Show NEWS FROM MOAB MOAB grand brunty utah february 18 1897 there are parties who have been led to form wrong ideas in regard to moab some have an idea that moab is in a large place because a great deal ot fruit to Is shipped from here bare grand valley where moab to Is situated Is in a small email place there are 2600 2500 acres of land under water some borne of the people have large farms farm so our population is in limited the school pupils number about one hundred and thirty A great amount of land is in in albala but bu consla erable of it has been plowed up of late and set out in orchards last year one man paid 1000 for foi trees as people who go into the fruit business generally want something that Is from war afar oft off and as nursery stock grows so large here and we are thirty five miles from the railroad it does not pay to go into the nursery business very extensively I 1 have propagated tress trees lor for the last fifteen years year not for the money that was io in it but to bave bare trees I 1 know knew would be adapted to this climate it will pay every farmer to have a few trees on hand so that when he wants to set out a tree he be will be saved from the expense of buying them as nee needed desi when I 1 started I 1 out oft sprouts from trees which bad grown up from the ground I 1 propagated more than I 1 needed for my own use and always found tale sale at some vries price I 1 have nut not made a business of the nursery only so in far as experimenting to is concerned if you have trees of your own raking raining you can dig your tree and have it transplanted in a low few minutes so that the growth will not be checked A nursery man will tell you that it if a tree is taken up in the be cormant state it does not make any difference about the distance of transportation or the time the tree to is out of the ground so long as the weather is cold enough to keep the tree in a dormant state I 1 know by experiments that a tree taken up in the spring as soon as the sap map starts and set not out witti without cut being out of the ground but a few minutes will grow right along almost as well as ii left in the ground I 1 herewith give your readers the prices of property last fast year john shafer sold twenty acres of land that bad nothing on it but alfalfa and a fence two sides for 1400 tom trout sold ten acres a few years ago for 1000 but thereto there Is property that can u be bought for lose less there sire are places to be bad in dry valley by building reservoirs ervo irs flour is w we jtb or at least it to is sell ing for sa 8 oats 2 corn potatoes sa 2 onions 4 apples 4 dried apples 10 cents per peaches the same eggs 26 25 cents anu butter 26 25 cents cent we have had more snow here this hinterthan winter than at any time since we the place was mettles settled and it stayed on tie le ground longer the first fiat snow enow was in 1 december and it to not all gon eyeL it la in snowing nowling today and it there la Is not act a change in the next week or ton ten do day there will be beavy lose loaa in block stock san toe the food feed is hort abort and the snow enow is ie fr atoa 0 a 1 eight to ton tea inches deep and crusol oraa td I 1 monticello had three feet before tote this la Hayle hay la selling for 12 omd very little to be had for that but an aft are rejoicing over the hopes they have for next summer 0 W |