Show OBITUARY NOTES KAREN at friday night february ath mrs karen Ped ereon nielson an 0 old ld resident of american pork fork pawed passed quietly from this to the other world after sickness from pneumonia of a weeks duration the deceased has ha been loved and respected by all during her whole life A lady with whom she he has baa been very in intimate mate for man many wr years says ay that she ahe never hah a word wor with mrs nielson in her life the departed one wax was born at vesterby vestera on oa the island of oland den mark zoo dec 20 1827 she received the gospel of the church of jesus jeans chr of latter day saints and was baptized nov 8 1853 was waa married to niels nielson feb 8 1854 and arrived in utah october 5 of the same year TUN family first lived in fayville Ka and salt lake but bat finally settled here in 1886 where they have lived ever since she rho leaves a husband and a family of six children five of whom are married viz mesdames sina chipman martha houston caroline miller and oma Evano and pa mr r niels nielsen jr and miss sarah barak alel sen oom WILLIAX HALSTON ALSTON HALS 31 TON died at red bed canyon wyoming october 21 1896 william halston born at marpool derbyshire england janus january 4 1821 he left england june jane 20 siddle 1 arrived at almy july 7 1885 and resided re at red bed canyon at the time of his death deceased haafeen had been ailing for the past five years but he was taken suddenly with pleura pneumonia on the morning of the and died on the he ot october he was well respected by everybody he always had a smile and a kind word for everyone he was always ready and willing to do his duty when called upon he was a good honesta honest truthful man and he W was not known to have an enemy in the world too much cannot be said of his bis good qualities he was the father of twelve children five sons and seven daughters eight of his children survive him two sons were killed in the mines one in england and one in the red canyon on explosion of march 20 1895 he M leaves ves about thirty grandchildren and four great grandchildren he died in good standing in the lue church and in hopes of a glorious resurrection he has fought the good fiedt and he is worthy of a crown of bright glory in the kingdom of god he had been through the temple with his wife who survives him A precious one from us has gone cone A voice we loved is stilled aal A pi so ass j 18 m vacant in our oar home which never can be filled god in his bis mercy has baa recalled the boon hid big love lore has given als ITIs but hla his body lying here hu his soul in ii safe mare in heaven MARTHA HALSTON HANNAH HABBISON PLAIN CITY weber co utah feb 10 1897 there delilar departed ted this life iu in plain city on the ath of february 1897 sister biker hannah harrison daughter ol of robert dore and elizabeth parker the deceased was born in belper beeper derbyshire En england glandt april 8 1818 herselt heiselt and husband were baptized into the church of jesus christ of latter day saints sainta march 22 1848 elder will william Br brewerton emerton of willard ci city 1 utah performing the ceremony they were the first fruits of the gospel of that town themselves and three others forming the first ant members of the branch she emigrated with her partner in life to uch utah in the year 1878 and resided among her children up to the time ot of her death previous to her emigrating to utah she was a resident resil 1 of the town of deay derby where at all times her house wat wa open to the elders from utah and many there be who can testify to 0 the whole generosity of our departed sister she was the mother of nine children five of whom are alive and residing in plain city she also leaves leave behind her twenty seven grandchildren obile en and four great grandchildren she was sick but a few days and when death claimed her for his own her children dren flocked around her bed and with loving hands smoothed her passage to the grave she died as an she had lived a faithful saint a loving mother and a true friend and as an she often expressed a desire she has gone to join her husband who preceded her to the spirit land some two years aab we shall miss thee from our fireside when the daily tasks basil s are done we shall need eed thy loving counsel from morn till set met of sun we shall miss thee from our oar circle when we bow the knee in prayer and our hearts will feel the sorrow when we view the vacant chair but bat well bear our cross in meekness and our oar duties will renew asking god our oar heavenly father that to him we may be true and when from our oar earthly toll toil he frees us he be this ibis our oar glad refrain within the sacred portals we shall greet thee once again EDWARD GODDARD utah papers and millennial star please copy rich county jan 1897 on wednesday last at p m the funeral services in honor of our deceased and venerable father in israel nehemiah weston were held at our meeting house hous both rooms of which were crowded wib with kin and friends bishop ira presided elder joseph robinson Robi naon conducted the musical exercises and elders J W and joseph irwin and bishop isaac T price spoke of the excellent character of the deceased and of the doctrines of the resurrection and the life of mankind before and af after ter the probationary or mortal estate at the close of the services the friends filed past the casket and took a loving look at our departed brother whom we all hope to meet on the other and better side in the morning of the resurrection father weston was born at west harp tree Somerset shire england july 19 1820 and died january thua thus being at time of decease four days less leas than seventy six years and six months old mother weston and he surrounded by a host of their posterity and friends in september 1895 celebrated their golden wedding anniversary he leaves leaven besides his loving spouse four sons oona five daughters fifty five grandchildren and three gibat grandchildren all of whom that thai are old enough are members of the church in good standing in the good old times when our leaders were traveling through the country father westons We stona hosp hospitable hable roof sheltered president taylor many of the apostles tl es and other prominent church officers his heart and purse were ever open at the calls of the poor and in behalf of temple building tabernacle and every good and worthy public work and surely the lord greatly blessed him materially in this life father weston was blessed in health in houses and lands land with an evor pervading spirit of peace deace and of faith in gods providence provi dences j and nd these he retained to his bis dying moment he was wag conscious to the last laal and death laid its band on him lightly as would a mother the coverlet on her slumbering babe after afier about three days illness the good man breathed his big last as an calmly as he ever went to sleep father wes on bad been a resident of our town for nearly twenty years he joined the Chu church being baptized by the late elder john Ne baker soon alter after he came here his worthy wife having been a member of the church and true thereto since the early part of 1844 As one of the speakers said at his funeral if a man is judged by hi his fruits father westons home life hi his family his record all unite in characterizing him as one of gods noble men humble and unassuming as he was and for such while we shed the tear of affection we have no need to regret their going to their reward JOSEPH JOHN T RICH john T rich died at brigham city I 1 box elder county utah on monday february auh 1897 1807 at p m of hemorrhage of the brain he was born june 1840 at galena illinois he came to viah utah with his him mother ther agnes taylor schwartz and family in the year 1847 and resided in salt lake city a number of years he was waa afterwards afterward engaged in stock raising at rush bush valley tooele thoele county and resided at grants ville with his family where he was well and favorably known by all with whom he be became associated some eight years yearn ago he moved his hill family to brigham city w where here he became identified with the people there therein vesting investing the means which lie he had bad accumulated in his labors besides being a heavy land owner he owned and was president of the balg ham city bank the brigham city electrio electric light sy system stem opera house p pottery ottery and other local enterprises also bild lild had come into his possession he was wait suddenly attacked a month ago with dizziness while on the street and had bad to be assisted home he has been confined to his bed ever since his life much of the time hanging as an by a thread he seemed to rally a tew lew days since but ou m monday the children were called from school and from the bank to the bedside of their dying father the deceased was a nephew of the late president john taylor and leaves his hi aged mother three sons and five d daugh gh tore to mourn his bin departure the eldest I 1 son ROD john Y rich has ban had charge of his fathers affairs for the past few years yeam and resides with his wife florence daughter of charles and elizabeth 0 CL crismon at brigham city the eldest eldert daughter may wife of elder john W taylor and their family reside near MUL mill creek salt lake county the youn younger children reside at the homestead at br bertg ham city the bereaved family have th sympathy of their many relatives and numerous friends something Pom ething over two ye years arasO ago the beloved wife and mother agnes young rich departed this lift and now the father has gone to to join her in the great beyond the death of john T rich iq a creat lose logs to brigham city he was an honore dk member of the city council and filled other positions of honor and trust ha aimed to be a consistent latier day salow saint and died in full faith of a glorious resurrection the funeral services were hold held at brigham city on tuesday feb aw in the afternoon on which occasion words of eulogy comfort and consol tion were imparted by the speakers speaker who who knew of his hia good qualities the remains were brought to salt law lajca city on the union pacific 9 train on wednesday morning the loth and the family were met at the depot br bj relatives and friends who proceeded to the cemetery where all that was mortal of john T rich were laid to rest by the side of his departed wife prisident dent joseph P F smith dedicated the grave and offered a feeling and prayer cox COM |