Show otto THE MORMONS AGAIN W we c publish the following extract from correspondence in the san francisco news zetter letter JD etter as one of the many views expressed concerning us which will have a certain amount of interest to our readers though the style sty ie of the writer is none the clearest I 1 have now spent three months among the mormons cormons Mor mons and have formed a very different dif dlf opinion of them and their system from froin that entert entertained by most amb americans ricans I 1 visited salt lake olty N with the object of ascertaining facts and without I 1 trust any prejudices to vindicate or theoretical icil 1 ideas aas to carry out in the first place in regard to their religious ideas I 1 find lind nothing in their be lief ilef more and irrational than those that characterize all the other various forms of superstition wherewith men and women morenar korep ar amuse themselves in point if f morality the mormon occupies I 1 relieve ue lieve ilove a more exalted position than other sects and i in its ita workings avoids voids many of the h horrors 0 brors of what is died ailed civilized life I 1 had repeated aten ater views with brigham young and 1 uie uio e chief men of the extraordinary peo klehe governs I 1 find young to be a very able man full of energy and independence oen pen denee dence of character unlike the ma arity of bf mauk mank mankind ind he thinks for himself casts abts visionary notions to the wind and builds his ideas on the babbs of our com mon men nature he knows well that the majority of mankind cannot be satis tied with the ideal and that thai they tiley crado crave for the actual 1 that the dreams of the higher or orders ers of the intellect in regard to the godhead can only suit the tho intel fw fey and and that the majority will always alvay cravo an object of worship that they can take in their thein aist fist all ali this lie he knows and seeking the greatest happiness ns nor nr for the greatest number adopts the best means yet devised for rendering that tim majority virtuous honest and hap viewing the social condition of the mormons cormons Mor mons you have to yourself of your own superstitions and 1 prejudices and seek the truth solely in regard to polygamy I 1 will fell you what I 1 think and observed one of the results of this th is s system y stem is seen in the total absence of the abominable system so prevalent in america of prodie producing ng abortion and in england of murdering the newly born infant women cad a more natural life and aro arc iro lre not interfered with whilst pregnant or nursing and consequently enjoy better health as do their husbands and wear better than in any country I 1 lave have ever been in poor girls are not confined to a life of celibacy all get married and the majority become happy mothers all young men and alid women get married live in accordance with all that is natural and iu in obedience to the instincts god has implanted in in them and as a consequence there is no crowding of lunatic asylums the tho common result of criminal and gud guu ull uli unnatural natural practices A married woman is here no burden to her lier husband bandl for the most part they support themselves and their children by their own labor if a man mau marries a poor aud and a rich wife they equally enjoy a comfortable comfor for fer table tabIe home here exists a species of domestic socialism tho the the tho only form an fn in alch such 9 a thing is tolerable again certain filthy diseases such as decimate other duber II places aces is here unknown there are arc no 0 houses of ill ran fan fancell fame iely lell men do not go about b ut prowling t night like a sailor oil oft shore they have their wives at home take c care ire lre of them for life and ana do not like the married mil tried men of france F rance and 1 other places keep mistresses distresses mi stresses I 1 I 1 am now nosy an old man and a marriel married one I 1 ami air have seen as much of the ivor woric idla ldla Pas nid did st of my fellows and can I 1 thinly j imp impartially observe what comes before bedfor i 0 nie die for debauchery ileen licen licentiousness bious ss self seif indulgence cold coid blooded villainy vil vii laiDy commend me to any but a mormon city ido I 1 do not regard what is natural with di disgust I 1 dust but I 1 do that which is unnatural the man who ano marries many wives provides for them and their children loves and cares for them is in my mind a better a more virtuous and purer man than he who from beinish selfish h motives incurs no such obligations but leads a life of lechery and aud filth maintaining at the same time all the outward signs of asceticism our social system can hardly be worse more un 1 list cruel and selfish and I 1 trust the dayis day is not far off when some radical change will be brought bro light about ignorant man thinks and his priests teach him that everything that I 1 is s agreeable and natural is sinful and bad and that every visionary scheme schem eor superstitious notion e s prefers wyk byk Y r i p ut t lived and is daily outliving many foolish notions is to day the same as she was at the beginning the women of france have never recovered their natural and just status sl bince since inee ince the times when the wars of napoleon reduced the male population to a minimum polygamy was not allowed being a natural tendency but selfish indiscriminate indi criminate intercourse was winked at aud and women became degraded in their own eyes and traces of this are still perceptible legislators have yet to meet the question as to what is to be done with the millions of women who from sheer want are driven to the streets to make a living for some means of bringing braingin 9 about a just and honorable way for the two sexes mutually to support each other vaccination th the e following interesting extract is from flom the london correspondence of the N Y round hound fable mr spencer hall a very distinguished physician physic lan ian recently declined to obey the law which requires that jlii jill infants in fa n ts shall within a certain period after theu they birth six months I 1 believe be e vac cina ted when called appu ly PT the authorities he responded in a very remarkable letter which was read before the authorities of marylebone Maryl ebone parish stating why he had determined to pay the fine rather than have his hm child vaccina vaccinated ted he declares that he has never been able to find a cow cov with the disease nor cau can he find in england a farmer who has ever seen one with it consequently the viru virus which is now used in england en land is Js nearly or quite all tal tai taken on from fron human subjects on enquiring quiring at the various hospitals he lip finds from the medical men employed in them that it is ire ile next to impossible to get got get any real vaccine matter i 1 c from tho the cow ho he also aiso gives reasons for supposing that nearly all nil the virus in use has come through the bloods of some three hundred herent different dlf dif people many of whom must bo be tainted with some disease dr hall prefers that hi his child should incur the risk of ghe the he small smail smallpox pox ox to these taints the dying out of the I 1 disease sease among cows has been attended by a similar decrease in the virulence of smallpox small pox among human beings the disease from being eing tho the most formidable has now almost lost its terrors he thinks that for some e reason or other possibly because the whole community has become gradually inoculated the smallpox may die out altogether the themar mary lehone authorities were considerably staggered by the doctors very verg able letter and did not know whether to impose the fine or not the fine being belner arranged for the negligent not for tte the philosophical they finally agreed to allow the doctor four months to mint hunt up somo some original vaccine virus for his child WHY GERMAN wamen L EN mare MAKE GOOD WIVES the culinary art forms a part of the tho education of the women in germany the well to do tradesmen like the mechanic takes pride in seeing his dau daughters I 1 h go good 0 d housekeepers to 0 emme effe effect et tt this thib is object the girl on leaving school which she does when about fourteen years of age goes through the ceremony of confirmation fir and is then placed by her parents rents with a country clergyman or in a large largo family where she remains one or two years filling what may almost be termed tiie the post of servant and doing the work of one this is looked upon as an apprenticeship to domestic economy slie she dlf dif differs flers from a servant however in this she receives no wages 0 1 on the contrary her parents often pay pa cloth cioth for the care of her us yc as for her eloth cloth int ini I 1 g AI I 1 thi is the first ste p in hi mr her education of housekeeper she next passes parses on the same bame conditions into the kitchen of a private family or in n that of some hotel of good repute here hero she bhe ha W 4 control ortho orthe expenditure and of the servants employed in it and assists personally in the cookin cooking but is is always i addressed as fraulein Fraul ein cin elm eld or miss and is treated by the family with deference and consideration many daughters dail dati liters of rich families receive a similar training trai ilg with this difference lim erenee orence however horev r that they t ey receive it in a princely mansion sio or a royal residence there is a reign reigning ing queen iii in germany at t the present moz moment who wag wai was trained in this way consequently the women in germany are perfect models of order and economy ay asin azin c dali iiii i ail iii iu ana waterbury ava bury ene eng england giand gland has taught his parrot to say sas say sas i ay I 1 pretty reain c to every evers or 1 lay joy ley idy ulio mito itar I 1 i n T TT s r i tim THE SEQUEL SEQUE L OF THE philadelphia GHOST excitement tho philadelphia papers have for some time past contained extraordinary accounts of singular transactions which have been going on in the house of mr mulford in fifth street above carpenter in the second ward which have generally been attributed to ghosts the manifestations ife stations seem to have principally ally consisted sf of things being suddenly whirled across the room taking especial delight in the destruction of crockery and things of a like frail nature occasionally varied by loud knockings knock ings and strange noises being heard in different parts of the hou house se mary madeline scout who has been in the family of mr mulford for far the past four months has after constant watching 1 been discovered to have been the cause caus e of or these mysterious occurrences on tuesday last she was committed to the house of refuge on the complaint other of her mot mother llen lier who charges her with behag incorrigibly vicious and beyond her control when arraigned before a magistrate she stated that she had not been instigated by any one to do what she had done at ai the house of mr mulford she silo did not know why she did it she said she never neve r heard anything about spiritualists nor had she ever read anything about them or any works about ghosts or devils she ghe admitted that if she should want to make a clock lookingglass looking glass or picture fall fail she would so loosen the fastenings that any one of the things would come como down without trouble after being committed to the hoube house of refuge I 1 it it Is stated that she commenced cutting up her apers capers ct there and was very saucy and ins insulting to the matron it appears that the magistrate before whom the girl was brought h had id just jast opened opened a new docket the first fl t entry t thereon ereon is as follows on this day of february 1860 sent to the house of refuge mary madeline scout under fifteen years of age dge charged by her mother mary ann scout with incorrigibly vicious conduct by pretending to be possessed posses sedof of the devil and smashing up things generally at the house of mr mulford south fifth street above carpenter street thereby causing a great excitement and hubbub throughout the city and und giving rise to rumor of ghosts feer ecer c much to the annoyance of citizens WHAT DID BID mary MABY sly say sax SAY during the trial of one gozell go zell zeil for kidnapping which took place lately in hillsborough N C an incident occurred kiich created considerable fun at the expense of wags and council A miss sloan was testifying and was requested to state stata all that she knew about a certain transaction witness 1 I was in a setting room when vilen mary come froni from the kit kitchen cloen elfen hurriedly and gorzell after arner her heir ho he caught hold of her at the setting room loom door doom and said uary mary you have been here long enough come and go home now naw 11 what ald aid did mary say attorney for the state stop there I 1 object to the question here a discussion disc of nearly neaily two hours took place in which four lawyers participated after which the Ji judges idge adge held a along jong serious ani and exciting discussion on the subject and finally in jn 4 1 very formal and pompou mannen manner stated that if it was the opinion of 04 th court that the question should be answered the court room was crowded almost to suffocation subhi catlon cation and und the most intense interest was manifested at ht this stage of the proceedings ce edings the mho question was repeated what did mary say sa aj and the witness an answered viero she slid d dint dant taij say a word north carolina paper MAGNETIC it has recently been discovered that electricity can melt the most refractory dr earths atlis and metals imitate the effects of or lightning and nd with ease pierce glass plates four ebli inches in thickness 1 its light transmitted through barell rarefied med gases is uncoil ceiva bly brilliant its powers have already been applied to several useful purposes Kuhm koff has receive received d the prize of francs 2000 set apart by the french government for the best application of electricity III his s U apparatus throws down the barrier which was so long believed to se the electricity of the electrical machine and ard that of the galva galvanic nic battery lames LAMPS of an in improve improved il description are introduced into i the streets of parts candelabras Candel abras lii iii bronzed need by an electr elec tele telo sc process I 1 are erected at it intern intervals af pf twenty A nive five N 0 o metres instead af forty as its 1 ein uin formerly the flamo flame fin rn I 1 L is only onix t hac n metres letres from the ground around audits ilg lightie A 1 couii i apon tho tiu past palk ment ly uy dapower r 0 ed i 1 i it 1 all ali landirth ki q r t 11 top t 1 T t I 1 0 |