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Show TUESOAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER. JUNE 16, 1987 T FOR FOR GARAGE MUSICAL SALE SALE SALES INSTRUMENTS TRYCLEARBROOK ACTIVATED CARBON sliver water purifier. Free tor a week! 5 year guarantee. No maintenance. 295-102- toys, terville. BED 295-060- COMPATIBLE computer 640K memory, drives, graphics, mouse, citizen MSP-2- 0 printer, monitor, carrow, d $900, Men's good condition $50. room air (Conditioner, 10200 BTU 1 RCA room 110V $125, air conditioner 220V 69-1- 8 $125. 295-616for truck, SHELL screed, vibrating screed, two motto guzzis, three tables, chairs, child's mini h BMX cupboard, bike 295-746- 8 & GOODS 610-1- 7 616-1- ft., SALE - boys 24 in. blue Schwinn bicycle in very good condition. Call 3 616-1- . white, freezer Z6000 fishflnder, pair water skis, ropes, life jackets, and a aclew other boating 69-1- 8 cessories. two upright excellent in 610-1- 292-927- 8 GOLD 7 RECREATIONAL 616-1- VEHICLES 7 1978 5TH wheel trailer kit 23', just like new. Phone WHIRLPOOL freezer, 19 6 cu. ft., upright, $150. WHITE KITCHEN padded church bench, 7 ft. green reclining chair, chair, 2 lamps, antique plow, make offer. 1148 No. 300 E Centerville. MEN'S FATHER'S Day gift, large brown leather beautiful ton, $95. GAS 292-160- BARBECUE mower lawn 1978 $25, Yamaha GT-8- 0 $250. motorcycle 616-1- 8 GARAGE 616-1- 7 SALES saw for sale, 24" bar and case. MOVING mixer, 616-1- 8 cement door SALE, garage new opener, grass edger, girl's 20" bike, EXCELLENT drums, 13 pc. kit, some electric. Call Rory or Dalia 292-620- stove-new- ,, camping studded snow tires & R13. wheels 5 Call F900 flash unit 205 atlOOASA guide 3.5 sec. recycle time, .$250. See at 490 W. 400 616-24.- 4 N 2, Bountiful. 616-1- 7 BRAUN BIG ' MULTI family garage sale. Double GREAT BUYS! CURTIS MATHIS 23 console TV $100 or best offer. Also, 23 cu. ft. Kenmore chest freezer, 295-219like new, $200. 616-1- 8 two large picture Clothing baby-adul- t, missionary suit, knick white shirts, misc. knacks, Friday 19th, Saturday 20tn 9:00 am. 847 South 150 frames. Bountiful. West, CHANNEL scanner anwith base station 50 tenna $250, 30 gallon aquarium with acessoris and stand $80. See at 490 W. 400 N. 2, Bountiful. 616-24.- 4 kitchen sink, food processor, hand mixers, household items, exercise bike, stereo, Reguardless of weather. 616-1- 8 SALE 775 746 E., Layton. Sat. June 20th. niture, clothes, 9-- Fur- after 298-308- 6 616-1- 8 BUY sell trade and repair. Ive got HO N after guage. 298-308- 6 616-1- 8 4 00. TRAINS CENTURION 16" bicycle, excellent condition; Jensen 5 Vi" coax car stereo, speakers in box; 5 50 lbs. graphite, gallons linseed oil; maternity clothes size 10 never worn; swing set, Best good condition. offer each. 616-1- . 7 TANDY COLOR computer 2 with printer and disk new! Nearly Includes some software, $300 drive. ONE WHEEL trailer, two hitches included. Trails excellently behind small or large car, $140. 295-016616-1- 8 AUCTION SALE. Bailey's 20th, sale starts 10 am sharp. A large number of unclaimed storage lots, consisting of household goods, living rm., dining rm bedroom, kitchen, be sold to cover storage costs. Sale conducted by A&B Auction Sales Inc., Andrew Oost auctioneer. FIRST reasonable crop hay, price. 1697 North Fort Lane, Layton. 773-497- . 616-1- 7 616-1- 8 NEIGHBORHOOD SALE TOOLS, commercial floor buffer, walkie talkies, household items, tires, clothes and many other items. Don't miss this one. Sat. June 20th, 9:00 to 5:00. 749 West 1200 South, 616-1- 8 Woods Cross. SALE. PU boat, outboard motor, lawn mowers, stereos, reel to reels, furniture, washer and and dryer, MOVING household GOOD ward- robe. (801)272-327- verticals, shutters, 611-2- 5 17' BOAT, fiberglass over wood, heavy duty trailer, excellent for ski or $800. fishing, 1966 6883 '76 BEAUTIFUL Corona or offer. TOYOTA 611-1- duettes, pleated 292-886- pricing, professional your satisfation WIMPY 4WD'S CAN'T CLIMB or tow like 1977 Scout Traveller. Dosent mind dirt, air, cruise, stereo at very low price. Last ad, leaving town, this 611-1- 298-474- VAN, 2 or 1985 298-791- 7 $75.00, 160cc with Woods trailer. 292-345616-7- 2 Cross. $1500. direct $100, bed set For REDECORATING: sale, gold sofaloveseat two, drop-crystlamps, hanging lamp, Early American chandelier, four-panelpair louvered doors. folding 295-407- camper, 616-71- 6 SALE, huge sectional sofa, rust wing dresser, chair, rocker, more. 7 NEW QUEEN sofa sleeper, brown, $400, queen mattress set $100. 292-926- 0 616-1- 8 5 PIECE leather furniture, . 616-1- 8 $300,546-2474- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS good 1955 GMC 64-1- 7 6 a teenagers' dream, make offer. 295-616- cheap, electric k BLAZER, 4x4, trans, lots of extras, 23,000 mi. 295-358- 5 after 5.00 pm. sedan Renault Alliance. chrome, air, Stripes, cassette stereo, 16,900-mileService security warranty next 33,000 miles or 42 months, . 616- $5,869. 298-421- 4 25 DATSUN 81 BIO-2- 4 rims 616-1- 1974 CHEV P.U., good tires, lots ot miles left, needs new home, asking $800 but negotiable. 8 con- best 1 BUY-Fn- dr, Gibson or Rlcksnbacksr Bsss 616-1- V low TON, 8 J175 South Main ft L RV 616-2- pickup. 544-409- 1 298- - 544-848- 1 616-2- evenings. 4 ton TOYOTA 1981 Kaysville, Utah see, bo $13,000, 5194. Sipyly mileage, must extras, excellent dstarmlno how much I wi pay. Aak for Marty 295-904- 4 M-8 to 8 P.M $500, TOPSOIL Torro-VJo- ot Wsvtnotths cheapest In town but 9 crater md honest wSh you. 298-467- 8 F3 Lteates Sand Gravel Etc. rGSO UCpilUlM DT175 616-1- overnight. Go with your husband on business or second honeymoon. 610-1- 8 LIKE to babysit one or two children in my home during working piano. Serious only. 20 yrs. R C.M. experience, Toronto conservatory, Umv. of Oregon, Doctoral candidate. 298-863- VOICE, hours. Cost negotiable, Cross area. Call Nanette at 292-745- 4 students 616-7- Woods 611-1- DAY 4 8 TUTORING WILL YOUR CHILD BE READY? DEVELOP YOUR VOICE! MEMBER Tabernacle 16 years exChoir, LET AN experienced teacher prepare your 1982 XL500R runs great, engine rebuilt with top line improvements. Mission, must sell, $750 or offer. Doug 295-274- LOW PIANO LICENSED CHILD CARE Centerville. Loving home with large yard, Hot lots of activities. two1 snacks. lunches, Please call Starr Duncan IN 9 LESSONS, BLUE RIBBON Summer school. at programs1 master keyboard rapidly, 3893 South 725 West, Outdoor Bountiful. nastics and more. 616-1- 8 5 ex- teacher, perienced classicalpopular, MILES, art, 616-2- reading, math, science, WOULD gymCall 616-1- 514-61- 7 LIKE to tend your fenced yard children, 298-132- 7 mw' SnUE $$$ tf ext. 87 HONOAS in stock. Sold below MSRP. We Trade-i- '87 CARAVAN 87 CARAVAN White. 8 Stiver, 8 Glenwood 1984 CAMERO. blue, 7 Light Dart blue, 7 13,595 Cream. 8 paea... 13,795 pan '87 CARAVAN '86 ASTRO VAN Bran. 7 pan, tft ak. a Fk( $AVE 10,795 'SC ASTRO VAN pan 8k. k. a Fl. 1987 BRONCO R Save Red, 7 V-- 6, 69-1- 8 266-754- EAGLE 1981 station wagon, 4 wheel drive, 2 new steel belted radials, $2000. But 292-568- 6 MONTERO Umh. . . Cat! tor Price Quota 1982 DODGE Aries, 4 door sedan, one owner car, in excellent condition, $2000. See at 1997 So. 292-5001 1 50 E. , Bountiful. '8 TOY. COROLLA 4 dr. OTcond. dean, 6917 runs loaded, $1450. DL 4 dr. blue, air cond. standard good, 4 dr. very 85 Celebrity, brown, 16000 miles, 4 door, auto., ac, $7750. 69-1- 8 DL 292-0- 1 98. No. 404292 hit cruUe, wagon, blue, 5 speed, air conditioned, doth, runs perfect, $3800. DL 292-019At Carlson Motors, 525 W. 500 So., 69-2- 5 Bountiful. CHEV. Caprice Classic 9 wagon, passenger, tilt, cruise, stereo, cloth, blue, nice, book $8700, sell today $6500. DL 18 No 404289, loaded '83 PONT. PHOENIX 4 dr. AMFM, ak cond. '81 PLY. '83 CHEV CEEVETTE 4 dr. air cond. 82 PLY. RELIANT Wagon See ft drive 85 FORD LTD 4 dr. extra dean ok cond. well equipped EAGLES NEST PAWN A SPORTS -- 8995 2995 CELEEXITYicoQE 3773 2995 2995 2995 5995 5995 977J 1 Uke new. No. 414273 85 TOYOTA HI dean Very 84 PLY. HORIZON 86 FORD TEMPO 4 dr. doth Inf $3995 (4QQC 3773 5spd. dr cond Very dean 4 dr 3995 '82 TOYOTA COROLLA XT' 3995 4 wheel dee drive, truck saqqc t773 PS; auto air cond. very nice car, white Extra dean gk3H ft doe. pop top '85 CHEV CAVALIER 4 dr. ok cond '84 PLY. RELIANT 4 dr. dr cond. 85FOSDT-EC- D Loaded ipedd prtoe extra Interior, dean dr card, peene 0173 red 86 TOYOTA CEUCA PS. under 15,000 miles, GT Uftbock tee 11,473 86 SUBARU DL (qoqp Wagon very nice 86 FORD BRONCO H Eddie Bauer 11,495 Package 4995 86 CHEV NOVA 4995 86 BU1CK CENTURY 6995 4 dr. air cond a re 7473 station Wagon lianr ft779 86 DODGE D58 4.4 6995 86 CHEV CAVALIER 6995 86CHEVCAMARO$11 84 SUBARU 4 DR. Delute doh 6695 '85 FORD TEMPO RS Auto, $ 1 Uke new 4 dr, ltd. car Z2& red loaded 86 PONT. 6995 - q- jr 073 4 dr, auto, air cond. blue 82 MERC. CAPRI looded $reQQ. very low miles 86 FORD TAURUS Extra grenn. 07 u LUX 'll W SCBOCCO 3995 dean 79 CHEV 54 TON is Nissan sBnuteeae ak cond Ton In colot, 3773 85 PLY. HORIZON 85 DODGE ARIES 4 dr. very clean ok cond. 3CQQC Wagon CS, loaded 7595 SAPPORO coupe; chrome wheel auto, ok CHEV. 295-348- 85 DODGE LANCER 84 RENAULT ENCORE GS Very nice, 2 dr. CADILLACSeville, 69-2- 5 4 dr. '84 7995 85CHRYS..NEWYI gold, leather, loaded, diesel, runs excellent, front wheel drive, 98.69-1- 8 $4750. DL 292-0- '86 BUICKSkylark, 4 door, cloth, gold, tilt, stereo, ac, $6900. DL 7RQ4 85 DODGE LANCER NISSANSentra '83 5495 CHEV STA. WGN. CaPSP Very dean low mHeoge 7995 QUOTE ana . . Cal lor Qaote 85 FORD MUSTANG 85 DODGE LANCER No, 208531 CHEV. . 86 DODGE COLT PONTIACSafari 9 wagon, passenger, CALL FOR PRICE 95-3431-86 ak coatL. Std. tram., white. Rally wheel, spare tire rack. SAVE $$ 86 MITSUBISHI DODGE ABIES SE Sandy. VAN 15 paw., dual air. 13,993 pan '87 CARAVAN light 1985 DODGE 13,795 pass '87 CARAVAN condition, blue, good $5300. Steve '86 13,795 paaa.. 87 CARAVAN Colorado. FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. 13,795 Red. 8 (MM n GRAND Loaded dee 773 $rerer- e- U7up3 QQ- - Afty77w AM8995 Now Opwa 19 m.m.-- t pji. Bug, Stlt wmY Timdt. Byedil BoltW T9 50$ 4 Dr V rt JtLaka. 3SiD iris (&ED o WB ou iXlEaDClEtffe ito0EE0Gl!l!D openings 616-7- 1 tor Kindergarten. 30 specific skills insure success this fall. Jeanne 295-2- 1 95. 616-2- 5 child Over perience teaching music in public schools and privately, has openings. Linda Zeeman 616-7- CARE 7 immediate or Fall, south e Farmington. weekdays or steady part-tim12 yrs. exeprience, references. 8 1980 YAMAHA XS850 $750, 1975 KZ900 full dress $1700, 1969 Kawasaki 500 and 1970 Kawasaki 500cc both for Woods $350. 292-345616-7Cross area age, WOULD INSTRUCTIONS 295-986- pre- full-tim- part-tim- graders improve their reading and math skills. Jeanne 295-219- 8 1978 Yamaha DT175 $400. ,?oH?J!fIWS5995 Typts ofTopecfl EXPERIENCED teacher will help your 1st or 2nd 616-1- 8 jeeps for $44 through the U.S. government? Get the facts today! Call 292-019- AJ YAMAHA 1981 age, newborns, schoolers, school 616-71- 6 female red, mix, 8 BABYSITTING 295-494NOW' ask for Carolyn. Lots of TLC, references avail., Muir School area, any CALL college degree, taught at Ricks North CenCollege. terville area. 7 295-329- 1 condition, asking $275. IS IT TRUE you can buy Guitar. CondMon and F Pedersen, missing since June 4th. 80cc, 7 ton 350, HONDA 610-1- 7 2 Kab King 6 1980 616-1- diesel, sunroof, shell and rear window, split amfm and C B. , extra tires and 1976 OLDS Cutlass Supr. neds some work, $600 or best offer. 292-771- 7 0 Jill il 30 and 12:30-- 30. $30month. Robin LOST DOG VALVERDA AREA GREY, female, 8 mo. old, long coat, Husky mix, FOR SALE '81 --WANT TO .616-1- 69-1- 8 1986 8 616-1- 8 70, excellent condition, make offer, utility trailer 6'6"x10 wrail, $500. pickup, LOVE to tend your kids. Full or part-timAny ages Fun activities I'D SCHOOL year. 5 Two year olds 9 sosessions: M.W.F "Ginger." 86 HONDAS 350X, 4track 7 610-2- 6 66, CHILDCARE TEND your child in my Btfl. home, 7 yrs. $7.00 a day Call exp WILL ROLLING HILLS Kaysville, 616-1- LOST 15th 1987-198- 8 con616-1- 7 10 June 611-1- male Tabby cat, gray and black stripes, cut tail, please call XT500, exc. miles, dition. Call 62-7- TEND your children, my home. Infants and up. lunch included Call Renee 295-23569- 17 4 through the 30th. 10 to 11 am, Monday through Friday. Registration call 8 Melanie Eberhard 8 610-1- AUTOMOBILES '85 will 8 10 Gary. 298-233- 616-1- go 52 YAMAHA low boards, blue and silver, great cond., $9500 or or best offer 295-301- 1 r. '79 MOVING tip 1980 running after new in for $25 6, sessions. 451-55- LOST IN ..." 616-1- 7 Springs, r; guitar. Excellent dition $500. or offer. 298'DIRT Vista very Honda. Beautiful 292-906- FOR SALE cassette, Dart, very good condition, 49,000 original miles, 20 pips mpg, slant 6 stick, $795. welcome. We deliver. Finance available. Sopris d plush or earthtone sculptured, hi-- to with warranty. $269 tor your living and hall, includes 100 percent nylon carpet, pad and installation based on 30 yards. No job is too small or too big. Call anytime, Mike TRUCKS or THE BAIT MAY 8 610-1- 7 condition. telephone. of thousands yards all direct from the leading carpet mills. All first quality and brand names. I work from my home so almost no overhead. 8 MOTORCYCLE, very clean and fast, like new with new engine, make offer. Call 292-386- 8 1985 FULLSIZE Bronco, 6 amfm cyl. , air, DODGE CARPET doubie-nec- Vie Dirt Broker 616-1- can make a deal over the 69-1- 8 ANSO IV, Antron and Dupont to 17th, Bntfl. park area, silver male Tabby kitten, approx. 4 month old. Please call 4 m high performance, many extra parts, $3500 obo. 616-1- 610-1- The Day Developmental 43 South 2nd School, "We'll West. teach your child a thing or two or three MUSIC Preschool. Ages 4 REWARD! LOST 125YZ 1969 CHEV NOVA B&M EXCELLENT 350, shifter, 390 12 bolt, all SPORTY I 298-S- evenings 56. me 1 preschool care. school 62-1- 8 TAKE 1 1982 DATSUN 310, air, am-fcass., 40 mpg, new radials, shocks, 298- struts, $3400. 616-1- 7 2336. 1974 Encore, Call 9378. 0 GUITAR IBANEZ 6 AND 12 string can '2 298-891- only 616-1- 7 HAULING 1 1 ' Liner, items. TOP SOIL FILL DIRT SALE FOR water Cash Ron, SANDRAIL $150, girls desk and dresser $25, book shelf $10. 616-7- . RENAULT asking $4800. lets talk price, 5 CHILD CARE INFANT atmosphere nurturing encourages your child, while art, independence skills, premath, science, computer, manners and field trips, how show exciting learning can be. Kristie WILL 611-1- 200,84; IT 175,82; IT in all 175,79; good condition and run well. Make offer. BABYSITTING TEND your child in my home, lots of T.L C., 295-789- 9 have a degree 62-74 WILL 4 WE'RE JUST what you've A for! been looking $100. LOST, interest IT FAMILY 1980 PONTIAC Phoenix needs work, best offer. 298-706- 0 616-1- & 295-597- 9 COVEY QUAIL 298-118- 298-128- 8 Ier Of reward 14th, A., 526-62- (like mini. Husky), 1 year old male, all white. Lost May 610-1- 8 Brent M UMTA-MNT- , certified. AGO some lose YOU Ed LOST DOG AMERICAN Eskimo 1983 HONDA 185XL, like new, 1500 mi., $600. Call after 6.00 pm 298-778- 5 con- 611-2- 295-294- car G.L. duty M. 69-7- 2 295-755- 8 levels. Eddmgs, 295-230- 7 79 OMNI, 4 door, good condition, great economy engine, heavy suspension, air ditioned. Call YAMAHA 1982 750 Virago, 5800 miles, make fairing, $1200, offer. Franklin valuables at Francis Peak to claim campground, 278-312- 0 call Jim identify your properly 611-1- 7 and pay for ad 616-1- 8 1986 JEEP CHEROKEE Laredo, $300 take over lease, $356 per month. 616-1- 7 preschool. Large back yard, indoor play area, field trips, movies ft" All swimming lessons. 62-1- 7 4 aoes 298-008- 9 for '85 FORD dinette size DID FOR SALE 616-1- connections mean you get more tor your money. Call now for an appointment. Ask for Terri at 298-102References ' 616-716 available. king 8 616-2- 5 guaranteed!! My mill and DRYER MOTORCYCLES $6995. 7 84 TOYOTA Tercel, 5 door, 5 speed, air, amfm 4 speakers, rear wiper defrost, $4400. 1986 $500. 1984 YAMAHA Riva 125, Scooter Sassy, red, excellent cond. tall 295-262- installation and of course WASHER 8 611-1- custom manufacturer 1984 red Mercury Cougar, Centerville child care, in a loving home with advantages of through beginning that took the maple rocker with brown cushion from the Deseret Industries dock on 64 please return it to 1030 N. 500 E., Centerville. It was taken in error. Family 610-1- 7 Keepsake 4 616-2- ac- Program advanced ATTENTION WOULD THE person 1969 FORD Super Van, Econolme 300, 71,000 for actual miles, bullt-m- s runs great, camping, $750. - FULL FOUND must 69-7- $600, great 292- ft LOST 52,000 miles, like new, sell, $9750. DL CHEVY condition JOHNSON Seahorse, and more bedspreads, because I don't have a huge store downtown or spend thousands on At my advertising. convenient Bountiful showroom, you see a wide selection in a range of qualities and prices that include the latest stainmaster" carpets. You will be pleased with the free measurement services, competitive Saturdays and Sundays, 9:00 to 5:00 through June. 469 N. 1st t., Kavsville. 1977 LOVE to tend your child in my LDS home. 5 Please call Sue PIANO ft ORGAN ton) auto, air, power cruise, (Vi tilt, everything, MONTE CARLO, 63,000 miles, new tires, air, excellent condition, $4650 or make offer. 298-3616-269 69-J- 8 DL (free) Moving & Storage, 400 North 700 West, North Salt Lake. Saturday June cartons, ..muist $1450. CHEVROLET CUSTOM VAN 0 Now Ct ) Main, TEND CHILDREN WOULD ANDERSON'S cepting students for fall registration. 520-61(5437) '83 1983 PONTIACSafari wagon, 9 passenger, loaded, runs good, 295-699- blinds, rugs, vinyl, VOX both. 4 00. 295-294- TERCAR INTERIORS YOU SAVE on carpets, Call 616-1- 7 toys. BOBCAT guitar, excellent condition with Vox amplifier, needs work, $1 50offer for N. GARAGE 1985 RENAULT Encore, asking $4800. Call me let's talk price, 295-849- 1 Ron, evenings 298-515- HP, Johnson, bucket seats, controls, top, trailer, 2 tanks, runs great, $1950 7 firm. Call or 512-61- 7 9 draperies, $25, power Lawnboy YARDMAN TILLER VERY good con5HP, dition, front tines, 3 per side, new $525, will sell for $275. 616-2- Beautiful shades, verosols, fabric, 616-1- 8 chain GLASS RUNABOUT DOUBLE HULL, 80 d plush or earthtone sculptured, hi-with warranty. $289 tor your living and hall, includes 100 percent nylon carpet, pad and installation based on 30 yards. No job is too small or too big. Call anytime, Mike 7 15' 8 BEAUTIFUL whrte Ony rocks for facing fireplace or rock wall, about VA 7 $10, POULAN band, 611-1- 611-1- TENT FOUR PERSON family tent, one half price $50, used carrier $15. WEDDING 7 616-1- condition, looks almost new, $200,295-3138- . dog overhead. excellent condition, never worn, size 9'2, $200 or best offer. 298-744- GREAT once, MILL 616-1- CAMPER, heater, fridge, potty, TV, new roof, real nice, $800 or best offer. 298-542- thousands yards all direct from the leading carpet mills. All first quality and brand names. I work from my home so almost no wheat Bosch bread Very good condition $150 each, for $280 both. DUTY electric winch for, four wheel drives or large trucks, like new, $175. Phone 298-519ask for 611-2- 4 Ken. 8 r; of & grinder mixer. HEAVY 611-1- ANSO IV, Antron and Dupont 30 MAGIC 4 69-1- 8 . TUTORING preschool at Centerville Academy (1248 North 616-1- 8 546-247- condition, will sell for low 616-2- 4 price 4 69-1- 8 off rpy already bargain prices. Call Lani at 295-577- 7 after 6 pm. Ends June 616-2- 4 30th. 4 gold recliner, FURNISHINGS LEVOYS PANTY sale. All couch, 611-2- 14', good 616-1- 7 sizes 7 CARGO CARPET ft. offer. air running n INSTRUCTIONS MARCIA GREEN Kawasaki dirt bike. KX125, $400. Imapla, good , FOR SALE '84 61R-7- CHEV cond $1600 or 1984 MINI cond., sleeps 3, stove, oven, $700. sink, porta-pot- i, HOME sink, 9 Call See 159 E. 3 n MOTORCYCLES! 1980 HONDA XL. good condition! $400 or best 616-1- 8 otter 298-744- 1985 white cargo van. Excellent condition $217 - mo. lease. yr. engine, 414-42- RAM VAN FISHERMEN TERRY TRAILER, horse 6 COND., 8 7 tilt Chrysler outboard, trailer 30 horse mere. 610-1- 7 298-212- 45 BOAT GOOD 69-1- 8 FOR 16' new No, Farm 292-019- 1977 292-092- Westinghouse 616-1- 2, stereo, n NOTHING DOWN assume 2 260Z 2 7 kitchen stove, only $50, good condition. 295-863- 546-247- DATSUN VANS FOR SALE 69-2- wagon, $775 Phone condition, $125. LASER AND TYCO LASER XSL 2 games $50. Tyco race tracks, 2 cars worth $150 for $75. All above used twice. Atari CX2600 with 7 games $35. DL today $4600. if AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE p!us 79 APPLIANCES FREEZER SEARS COLDSPOT 17 cu. 1974 699 EAGLE IBM hydraulic 616-1- 8 HOME H '85 PLYMOUTHReliant wagon, cloth seats, white, auto., ac, stereo. Book $6500, sell SPORTING 616-1- 7 616-1- 8 AMANA TOOL Honda STRING. acoustic with case, excellent condition, like new, $150 or best offer. tires, 616-1- 292-338- 9 at1er6pm. 1 clothes, 0 FOR SALE 197B MONTE CARLO GUITAR SIX tools. June 19, 20, 21. 847 W. 4050 So., Bountiful. head board, frame, Simmons springs and mattress, $75. 80 North 700 East, Cen- DOUBLE ruby diamond cluster ring total 3 carats, paid $3,500, must sell tor $1,500. My misfortune, your gain. Call Dan if 8 be books, sold. Furniture, 4 SUPER BUY NEW 14 kt. gold 616-1- MOVING SALE EVERYTHING, must wafers with casien, protein, reg $68 50 now 69-7- 1 $39.00. 295-102- 69-7- 2 interested lot. nutritional iablets, STRING manual Sigma guitar with case, exnine months old, cellent condition, hardly 8 Firm used. 611-1- 7 $130. SIX their annual sale, Sat. June 20th, 10 m to 4 pm, J.C. Penney parking total health ram, includes water ier, weight control 8 FILL DIRT CALL T BRAND RUMMAGE SALE VFW POST 9416, will have A control. tested, sate, weight clinically effective, 4 69-7- 1 . WEIGHT CONTROL TRY BODY Command automobiles r 616-1- |