Show THE BRIGHAM YOUNG STATUE a there are some large newspapers in the country whose intolerance is in so BO great that hat they oan can find no merit in a person not of their particular not hence bence it to 1 not surprising that they die play unreasoning anger at the suggestion to place a statue of the te great plo neer President brigham the statuary tat nary bell ball at washington nr n ir la Is it unexpected to find less leaa influential but equally narrow in ou mals which copy approvingly by reprinting with out condemnation the rancorous assaults kabita oo on that wrest great man and the people of utah but the more pro Crees greas lve tva and broader minded news new papers papera of the country are pointing a better ways way and it to pleasing to note the unanimity with which those these approve the apropo tiOn an illustration of the interest taken in this matter by those who are informed thereon is here bore given from the washington silver knight watchman its ita editor to la son ban stor tor wm M stewart steward of nevada here to is a resent editorial in his paper the washington evening star must be very ignorant of the great work brigham young has left behind when it suggest in the paragraph quoted below the necessity of living down his big memory ever the faults of his hia religion may have been he with his devoted band laid the foundations of a state under and embarrassments embarrass ments the like ot of chice were never before surmounted a thou thousand mand miles from a white sets note ement tl in the midst ot of a desert without the slightest practical knowledge of irrigation or cultivation in arid and regions with nothing but the scanty supply ly which they took look with them f rom east of the Mib missouri river they braved went want hunger and privations while they were working out the great problem of planting lanting 11 civilization when others of a leas 1 vs and less courage would have perished whatever may be charged against brigham young he was the most remarkable man we ever met in fortitude courage and control over men he be never had a superior on the american continent in establishing and building up an indus tribue and prosperous community where the education and habits of his race forbade the undertaking the institution of polygamy which was against the he religion ii n and civilization of the american people him has passed away and is in no longer a reproach to the fair name of utah the evidence of the heroic daring the patience the economy and industry of brigham young and his followers appear on every hand in the ba new state they founded and built up the traveler who visits vinit utah and andoe or serves erves the magnificent resources her people 0 pie have developed and the hoeper prosperity fry they enjoy will be glad to see the statue of brigham young in the hall where the memory of the distinguished sons cons of the various states to is preserved the foU following owing la is from the washington star the suggestion in the utah legislature that a statue of brigham young be placed in the statuary hall ball of the now new capitol should be carefully considered utah lie ie a young state with bright prospects and it should not handicap itself any more heavily than is a absolutely necessary in the worx work of living down its if past pait the scranton Boran toD pa tribune makes the following pertinent statement upon apon the subject because utah wishes to place in the capitol at washington a statue of brie ham young a howl Is in raised why the I 1 privilege which utah seeks Is one that by law belongs to each state in the union and her selection of a subject to is 81 simply imply a ratification of his torys testimony to youngs greatness gre aness as an the conqueror ot of a wilderness grant that his religious views were out of joint what has congress to do with them |