Show LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS FROM B DAILY JUNE 8 the death of sarah ann morris as announced elsewhere in this issue removes from this sphere of action a well respected latter day saint and one who was true to her convictions to the last sister morris was born in st louis fifty years ago and was the eldest daughter of dr W B corbitt who passed through the persecutions at nauvoo nartoo and eini grated to salt lake city in in september 1860 brother corbitt lived to the ripe old age of 81 years when he passed away after a W we well spent life v springville Spring ville june 4 1898 joseph the 4 year old son of wil r liam B R and caroline crawford died this morning of dropsy the little fellow suffered for three weeks and insisted from the first that he would never get well he was born december while we mourn his loss we rejoice in the hope we have ot meeting these dear ones we lay away with a full hope of a glorious resurrection yours respectfully F P D GIFFORD cn may two little boys sons ot of robert E and mary mar elizabeth dt dl of vre v ati re vi ri a baem tho th older i of she he two m named i asi asor arven or ven years r f id s in the loft and dropped a pitchfork one tine of which penetrate penetrates I the skull ozithe of athe younger boy whose name was leo harold medical aid was sum boned and the injured chils child seemed to be progressing favorably until about noon on saturday last when he took a chuigo for the worse and died shortly wore midnight services were hold held yesterday at t the residence of the parents the family have the sympathy of their heir arf friends ads and neighbors loa utah june 2nd and 1898 1 on friday day may ath 1898 william 1 sheridan blackburn aged sixteen years was driving a team for his fath er who was scraping some dirt on a k bridge in wellington carbon county the team not moving just right wllliam william struck the near horse with the lines and at the same Ini instant stant turned his bin head towards his father who had addressed him the horse kicked with both feet and struck him on the ae left ft side of the head crushing his skull 1 dr richman of price and dr allen alien of provo prove were summoned by wire and removed a apiece alece of his skull about three inches long and about an inch and a half in width but in spite of all that could be done the boy died on wednes 1 day the alth dinst and was buried on the the funeral was waa gon conducted ducted under the directions of bishop ten len and the parents and relatives feel to appreciate the many words of sympathy pathy that were uttered and also the kind services rendered in the lute interval arval between the time their son was hurt and his deatti r william was the son of jehu and catherine blackburn and was born in ao ht wayne county utah his parents had only recently moved to their new nev home in wellington BLACKBURN FROM DAILY JUNE JUKE 9 elder james ingebretsen of 25 rivers street creet of providence rhode island has written britten to lo elder lder franklin D richards askina for information as to the of W bi black who he says bays left england about 1871 1971 for utah coming from the wolverhampton Wolver hampton JV branch his relatives have not heard from him since he left great britain and are now very anxious to learn something of him this year old will spend their one days annual summer outing I 1 at the lagoon general manager bamberger of the salt lake ogden having generously tendered the tree free use of his road and resort to the corni comi cittee for that purpose the offer was quickly accepted but no date has yet been determined upon that however i will be attended to in the near future in the meantime the committee is considering I 1 si preliminarily what is necessary to make this years outing the greatest of all the great outings that have been r given in honor of respected I 1 veterans the civil and ecclesiastical I 1 authorities of farmington and davis county have promised to do all in their power towards making the event the big success that is being so confidently planned and hoped for FROM FRIDAYS DAILY JUNE 10 nels C nelsons belsons Nel sons brick cottage at south fifth east street was destroyed j 1 by fire late last night the family was away from home at the time and the flames had their own way until noticed breaking through the roof by neighbors then an ari alarm was sent in and the fire department responded too late however to be of much service meanwhile willing hands stripped the home of its contents and saved them an adjoining house occupied by agnes weller weiler narrowly being burned also the fire is supposed to have been caused by a defective flue the loss will be about 1200 saturdays 11 elder alexander odthe eighteenth ard arrived home from his mis slon aion early in the week he had been absent from utah only ten months his early return was occasioned by a sickness rheumatism and malarial fever he Is however improving nicely now and will ere long be able to be out again it is no longer Capt captain alti cannon of company 1 I torrey troop of rough riders but lieutenant colonel Q cannion second U S volunteer cavalry such was the telegraphic information that reached this city today from port fort russell Wyl wyoming oming where the torrey regiment has been quartered for nearly a month in on th past been as the news mews was most gratifying to colonel cannons friem friends do who fully believed belleve 1 that lids his promo prom tilon would come at ait the first opportunity Govert tor wells was waa the first to be notified ot at th the e selection which it I 1 Is q announced was made without a dissenting vote Pre derot siderA george Q cannon also received the following from colonel torrey the telegram coining early this tais morning fort pa rt D A russell rupell wyo june 11 1898 hon geo Q cannon salt lake city utah captain john Q cannon will today be e promoted to be lieutenant colonel second U S volunteer cavalry TORREY colonel MONDAYS DAMY DAHY JUNE 13 18 thomas bates of monroe sevier co met with a tragic and shocking ng fate near murray so sometime katurd saturday it Y night halfe ts body was discovered on the IEL Q G I 1 W track yesterday morning vand brought to this city later in the day bates it is thought left for homo home on the saturday evening train and fell off being crushed to death he was 25 years of afe age and unmarried the secretary of the salt lake fish and game association writes to the news as follows those who are in the habit each year of angling for trout before the beginning of the open season when fish may be lawfully be taken from the streams are being looked atter after very persistently this year by the utah fish and game protective association every infraction of the law the open season begins at 12 midnight june and continues until december the streams are being patrolled by the wardens and specially engaged officers and it will go hard with those caught fishing out of season or having trout in their possession during that time state fish and game warden john sharp is busy sending out general notices giving the list of streams closed to all kinds of fishing the season opens thursday following are the streams closed parleys canyon salt lake county counte 3 and all tributaries tributa ries from the old jen aings woolen mills site up to the head for four years commencing february 1897 blue spring creek arid and tributaries tributa ries flowing into panguitch Pan gultch lake garfield galfield gal field county closed for four years from december 1897 lost creek in morgan county with all closed for three years from june 1898 big arring awing creek rich county closed for fourbears four years from april 1st ast 1898 gorgensen creek sevier county flowing into fish lake closed for four years from june 1898 oak creek in millard county closed for four years from march 6 1898 boxelder Box elder creek boxelder Box elder county closed for three years from june 1898 cottonwood creek farmington precinct davis closed for three years from june 15 1898 chalk creek summit county closed for three years from june 15 1898 the funeral of hyrum maughan the young elder who died while lit laboring boring in the northern states mission field was held in the ward meeting house weston idaho wednesday the hall was waa nicely decorated in white and the me services were expressive and touch lung the speakers were elders L AK eloch president of the northern states mis mission george C parkinson president of the onelda oneida stake and bishop maughan of wellsville cache county all bore testimony to the high standing of the decease dand elder kelsch spoke highly of his integrity to the cause of truth while laboring in the mission field where he had been since last december music appropriate to the occasion was also rendered by the weston choir the body of elder maughan was conveyed to his home under the direction of elder kesch it was kept in a 46 splendid state of preservation and this fact did much to appease the grief of his relatives and friends to whom his death came as an a great shock elder kelsch reports the work vork flourishing in the northern states and says that the elders are enjoying good health and are mach much encouraged in their labors numerous baptisms have been attended to the past few months month iq and all in at 40 the outlook is indeed promising the in mission has its headquarters at te le moyne street chicago Chi gago to which point elder kelsch kelech return in a few days LieUten lieutenant tnt colonel cannon of them the second regiment united states volunteer cavalry is in in salt lake having come in yesterday afternoon on a brief leave of absence from his post of duty at fort russell wyoming where the torrey rough h riders are being trained for active service colonel cannon is looking and feeling splendidly he has lost considerable flesh occasioned by the long hours and arduous duties of camp life but is all the better for it the entire regiment is in good shape the men are all uniformed well housed and fed and in excellent spirits the monotony of camp life alone makes it irksome however the regiment expects to receive orders soon that will take it to the front personally the colonel thinks that they axe are more likely to go to porto rico than either cuba or the philippines the latter of course would be preferable but the transportation of about 1200 horses that la Is about the number the regiment would need so great a distance is a problem not easily solved then as to cuba the colonel thinks the services of the rough riders will not be required on that island there being enough men alhand at hand to capture and subdue it the whole regiment says colonel cannon swears by colonel torrey whom they regard a most worthy leader coloner torrey is a man of education and refinement a man who places great faith in the courage patriotism and american spirit of the volunteers of the western states Kirn kimball ball sergeant cobb and private brattain who returned from san francisco yesterday afternoon to secure eighteen more recruits to fill up the ranks of the first utah volunteer cavalry opened an office in the national guard armory today and at 3 had twenty eight applicants for the eighteen places among those who applied quite a number were under 21 years of age and only seven were over 26 25 R J bootes scott groo john A Jenid jenkens ns charles stewart john P F chambers louis M sells tom redall khall kingsbury H R esse ease H ben hampton walter J pike R E allen alien p C evans john T carlson odeli odell tompkins To frank F young alex milligan george harris elmer johnson W H bonde ed E rich D benyon davis wm E dark clark M J thomas james A lee robert A reid john hutchings erman beasen Je risen J A salisbury lieutenant kimball and sergeant cobb went to fort douglas this MIS atter afternoon to see lieutenant dashiell Daa Dush hiell lell private r vate brattain w aiho bo was in charge of the recruiting office denied mt emphatically phatie the correctness of the report telegraphed to this city that the volunteers were wem suffering froni immoral conditions at any of the san ban Frai francisco camps so far as lit it referred to or reflected upon the utah troops he declared it was absolutely and unqualifiedly false the men from this start he further said were moral and high minded aad co conceded needed to be among the best on thle the coast V under the above caption the emery county pioneer says despite the positive identification of the man who was shot recently in company with walker as butch Cass idythe fact act is now pretty well established that it was not he it may be remembered that schultz and thompson who were arrested at the time the other two men were shot stated that they knew the man claimed to be cassidy only as john herring and it now appears certain that this was his real name on tuesday of this week sheriff tuttle revolved the following letter which explains itself catula texas june 4 TO the sheriff of castle dale dear sir I 1 have been informed that my brother john herring had been killed at castle hale dale if so please write me and let me know the particulars about it JOHN HERRING on the same day the following letter was received by mr S H thompson who Is being held to await the action of the district court oakville Oa kville texas may 31 1898 mr S H Thomp pon castle dale utah dear sir your letter to the sheriff of this county was handed me today you write relative to the death of my boy john herring you write as if you were my boys friend now please write his sorrowing father all the particulars tic ulars relative to my boys death did he live any length of time atter after being shot if so did he talk any who buried him and where was he burled buried 7 who was he working for at the time of his death who took charge of his body and effects after death please my friend for if you were my boys friend you were mine also write me fully in answer to my questions especially as to how long he lived after being shot and if he was conscious at the time of death and what he said 1 by doing this you will greatly oblige CURTIS HERRING this letter is written on one of the letter heads of F H church lawyer i and land agent oakville Oa kville texas and is written in a round easy business hand sheriff tuttle is convinced that there was a mistake in the identification of the dead man and that butch cassidy is still at large san francisco examiner according with his last wishes the ceremonies of the mormon church of which the deceased was once an elder were observed yesterday afternoon at the fun eral of brigham hamilton young the services occurred at his late home 1523 schiller street fk alameda A lameda ten missionary elders including the president of the church in this state were present and in addition to the immediate membra of the fai family nily a large number of salt lake friends were in attendance tiie the casket was surrounded by flowers and t the he body was clo clothed thed in th the e white vestments usual at the funeral of the members of zion church the services opened with the chanting of a hymn rock of my refuge from the mormon hymnal and elder J W nixon delivered a short ashert address on the resurrection ur and the life hereafter according to the new revelation the famous hymn 0 my father written by miss eliza R snow and sung by the salt lake choir at the worlds fair was sung by the elders and sisters E F nye president bof the missionary church in california delivered the eulogy he told the story of the departure of the first cormons mormons from illinois in the forties across the then practically unknown plains Pr prairies Airles and deserts of the west the trials 0 of f th the e early years in salt lake valley the incessant conflicts with indians indiana the plagues of beetles and grasshoppers and the vicissitudes lived by the pioneers were recounted and then the speaker referred to the deceased as one of those half a century ago had labored to found |