Show IDAHO WEATHER REPORT the weather of the week endi ending 49 monday september 13 1897 was much cooler than the one preceding with frequent high winds over the souther sou thetA half of the state A severe frost accompanied compa compan nied led by freezing temperatures occurred on the ath over the eastern and parts of the western section fruit and tender garden truck suffered to a great extent but grain was too far advanced generally to be materially teri ally injured heavy showers were the rule over the northern section interfering with ha harvesting resting operations and probably reducing the yield of grain the rainfall over the southern section consisted mainly of light scattered showers harvesting and threshing have progressed fairly well aad the latter Is well advanced in all sections the yield in the northern section is hardly fulfilling expectations Po potatoes tatos were doing very well until the last frost which has probably stopped their growth garden truck also has been materially damaged the second crop of alfalfa has been cut in the majority of cases and a few a short third crop |