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Show i )r i DECEMBER 9, 1986 L, LitLlliLlZb-CHRISTMAS EGG NOG Makes two quarts 3 egg yolks Va Cup sugar Vi Tsp. salt 3 Cup milk 1 Cup heavy cream 3 Egg whites grated nutmeg 1 Tb. Vanilla Beat yolks gradually add 'A cup of sugar and salt. Gradually add Vi cup of sugar and salt. Gradually add milk and cream, beating constantly. Cook over simmering hot HOLIDAY FRUIT PUNCH 2 pounds black grapes red, green and blue pineapple, peeled and cubed cups each white wine and cranberry juice cocktail 3 Tbsp. lemon juice 3 Tbsp. sugar 1 quart club soda, lemon-lim- e soda or champagne. Fill ring mold (any size that fits into punch bowl) with 1 to 1 '2 pounds of grape clusters of all colors. Barely cover with water; freeze. Halve and seed remaining grapes. Put into large refrigerator container, along with pineapple. Add remaining ingredients except soda or champagne. Cover and chill 2 hours or overnight. At serving time, dip ring mold in hot water for 10 seconds; remove ice ring. Put into punch mixture. bowl. Pour in fruit-win- e Add soda water or champagne. Ladle punch and some fruit into cups. Makes about 3 quarts. ' CRANBERRY SLUSH Vi 3 r3 cups sugar mometer registers 232 degrees. 1 cup plus 2 Tbps, white com Add peanuts and cook quickly to, 306 degrees or until color is light syrup 1 about 5 minutes. Stir cup water golden 2 cups raw Spanish peanuts with wooden spoon constantly 1 Remove from heat and add soda, tsp. soda Vi tsp. salt salt, vanilla and butter which have 1 been combined in a small bowl. tsp. vanilla 3 Tbp. butter Stir until the mixture stops Combine sugar, corn syrup and steaming. Pour onto buttered water. Stir until sugar is dissolved. c00kie sheets. Turn over with over high heat with lid on and (Ua after three or four minutes, cook about 5 minutes or until ther- - CoqJ and break into pieces. PINOCHE COCONUT MOUNDS spa-Pla- water, stirring until it coats spoon. Cool. Add vanilla and C. sugar 1 'sT 1 qt. cranberry juice 2Vi cups pineapple juice 2 or 4 qt. bottles sprite Dissolve water and sugar and bring to boil. Add cranberry juice. Pour into shallow pan and freeze. When ready to serve, place frozen mixture into punch bowl and break into chunks. Pour sprite over top and serve. 0, servings. r JT Pdutch boy 1 Building Mainentance, Janitorial Services, Carpet & Fumtiure Cleaners & DUTCH MAID Products, Industrial and Janitorial supplies 27 South Main, Layton546-187- 0 or 5323943 ail We Offers Cleaning Supplies Duty - Heavy Sanitaire Carpet cleaners Furniture polish cleaner - - - :;.c: V AND 1y.' ce cups brown sugar IV3 cup white Karo syrup Cup Cream 1 cup sugar Pinch salt V2 cup water For less caramel flavor use the punch bowl and sprinkle with following. Cook both pinoche re- - FONDANT Cook to 224 deg. and take oft nutmeg. HOT SPICED CIDER cipes the same as the fondant stove. Add 2 T flour and stir well. 1 2 cups brown sugar Add 1 tsp. almond and 1 tsp. vanilla gallon apple cider 1 and enough coconut to hold shape. 2 tsp. whole cloves cup white sugar 2 Tbsp. white Karo Put into buttered pan. 1 2 tsp. whole allspice cup cream Pinch salt 2 sticks cinnamon, Vi (inches Pinch of salt Put in heavy kettle on med. heat. each) Vi cup sugar Stir until all sugar is dissolved and 2 whole oranges, washed candy starts bubbling around the whole cloves edge. Wipe down sides. Put on lid 3 medium red apples, washed or 1 minute then take off and boil Heat cider, 2 tsp. cloves, the to 232 deg. Pour on slab and beat until creamy. Mold with hands. It allspice, cinnamon and sugar to boiling; cover and simmer 20 mican be kept several days in tupper-war- e nutes. Stud oranges with cloves. or plastic bag. Strain punch and pour into punch bowl. (If using a glass punch bowl, first pour in warm water to heat bowl). Float oranges and apples in punch bowl. Makes 32 half cup chill. Beat whites of eggs until stiff. Gradually add remaining Vi cup sugar and beat until stiff again. Fold into custard. Put in chilled Vi C. water 1 PEANUT BRITTLE Vacuum bags, belts Toilet bowl cleaner Commercial buffers All types of mops - Spot removers Glass cleaner Vacuum cleaners Everyone Loves Mrs. Cavanaughs Chocolates Great Gift for the " Holidays Vacuum cleaner repain Dram cleaner and outdoor Garbage cans-indGrease, gum remover LAYTON HILLS MALL 5 Sanitaire 544-350- 1 by EUREKA BOUNTIFUL We Feature 5218367 2922172 Heavy Duty VALLEY FAIR MALL Sanitaire by Eureka. CROSSROADS PLAZA 9684972 t. mssaa |