Show A PECULIAR CASIL CASE to what expediencies those versed la IX tow law can have hare recourse in an erner ear gency to is often illustrated by the legal daloe given to te lawyel lr yei Lod clients lente ol but bu t bebe 00 of mr renshaw Ben hw a young business bimla man of philadelphia to la per hope one of we be most remarkable IL fi anat he be failed ome noma time ago 0 o and that sho be creditors judgment against him tor for litter later he be inherited from a rioh rich relative the problem now was how to prevent the be creditors from taking pone possession aloa of this fortune the young man sought the advice of a prominent now new york lawyer who asked for ft a copy of the will in perusing the document doeu ment he be found a clause stipulating that the money ahuad eha aid br be turned over to mr renshaw kenshaw only on OB the condition that be woo was leading a sober saber industrious life in case he be were addicted addi eted to drlek drink it should boo id be placed into the hands of ef some other responsible person until it could be established by the decision of a court i bat a thorough reform had bad taken place here then was the he saying clause the lawyer coolly advised his client that he be must meet get drunk repeatedly until the money could be turned over to somebody else to be held in trust for him until he should reform which happy event must not take place be fore the debt had bad become dead ao cording to the statute ot of limitation the lucky her be r bad not contracted any bad habits before but now on the advice of hll his lawyer be to doing his best beat to establish a reputation for debauchery in order to defraud the creditors creditor and the lawyer isaax ii acx insely watching him to see ee that the creditors creditor do not surprise him in a moment of soberness lober new the tory story sounds lounda queer but to la told an a true if gas eo the question lon arises whether a lawyer cannot be held beld re poni ible for advising a client to lead an a immoral life even for the oaks lake of saving property from the hand bands of creditors ore dlton and then there li in another question que atlon whether a man who has hai cultivated a tanto for strong drink and kept on for years yean can reform at the he proper moment even for the make eake of ef obtaining poll poi deion of a fortune it is ii not stated whom testator has haa appointed trustee tru atee but it if it should happen to be that shrewd lawyer the probability Is that the intended reform would not ot be unduly hastened it li in a decidedly interesting case |