Show I 1 I 1 special to tile the DESERET NEWS s g ti new york 27 the follow following fi ng statement exhibits 9 the tho amount of vacant public lands laius in five of the insurrectionary states alabama acres Loul loui louisiana slant siant 9 6 florida mississippi arkansas there 1 are no public lands in north carolina I 1 south Ca carolina tolina georgia tennessee or kentucky the world says the flying squadron which is to be fitted out for a cruise on the british north american coast it is said consists of seven vesse vessels Is in all there are over 20 vessels belonging to the english in those waters and they are nearly all large vessels mounting in the ahe aggregate about guns and carrying carr jing king over men pranee prance has also quite a number of vessels c cruising ru ising among the west india islands and in the gulf of mexico washington 27 the supreme court yester yesterday day decided that national bank shares are liable to local taxation being person personal al property today to day president johnson transmitted to the senate ills liis vemo veto message on tee the civil rights bill ash ay follows totsc to 4 tn c senate of the united tams states I 1 regret that the bill entitled an act to protect all persons in the united states in their civil rights and to furnish means of their vindication contains pro provisions v inions which I 1 cannot approve consistently with my sense of duty to the whole people and my obligations to the constitution by the section all persons born in the united states and not subjects of any foreign power excluding indians not taxed are deci declared declared ared citizens this provision ca comprehends the chinese of the pacific states indian su subject eco to 0 taxation and gypsies as well as t the e entire race designated as blacks people eo ae of color negroes mulattoes and persons dersons of african blood blood the bill does not propose to give these classes any status vf of citizenship in hi the states except that which may result from their status as citizens of the united states the power to confer the rights of state citizenship is just as exclusively with the several states as the power to confer federal citizenship is with congress the right of federl citizenship thus to be conferred on several excepted raees races is naw now for the first time proposed to be given by law if as is i claimed by many all persons born in the united states are already alread y citizens the passage of this bill cannot be necessary to make them such if ifon on the other hand such persons are not citizens as may be assumed from the proposed legislation to make them sueh buch hsuch such the grave question presents itself gW ether hether when eleven of the thirty six states are in congress it ds vis sound policy to make the entire 1 i colored population and all other excepted classes citizens four millions millio ris lis of them have hav eJust just emerged from slavery into freedom banit can it do be reasonably I 1 gup Aup supposed posed that they possess the requisite qualifications to entitle them to th the P privileges r ivi ivl leges and immunities of citizenship ah ip have the people of the several beveral states expressed such convict convictions iotis it may also be bo asked whether it is necessary that they should be declared citizens in order that they may be secured the enjoyment of the civil r rights 1 ats prop proposed 1 ose d ta be be conferred b by tinis this b bill 1 1 these rights tute sate arel by Federal and state laws secured to all domiciled aliens and fore foreigners eigners I 1 even before thi their e r naturalization and it may safely be assumed that ahe the same enactments are sufficient to give like protection to those for whom this bill provides Be besides rides the policy of the government has always been that persons who are strangers to and unfamiliar with sith our institutions should pass through a certain probation this bill in effect dis criminates crimi nates against a large number of intelligent and worthy foreigners and in favor of negroes to whom 1 after long years of bondage the avenues alvenu es of light and intelligence have just been suddenly opened by proposing to make them citizens at once the section also contains an enumeration of the rights to be enjoyed to make and enforce contracts sue ana and bested be sued vve give evidence inherit purchase lease se sell seil 1 hold and convey real estate and personal property and to have full an and d equal benefit of all la laws ws the same as white citizens and to b be subject to the same punishments pains and penalties in common with white citizens and to none other this perfect equality 1 t of white and colored jaces jaees is attempted elto to be fixed by F federal laws in every state over the vast field of state jurisdiction covered by these enumerated rights in none of them can any state exercise any power of discrimination between dif dlf different races in the exercise lofstate of state policy over malters maifert exclusively affecting the people in each state it has frequently been thought expedient adient to discriminate between races ey by states in some states north as well as south it is enacted for instance tha that t no whit white e person shall shair marry a negro to a mulatto chancellor kent says speaking of the blacks marrin marria marriages yes res between them and the whites whites arno are aro forbidden r in some states where slavery does not exist and are prohibited by law in all slave holding states and where re not absolutely contrary to tb jav jaw they are revolting and are regarded 0 offensive against public decency I 1 do not say that this bill repeals the state laws on this subject for as whites are forbidden to intermarry with blacks the blacks can only make such contracts as the whites themselves are allowed to make they therefore cannot under this i bill enter into a marriage contract with the whites I 1 cite this discrimination however as an instance of state policy and to enquire whether if con gress gross can abrogate all state laws of discrimination touching contrasts contracts apts generally lyd lyp congress may not also repeal the state skate laws lawa as to the marriage contracts between races hitherto every subject embraced in the enumeration of rights nights conferred by the bill has been considered as exclusively belonging to the states if con gress gross can repeal the state laws discriminating in these subjects why may it not repeal all state laws diseri discriminating mina in suffrage the object of the ad section is to afford I 1 discriminating protection to colored persons by imposing penalties upon members of a legislature who may pass such laws and upon the judges or officers who may attempt to execute them this invades the dominion of the states for which there is no warrant and for which there is no nece necessity s sity I 1 do not apprehend that such conflicting legislation as the bill seems to contemplate is likely to so occur as to render it necessary to adopt a measure of such doubtful constitutionality chicago 28 the senate yesterday was ocen occupied until nearly 6 p m on the stockton case ending in the e passage of a resolution by yeas 22 20 nays 21 declaring him not entitled to a seat whereupon stockton vacated the presidents veto message sage dge was gasthen then read it having previously been circulated from hand band to hand among the benator senators s and representatives who crowded the floor the hour of reading ivas was so late that your report could not be completed last night the president argues at length that the bill assails the independence of the state judiciaries macint making them subservient leiA lela to the united states courts upon penalty of fine and imprisonment the constitution guarantees nothing with certainty ifft if it does not insure to the several states tildes the right of making their own laws but this bill invades that right night r I 1 lit and therefore is unconstitutional tut ional I 1 the T ho question here naturally arises from fro in what source congress co derive derives s power to transfer sto to federal tribunals certain classes of cases described in this bill if be assumed that this authority is inel incident dent to the power granted frante d to congress by k the tile ad article lately adopted tas fas adame n at igean a not be i f r M M the ro following pre are 6 the concluding an clu ciu 1 n paragraphs ephs the tho merlis merits of ic tny h e b bil bli lare Pare fraught with evil the white race and black race have hitherto lived together under the relation of master and slave the capital owning the labor now that relation is changed and a new adjustment is being made in which both are deeply interested interested in making harmonious this bill frustrates adjustment in fact the distinction of races and color is made to operate in favor of the colored and against the white race it interferes with the rela relations exist existing Dg exclusively between a state and its citizens it is an assumption of power by the general government which if acquiesced in must tax and destroy our federal system of limited powers aud and break down the barriers which preserve the rights odthe of the states it is another step or rather stride toward centralization the tendency of the bill must be to resuscitate the rebellion and to arrest the progress of those influences which are more closely drawing around the states the bonds of union and peace entertaining these sentiments it only remains for me to say that I 1 will cheerfully operate cooperate co with congress in any measure that may be necessary for the preservation of the civil rights of the freedmen as well as those of all other classes clashes of persons throughout the united states stated by judicial processes under equal and impartial laws or conformably com with the provisions of the federal constitution I 1 now return the bill to the senate and regret that in considering the alil bill and the joint resolutions forty two in number which have been n thus far submitted lor for fon my approval I 1 am compelled to withold my assent from a second measure that has received the sanction of both bolli houses of congress signed ANDREW JOHNSON the senate now consists of 47 members of whom 31 are counted in fu i n favor of the passing of the bill over the veto 15 against and 3 dixon foote and wright absent absent sick the attempt willbe will be made today to day with every prospect of success liverpool 17 A vienna telegram says the convention with mexico in reference to recruiting e cr in austria f for d r a volunteer corps for service in mexico was signed on the by count densdorff meas Mens dorff and the mexican minister the london owl I 1 says the icing king of prussia has overruled over ruled yon bismarck and an arrangement may yet be effected by which austria may consent to the annexation holstein to prussia it is said to be in bontem to give back north swig newyork new york 28 shenew york times commenting upon the political situation in connecticut s says ays the result is doubtful but if not elected governor gen hawley will owe defeat to his own rash action in making issues not authorized by the union party the radicals in congress and the country do not need so costly an experience to teach them that they have everything to lose and nothing to gain gaji by forcing extreme and unwarranted anted political issues upon the country or by making war upon the administration which they have in power the herald says the veto exhibits the civil rights bill as the most flagrant device for overriding the reserved rights of the states in their legislatures and their judicial tribunals ever attempted in congress it appears a thousand times worse than the freed mens bill and the veto marks the impassible barrier between the president and the ruling radicals of congress the tribune says let us thank mr johnson that his veto is so sweeping he might have phrased it cunningly but he has chosen to let ua us know that not this particular bill but any measure whereby congress shall attempt to protect the bla bia blacks ks against white abuse must encounter his ills determined and deadly opposition the times says the logic of the veto isso Is so keen and searching and so irresistible sis tible that we should hope that even the strongest advocates of this measure will see how bow vastly important it is that the veto power should exist and libis how im important also in a higher sense that it should be trusted in to a president so endowed with judgment and most uncommon courage the api ngi id says the veto is so bonciu sive sive alve that the conflict con flit between the president and Congress admits of no co compromise I 1 1 sa solomon Foote 4 of bf vermont N senator alator since isaf isal died att at this m morn 1 orn ing the senate abe afe ag asa mark of respect u t adjourned r f r p ading abing the journal lar jar since the mail service began to be restored in the southern states the receipts of the department run largely behind the expenses washington 29 the funeral of senator foote will be held heid in the senate chamber at 1 toda today to da day the remains will then bacon be conveyed to vermont when further furtek service will be held this event will absorb the attention of both houses of congress today to 0 day I 1 the interest on the 5 20 bonds will be paid early in april amounting to in gold told the reform bill ill lii was explained in the house of commons by gladstone on the the main features of therill the bill are a reduction of the qualification i of county voters from 50 50 to 14 occupancy and for boroughs to xa 7 rental and to lodgers paying blo 10 or upward for apartments the measure adds about to the number of voters the bill deals only with the franchise leaving the distribution redistribution re of representation for another session toronto canada I 1 29 09 orders have been issued to must muster er out at all volunteers in excess of retaining that number as a standing army of observation against the feniane Fen ians chicago 30 the supreme court of wisconsin has unanimously decided that colored men uen are entitled to vote in that state the colored men who have lived one year in the state will vote at the local election next tuesday Bens bergs brewery at st paul minnesota the largest in the cit city w was burned on the night of the loas lots loss s 7 the sf st louis democrat of the s says s that within the next next neet two weeks 23 n 2000 buoo 00 0 passengers chiefly miners tons of freight will leave that port on steamboat for montana and idaho idano the supreme court of the united states stated decides in the case appealed appeal ed from massachusetts that a license to sell liquors under the internal revenue act does not give federal protection against the enforce ments of state prohibiting hi laws new york 2 29 the evening post says the only feature of importance in the market for government securities isan isan increasing creasan T demand for compound interest notes in which the b banks anks are hi investing vesting a large part of their surplus means one reason for this is uhe the fear that the government will cease to pay interest on 01 i deposits A new line of steamers has been put on the rout hence to venezuela ing at laguer Iia ila guyra cabello and StThomas st thomas according to a cork paper 4 persons left ireland duri durl during ng the erst arst first we week e k of the present month for the united states two thousand thou thousand sana efthem of them belonged to the middle or farming classes fifteen hundred passengers are now waiting in queenstown Queens town to go to the united states A havre letter says the number of emigrants from germany arriving to take ships for america has lately increased in an extraordinary degree not less than 1000 emigrants are lod led lodging walts waits kib kip in the quarter st fit francis Vr ancis alone awaiting a |