Show SUNDAY SERVICES president angus M cannon over the services at the taberna T berna cle sunday after aftergood nooD fob feb 14 1897 choir sang the nymo hymn hark listen to the trum trumpeter peters they sound tor for vo volunteer I 1 antkers an choir further song ang again we most meet around the board of jesus our redeeming lord sacrament was administered bythe by the pt priesthood hood of the eighth wardi ward t elder george C late preel dent of the swiss and german mission was wai introduced to the audience as a the first speaker he said he be had bad arisen in obedience to the call made of him oot not because he felt desirous of addressing the saints sainte but because he felt it his bis auty to respond to too the call it had bad been his lot for the second time to labor an ai a missionary to in the swim and german mission and he be had had much joy and satisfaction in his labon labo the mission was now one of the most prosperous in the world and during the last ton ten years much progress ai had been made the mission was oom fenced in the year 1862 1852 by president snow then it was known as an the swiss german and italian mission but since wen then the letters lattern name had been dropped from the title the mission was fast fait opening up and many elders were in the field the laborers numbering about some borne of these were lab laboring cring in tb the french speaking districts and were meeting with good muoc suo ets prejudice was wa fast waiting melting away and doors were be ing thrown open for the receipt of the principles of the gospel borne booms of the better classes of people living there tied visited salt lake city and they hey returned to their homes with a very favorable impression of the people living here bore elder spoke of the strictness of f the laws of the she german empire and said that elders traveling there without visible means of support were lift lie ble to banishment anus toe be said aid it behooved the she parents parent of young men labor ag a g thereto there to send them an occasional dollar bill that they might t aye ave protection irom from the laws of the land until the time came when the lord would so 80 overrule things as aa to change the laws jaws permitting the elders to sojourn there and preach the gospel without purse and scrip the speaker also the great advantage to blung elders in becoming somewhat conversant with the language before going into that country as it would help them considerably j the Latt erday saints had bad been able to make many friends among the be people or of switzerland and germany they bad been able to got get among the noblemen of we the country and the spirit of ef god and the gospel w was feat fast taking hold bola of 01 them the future coture hold held out indications of a rich harvest harrest being gathered achere gath ereo the residents were fast becoming acquainted with the gospel work and the elders were being treated with the greatest consideration and respect reaped elder bider brought greetings to the saints at home from those laboring labor og in ID the european mission as an well as ae from some who are not members oi 01 the church but who had bad learned to love lore the people of god through their associations with them choir sang a low lew verses of we the hymn hyma 0 my patter father elder charles W penrose was the next speaker he said the be saints abt Vi together lether lot for the purpose of belne spiritually fed and built up and such being the case it behooved all 11 II to pay strict brict attention and to concentrate their findson inin daon the things of god that they blight receive benefit from what was wae said aid kly by the speakers ape akara he had bad boom been greatly interested la in the cemarka remark sot oi and was wai pleased leaded to note the splendid condition oi of the she he be had reported now was wa the time tp to thrust in the sickle bickle and reap and it if the he elders donld go forth in all ab humility hural lIty without pune pone and aad scrip austing in the lord lor for blessings the way would be opened up before them and jed would be with them and hearken to their prayers the tb servants ier erv aota of the aird had bad been corn com to go out and preach the goo GOB pal without pune pane and without scrip aad I 1 it they did this he had to bleu bless thern them faith was the great essential estial in carrying out this tali command and only thorough strict at dention to it would god make manifest the be blessings in tore store tor for those who obey him and keep hla his command beote in 10 the early ot of the church ouch a mode ot of procedure we was carried out and the results obtained then were sufficient to demou demon elrate rate that god was with hla his people when they were walking strictly atri otly in the path of and obedience there but one straight and narrow path which led unto eternal rite life and few there were said bald josue that found it Us he came to earth and made plain III hie gospel plan and atter after this chobad he had sacrificed himself upon the crow crone in order that man might live jive at thin time jesus remarked it is ie finished a remark which bad been taken by the bulk of the christian world as a oue going to show that the work which he was then engaged ID was waa finished not no BO maid bald the speaker ap eaber the savior had reference to his hie sailor buffer ngit age the pangs and the agony of his soul while he was upon the earth this was clearly demonstrated from the be scriptures where it said bald that he bad gone to preach to the spirits lo in after he had been resurrected from the tomb the work was mot finished but continued on after the crucifixion of the savior ano and finally bad been restored to the earth in these latter days daja in all its ancient purity and holiness there was yet a vast work to be done ur tir it was to be carried to all nations nati oes to every kindred klu dred to every tongue and every people god had set eel up his hia kingdom upon the earth for the last time and he would see ee to it that hie hi purposes were accomplished even if he had bad to have it a contro controversy veley with other nations to do its it his hie work would stand not with standing the opposition of satan anu and in his own due time jesus would appear to te reign on the earth as aa king of 01 kings and lord of lords choir song bang the birac the spirit of god like a fire is i burding bu benediction was by elder john woolley |