Show JUAB STAKE conference the quarterly conference of juab stake oi 01 zion was wag hold held in the be tabernacle saturday and sunday january and blot the speakers at al we ane conference were elders george teesdale teasdale and ausbou H luau of et the quorum ot or the twelve apostles seymour B kuung of the first quorum of seventies Beve otie and ww wm president of the slake conference CoBle reace began saturday at 10 a m elder young gave an interesting account of the be life itte of abe be prophet joseph smith stud and spoke poke of the ibe gos pel of C carlat bf lot I 1 la a former and latter days day elder lund spoke poke about tue nee iree agency ot of man mad showing that weilt the lord does aut dewire desire us ui to disobey hla file laws he nevertheless eleia given us u our eur agency it if we obey hr his laws lav avoid evil etil and live lire pure lives livee we will nou happiness happi neM while the abe opposite will bf be the result it we disobey them all were exhorted to hold last faal to the iron rod irod that leads to eternal happiness saturday at 2 p m conference reconvened eider bluer george teasdale Tea adale gave a very interesting account of we way conferences were conducted among the sainte in mexico and said the spirit should dictate the length ui 01 abe meetings mee tinga of the saints bainte said that he be bel bellowed loved in too toe philosophy ol of joseph smith the prophet short ser aar among and aad short abort brayere pr ayere be aho saints sainta to live their religion and the lord will pour out hie bie blessings upon them elder eider seymour JB young spoke of the faithful falth lul labor gaborc ot of elder eider edward stevenson Steven Bon who had been from this stage of action bro young also spoke of the early labors labore of the prophet joeab lo in the church and of his big early revelations rev lation at p m a general j meeting was held considerable bust beso won waa transacted relating to the Seven quorum and practical ai instructions were given by elders lund and Te teasdale Tea adale amdale and Prem deni etil wm sunday at 10 0 a m the sunday school hold held its ita usual exercises at 2 p m after singing and aad prayer counselor james W P pw scented the general and stake author ties who were unanimously sustained by i he SRI balu U to la bider lund referred to a revelation contained lo in the doctrine and cov nanta in which it was waa made known to joseph smith that the lord would establish his work upon te earth spoke at ome mows length upon the an of the book of mormon and showed bowed how the lord has ban pro feted hib bin peoples people president Preil dent william eva ours aged the saints sainta to give heed head to to tb good given during confer it was wai a time of rejoicing for all who were in attendance and would all to labor for the right with renew diligence conference was wai adjourned for three ahr months C H jl BABB clerk jerk |