Show I 1 11 nth utah produce compary company 0 o prospectus itlie HE excessive fluctuations in the price of the JL products of this territory and of flour more particularly that have hitherto occurred have ave avo operated alike ailee injuriously to both the producer pr acer and the consumer until it has become a matter of necessity that some efficient e action be taken to remedy this evil and secure to tha the citizens of this and adjacent territories as nearly as the nature of circumstances will permit a uniform price for a reliable brand of flour and inasmuch as all previous efforts to accomplish this have been at best partially successful consequent upon their being based on individual action and the necessities of many having compelled them to sell flour at a sacrifice that the tho condition of the market did not warrant we now propose that a company be formed oro of f sufficient capital to obviate the necessity of selling elling s except at a fair price and thus to insure to the producer remunerative rates for his products and at eft the same time to supply our neighbors constantly with a first class article of flour at a price so low as to supercede supersede super cede the necessity of its importation from california Calif orilia oregon northe or the missouri river the necessity of this measure Is so obvious that we confidently expect the cooperation aeration and favor not only of the citizens of tris this territory but those of idaho and montana also and aresa are sanguine rk I 1 n e that all parties concerned allue wille benefi beneti tt eyu eyt to 0 the extent that this and kindred associations become general for the accomplishment of this end emd we recommend the formation of similar companies in the tho principal I 1 settlements of this territory which to work harmoniously it Is deemed important should i act in unison with and under the direction of this the parent asso association clation it Is also proposed that this company act as storage and commission merchants both in this city and in montana to receive flour and other produce from the companies to be formed in irk the various settlements as well as from individuals divi duals and as soon as the finances of this company will permit to make advances on all consignments consign ments constitution sec 1 the name of this company shall be the utah produce company and its duration shall not be less than three years sec see 2 the amount of its capital stock shall be one hundred thousand dollars to be increased when deemed necessary by the stockholders representing two thirds of the paid u up stock to be divided into shares oscne osone hun hundred dollar donars each sec see 3 the company comeail y are fully authorized to do business when two hundred shares are subscribed bed sec see 4 the business of the company shall be to deal lingrain in grain flour and such other commodities as the president and directors Direct ors ora may think pro proper per both by purchase r chase and on commission and of transports transporting the same to market for sale sec see 5 the powers of the company shall be exercised by a president and five directors who shall appoint a treasurer and secretary the treasurer shall give such bonds as the president si aident and secretary may T require eq lre lne sec bee 6 the pr president na and a directors art r s shallie shall bhail be elected by the stockholders and hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and enter upon the duties of their office bec bee 7 no person shall be eligible for office who Is not both a stockholder and a resident of this territory all aki officers are eligible for election reelection re sec see 8 whenever deemed necessary by the president and directors to call a meeting of the stockholders the secretary shall shail give ten days notice of the time and place thereof by publication in some local newspaper see sec 9 A number of persons persona representing more than one half of the paid up stock are aret necessary to constitute a quorum to do business lo dinall all ail general meetings of the stockholders 4 each person shall be entitled toas tons to as many votes as he holds shares sec 10 the secretary shall kee keep ee the books of the company which shall be subject u ey b to the inspection n spec tion stockholders in including ding a book contaldi contal containing ni th the names of all the stockholders and when they became such together with the number of shares held by each respectively sec see 11 the president and directors shall have power to make such bye laws as they may deem necessary for the business of the company pa n y S sec e c 12 A dividend montas of profits shall shail shallie be declared i and paid every six months i sec see 13 this constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of the stockholders representing two thirds of the paid ud nil stock TO THE MILLERS OF UTAH we beg to inform you yon that aco a company mcany has b been een formed in this city called the utah produce company with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of dealing in flour and other home products the former being its speciality the object of the company Is to obtain for the farmer a remunerative price for his grain by securing to the consumer both in this territory and elsewhere a brand of superfine flour uniformly good and for the furtherance of this object we solicit your aid and cooperation by doing all in your power to prevent doina any but fine flour tree ree from shorts from leaving your mills and augest suggest that you make only two qualities of flour t the tho e first to be branded with uhe the the name of the mills and sa to be equal in quality to tanners an and d aliens allens SS and another branded SS extra of a still finer grade special care should also be taken that each sack contains 88 98 pounds thus we will Imme immediately diat ely raise the reputation of our flour and as a consequence its commercial value that you may realize to what extent we have injured ourselves by sending indifferent dif dlf flour to the mining districts wo we would call your attention to the quotations made in the montana post of september last for the different kinds of flour viz st pst lopis louis forsack for por sacr sack of ja P ibs lbs 2800 2800 states 2400 2100 2400 2100 salt ake lake 1800 now if we cannot at present maka as fine nin fin e flo fio flour ur as that made I 1 in a st louis although although some atour ot our wheat Is equal to any in the world vwe Iwo we certainly can make at least as good an article as that known as states and by doing so get six dollars per sack more for it in gold the dimmer differ ence enee tween the cost perl peri sack consists simply in the difference in value ba of shorts and the same quantity of flour floor you are ale aware will not elcee exceed lifty fifty cents hence we find we losers of 0 five dollars anda and a hal hai halt half per er sack sold in maj montana bind and as FORTY THO THOUSAND SAND SACKS have been shipped from this territory orV to that market during the past season TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND and anu DOLLARS DOLLAR 15 have been lost to the people pl af of 1 aih utah 11 in oili one year yean year i does not this lm imperatively ively demand that emmi effi efficient clent steps stepa beat bent once t taken e to rem remedy y the evil and put astop to this penny wio wise and pound foolish policy much more 01 on a this subject could be said but we believe elou enough h has been mentioned to enlist your attention and induce you to unite your efforts with ours for the accomplishment of this public good E HUNTER Fresi president dex aen L S HILLS Secre secretary tark tari i A 0 SMOOT t H S ELDREDGE eldredge JOHN SHARP V directors H W LAWRENCE 1 W S GODBE j Great Salt lake city march 19 ING w at BY AUTHORITY AN ACT defining the boundaries of counties and locating county seats SEC 1 be it enacted bythe governor and le legislative assembly of the territory of utah that all that portion of utah territory bounded north by a line running due east cast from a point four miles north odthe of the north east corner ot fort harmony cast by colordo territory south b by y arizona and west by a line junr running ling king dae due due nort north h from the southern boundary of utah territory passing through the largest mineral spring at bassing ahe h mouth mauth of the rio virgen kanyon until it reaches the summit of the dividing dividen ridge between the Le verkin and ash creeks thence northeasterly north easterly along the summit of hi dividing viding rid nid ridge ge to its I 1 intersection with the line first above ru mentioned t Is hereby made and named kane county with wilh with county seat at grafton SEC 2 all that portion of the territory ryborn bounded north by aline allne a running due west from the northern boundary of kane county east by kane county south by arizona and west by nevada Is hereby made and named washington county with county seat at st george SEC seca 3 all that portion of the territory bounded south by washington and kane counties west by nevada north by a due east and west line crossing the military road on the summit of the ridge dividing little salt lake and upper beaver and east Is hereby made and named iron county with county seat at parowan carowan Pa rowan SEC seca 4 all that portion of the territory boun ded south by iron county west by nevada north by a line running due east and wilt will west through a point two miles due south from the t lle lie south side of fort wilden on cove creek and east by the range of mountains dividing beaver neaver and valleys from the valley of the se vier la Is hereby made and named beaver county with county seat at beaver SEC hec 5 all ail that portion of territory the bounded south by iron county west by beaver county north by an east and west line crossing thero the road adon on the summit of the dividing ridge between marys vale and alma and east bacol orado Is hereby made and named plute flute county with county seat at Cir clr circleville cleville SEC hec 0 all that portion of Territory the boun ded south by beaver county west by nevada east by the summit of the mountains sep bep separation separating aratin the hevier sevier from parvan and round valleys following said summit east of the lake in round Val vai valley lefand and north of at round valley to its intersection with the sevier river liver thence dawn the channel of said river to the mouth of orits its lower kanyon thence due west to nevada Is hereby made and named milliard ard county with county seat at filimore fillmore SEC 7 all that portion efthos territory bounded south by plute flute county west by milliard millard county north by an east and and west line crossing the road voad road voad at the ford of willow creek between gunnison gunelson Gunn lson ison and salina and east by colorado Is hereby made and named sevier county with county seat at richfield SEC bec 8 all that portion of the territory bounded south by milliard county west hyaline by a line drawn due northrop nor north crom from the north line ot of milliard county to the most western peak inthe in the range of mountains between valley and meadow creek thence along the summit of said range to its intersection with the range between tintic gintic and rush valleys north of the summit of the range between and rush valleys and the summit of the range between gintic tintic valley and cedar and goshen valleys and the summit of the range between goshen and juab valleys and the summit of the high ground and range runge between utah and juab valleys and east by the summit of the nebo range of mountains to the highest southern peak of said range of mountains thence on a straight line south wes terly to the north boundary of milliard county crossing the sevier river at the upper blunt bluff rock at the south end of cedar ridge Is hereby made and named juab county with county seat at nephi I 1 SEC 9 all that portion of the territory bounded south by sevier hevier county west by juab county north by the summit of the range of mountains ta ins between sanpete valley and spanish fork river and along the summit owsald of said range until it intersects green river thence by aline a line drawn due baet from said intersection to the thirty second feridun west from washington washl agton city a and ana iid rid east cast by said meridan Is hereby made and named sanpete county with county seat at mantl manti provided that the hay ground of thistle valley shall be included in sanpete county SEC 10 all that portion of the territory bounded south by juab and sanpete counties west by the summit of the range between cedar and rush valleys north by the summit of the cross range between the tha and wasatch mountains east by the summit of the range ran e passing s ing around the head of dry american fork fo mft battle battie tle tie hobble and spanish fork creeks an and a line drawn due north and south across provo river at a point one fourth of a mile above the north fork of deer creek of said river to intersect at each extremity of said line the summit of f the last named range Is hereby made ma do and named utah county with county seat se at at provo SEC 11 all that portion of the territory bounded south by utah and sanpete counties west by utah and great salt lake counties north by the summit of the range oj 01 mountains south of the head waters of east fast kanyon and silver creeks following said summit to the points eints where the road leading to great salt lake city ity and rhodes valley crosses thence south to t 0 provo river at the high bruss bluff bel bei below ow God dards I 1 ranch ra thence along the channel of said river to its bi headwaters head waters thence easterly to the summit ohe rang ranal 0 of mountains north of uintah val ley thence along the last named summit and south of browns hole to the thirty second meridan west from washington city and east by said meridan Is hereby made and named wasatch county with county seat athener at heber heben city SEC 12 all that portion of the territory bounded south by utah county west by the summit of the of mountains between great salt lake and ram boele valleys and aline running 4 from the northera northern termination of sald said summit through black rock on the south shore I 1 of great salt fake lake north by the tile shore of baid bald lake easterly to the mouth of jordan river thence hence by tb the centre odthe of the chann elof said river to a point d due west franf the not hot north of great salt lake city thence by a line run ning due east to said hot spi springs ings then ceby the summit of the spur range terminating ting at said hot springs to its intersection intersect ion lon with the summit of the wasatch mountains and east by the he summit of said mountains is hereby made and named great salt lake county with county seat at great salt lake city I 1 SEC 13 all the islands in great salt lake are hereby attached to great salt lake county fo for election revenue and judicial purposes and judicial jurisdiction of all acts and transactions done or entered into on the waters of great salt on so much of its beach as is not included in any county is hereby given fo great salt lake county and the judicial district to which said county at the time belongs SEC 14 all that portion of the territory bounded south by great salt lake county west by the eastern shore of great salt lake north by a line running due east from a point ou owsald said sald shore to a point in the centre of the channel ol 01 weber river due north from the northwest corner of kingston fort port thence up the centre ot 01 said channel to a point opposite the he sunan suran summit lit of the wasatch mountains and east ast by the summit of said mountains is hereby made and named davis davig county with county seat at far SEC 15 all that portion of odthe the territory bounded south by davis county and the dividing ridge |