act as though this regularly as the work horses are is impossible. Selection has given us turned to water. the race horse, the g big milker, the hen. Know your Jbest layers, Buying Improved Stock. get males from the best No man In should buy improved livethe layers flock, mate these to your best record stock until he has plenty of the right hens, ml get more kind of feed and suitable buildings. eggs from less birds. less hens 200-e8- V. PERSISTENT COUGHS aredangerom. Relief is prompt from Plsos Remedy for Coughs and Colds, Effective and safe for young and old. No opiates in LYDIA E.P1NKHAM MEDICINE COrLVNM. MASS. New York poor are lessening use of milk because of price. Dr. Pierces Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. Italy has a coal famine. II An Average Load. goes what you might call HEAL ITCHING SKINS Varies as Much as Does Their Growth Increase in Weight Requires Additional Food. . Ind., now has a rabbit tannery. AMOUNT OF FEED FOR DUCKS strength at breeding time depends largely our success with the coming crop of lambs. On most farms on which diversified farming Is followed there is opportunity for frequent change of pasture. This is relished by sheep more than by any other stock, and they respond quickly by laying on flesh and showing that thrift and strength so satisfactory to every flockmaster. Stick to It for Couple of Years, Until Satisfied There Is Some- Evansville, nure spreader is recommended by the experiment station. It is well to give the breeding ewes an extra chance at this time to the end that they may be in good condition at the time of breeding. On their thrift and KEEP ONE blood. Sold in all civilized countries. 30 and 90 cent bottles. Adv. An old bachelor says that the vocalizing at a wedding is even more depressing than the singing at u funeral. The Hereford Corporation ? , v 1 of vvymin wh;&sz Registered Hefefords Exclusively 75 good, bulls for sale.registered WRITE US. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 43-19- 171 I i |