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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, LOTS (iM FOR SALE m mw n MOIM WANT TO RENT imall furnished apartment. $13,900 SUPER buy In Prefer location within Oakridge Country Club of bus distance walking area, Farmington. 80 to Will $1 pay up stop. $16,900 550 W. 2800 S., Call month. Bntfl. per Ask for Benee $23,500 CHASE Lane 295-200- MY SOUTH DAVIS ADVERTISER, DECEMBER 9, 1986 L, COMMERCIAL 1 PROPERTY LETS TRADE $220,000 equity I ROMEO OR JUUET in a RELAX beautiful $450,000 Commercial aa building (Bountiful) for a home of comparable value. 292-677- WITH friends in your private hot tub surrounded by cedar sun room with romantic views and quiet seclu- nii homes LAYTON FOR SALE BY OWNER DARLING 3 yr. old 3 bed- room rambler. Large basketball court, full basement and cute country kitchen, air, winsion, or build a dozy fire C48-5- 2 dow seat, double carin the energy efficient West, Centerville port: morel $67,500.00. fireplace. Outdoor fun in$32,000 OAK covered .55 420 SQ. FT. office space 544-561C49-5- 0 cludes large patio and for lease. All utilities inacre lot, 1414 E. Maple CONDOS Off Bountiful the deck. sun beaten Best cluded. Hills Drive COMPARE $65,000 new FOR SALE location. $310. Larsen path in Kaysville this central air, 2 bath. Own$33,500 Equestrian lovers 295-341BR twin home is new 2 Inv. Realtors 1 acre with or Help-U-Se- ll barn, er 295-738- 4 dream, C48-4- 9 at affordable NEW 5 Bedroom Luxury 295-800- 0. $52,500. N. 550 W., C49 fenced, 1505 For exclusive view of city and Mueller showing West Bountiful. 544-869- 5 BACKYARD OFFICE ll PLAY WAREHOUSE call Park Canyon $219,000 DawGary call FOR DETAILS 292-288Lakewood Inv. Co. C49-5- 1 etc. 4 bedroom C49 12 son Real Estate 295-237- NEW 400 sq. ft. office, 3600 sq. ft. warehouse. $76,900 owner 298-818- 7 C49-5- 0 WILL TRADE or Help-U-Se- ll 16' dear just off 500 S. CONTRACT 295-800BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom C49 and 950 W., WX. BountiBUILD HERE SALE 1 finished 600 with 295-368condo ful Realty 295-342- 9 1 Vt ACRE for house and PAY WE CLOSING brick YEAR 1 Vi baths and 8 4 old, plex, C46-5- 0 garage, horses, east of freeway, COSTS! all 2 bedrooms with 1 unfinished basement, Centerville stream, bath ea., carports and UP TO $1 ,000 of your want building lot in BUY BEFORE $35,000 won't last. 298-123- 6 closing costs. New Bountiful. Call 292-968- 9 storage, excellent rents 298-962YEAR'S END! C47 homes, nice WX area. and in walking distance broker. C49 1&2 C48-4- 9 TERMS AVAILABLE on 142 As low as $66,500 many of shopping and Humaside by side, one bedextras. Robert Holmes in Layton. na Hospital BACHELOR'S OAKRIDGE FARM room duplex. Asking Construction 298-016contract PARADISE Very good C49-5- 2 85x100 under ground $49,000. Make offer. current at interest terms 298-059Cenutilities $16,000 will take LaPriel LOW DOWN, possible a low rates. 2 Asking OPEN HOUSE in immaculate auto trade 4 carry con' contract, tury 21 Grimshaw 292-448$126,000. BY OWNER tract 8 295-448C48 bedroom, 2 car parking. C49 VERY NICE side by side. NEW ON the market 2 C49 lovely $39,000. Call Louise Bountiful duplex. Owner home in So. Farmington. 292-013- 7 NEW Lane Realty lives in one unit and C47-5- 0 4 bdrm., 3 bath rock 298-700BUY NOW for best tax 8 CHOICE rents the other. Priced VIEW LOTS fireplace, wood burning advantage. Quality brick below the market at BRAND NEW Riviera $10,000 Cherry Lane stove, fully finished townhouse units in best $76,900. basement, split entry on Townhouses Phase II. Layton location. $1 5,000 Layton, East Bench nice! quiet Vi acre Great location, 3 plans to $13,000 Kays Creek, down, trades possible. CAN YOU buy a brick, 2 bedroom, 1 bath Lake-woo- d yd. fully fenced and landchoose, low down, 9Vi Layton, East Bench Gary 544-869- 5 available. Peterson Dev. $15,000 400 East, Farm' duplex in this area for scaped $89,900. VA Dev. Co. C49-5- 1 assum. 8 E. 1420 S. 292-873C48-5- 2 $69,900? If so tell me ington. East Bench. I 3 Farm. Sat. 10-- 2 where. Yes, have one HOME $21 ,000 by Smoot Farm; or by appt. C49 for sale. C-- 2 BARGAIN 146,900 ZONING Centerville CONTINENTAL town-hous- e $26,000 Skyline Drive, EXTREMELY well cared JUST LISTED an invesFARMMGTON tors dream. Brick, side BY OWNER. Condo. 2 bedfor home at 1260 So. Bountiful, East Bench New home by side duplex with inrooms. Close to all ser- $32,000 Chelsea Cove, 500 West, Woods (never lived in) 2 bdrm. come of $475 per month, vices. Has assumable Cross, 'h acre. 2 car gar1 Vt Bountiful, East Bench baths, fireplaces, full loan. Kay Collings 295-414- $35,000 Wood Hollow, separate meters. basement, age. Great investment. garage. $39,900. Larsen Realtors. Owner will finance. acres, Bountiful Landscaping and fencCALL JOE MARRS 298-224- 9 C48-4- 9 now Asking $92,000. Will $50,000 Horses allowed, ing being comor 487-202- 9 at rent for $450. Call LaP1 Vi acres, Musi sell! Farmington pleted. 298-059Inv. LAKEVIEW CONDO Marrs riel Realty and PLEASE CALL Mel Harris. Century $63,300 or make an COMPLEX We 292-448have Group. 295-190many offer. Days 364-188- 1, Century 21 21 Grimshaw other apartments to eve 451-507CLEAN UPSTAIRS unit 7 ask for Grant Davis Co. for C49 Utah from. C49 choose 1&2 John. C49-good location. addresses or additional NEW 900-120- 0 Housing Assumption. information. C49-5- 0 READY FOR XMAS DON'T MISS it! 4 bedinterest. $300 8.8 buildings, NEW TWO story - 4. bed9 room, brick. Full baseLOTS LOTS, LOTS, Vi monthly pyts. approx heated, rooms, 2Vz baths, launment, large storage apr. 2 bedrooms. Great WE HAVE lots to fit your baths, overhead doors. room. Large backyard dry up, main floor family starter home. Price only budget, from Fruit Ideal location, reasonroom and is ready to C49 $65,000. 292-205C48 2 $39,500. Call Bill 295-354- 9 Heights all the way to able. 295-448select floor coverings, 292-040PackC49-5- 1 Bear Lake. Some horse 142 C52 1 A WHAT steal! We bought call for more information ard Inc. Realtors. C48-4- 9 property. Contact Cenfor $62,000. We H sell for or C2 1 Glenna 295-48OFFICE SPACE tury 21 All Seasons 292-210with our $61 ,000 $3,500 292-724Grant Davis Co. C49 (1) 300 Sq. ft. $230.00 (2) worth of improvements C49-5- 0 175 sq. ft. $150.00. Util"BRAND NEW Riviera in new carpet, levotors, Townhouses Phase II. WOOD VIEW tot priced at ities included 107 North NEW HOKES paint, wallpaper, water $23,950 for quick sale. Great location, 3 plans tc Main, Bountiful 295-726- 6 heater, cedar fence, new NEW AREA East Bench, Bountiful. 292-691C46-4- 9 choose, low down, 9Vi oven. 3 bedroom, den, 2 TWO NEW homes RambDon 295-052Phyllis available. Peterson Dev. bath. Great neighbor295-572ler & two story in a C48-5- 2 292-873Canyon Oaks EXCELLENT investment C49-5- 0 hood, 298-504French Colonial design -Realtors 298-342- 1 side by side duplex with 1&2 the inside must C48-4- 9 see and single car garages. 2 ; Owner select the interior-OPEN bdrms, each side large VIEW LOT in Quail Flight, TRANSFBVtED finishing and colors lot. Only $76,000. ConHOUSE Call for more information SUNSET VIEW 5 bdrm. Farmington. Excellent tract terms. Lynda 298-424(3 or location Glenna 295-484- 9 solar lot. Seller anxious 292-700main floor) brick rambGeo CHRISTMAS OPEN make offer. $24,900. or C21 Grant Davis Exc. ler. area. Family Oaks Realtors HOUSE C49-5- 0 Geo Canyon Co. 292-724room with fireplace, only Lynda 298-424298-342C48-4- 9 292-700SATURDAY, DEC. 13th, Canyon Oaks $78,800. HAVE IT builders own design, Realtors 298-342FABULOUS LOCATION YOUR WAY C48-4- 9 HOMES passive solar and enerHUGE yard, $73,500 CUSTOM BUILT, new gy saving features. decks, view, fruit trees, FOR SALE LARSEN overHave REALTORS rambler. 3 bedPanoramic view, remod. kitchen, brick 295-341- 6 rooms, on main with forsized rooms, 4 bedrambler. Can't beat loFAMILY CLEAN home BarHOME MOB or mal dining have 4 rooms, 4 baths, sauna, lots, price. Hurry Coldwell in over cated Centerville, ft. bedrooms. Nearly 4000 2 heatalor Banker Bev Donaldson 3,200 sq. gain, $12,800; Woods 2000 sq. ft. new floor Cross. or 262-151sq. ft. total. Asking 486-317- 5 fireplaces, $129,900 4 -292-027bedrooms, coverings, reBENCH view EAST Cir. Hills lot, this N.E. See C49 1&2 1567 $128,000. 2 balhs, double winC49 markable hr e with Bountiful, $33,900 NEW HOMES dows. Contact Dale at , E. LAYTON, Ig. SubdiviLaPriel 298-- C o93. Cen292-026sion lot, $13,500. Great tury 21 Grimshaw 292-448- 8. EAST SIDE location. Two MOBILE PRICE JUST lowered on C49 story with four bedbargain. HOMES this beautifully remodrooms, three baths, forEAST SIDE Bear Lake GORGEOUS mal dining, family room, eled older home with tot, $9,500 or offer. TERMS ON over 2000 sq. ft., 4 bed2 STORY utilities on main floor, -- 69 ACRES, Kaysville, DOUBLEWDE rooms, 2 baths, family BAY WINDOWS, French basement, double garbuy all or part. C48-4- 9 room with woodbuming EXCELLENT CONDIdoors, custom oak kitchage, large lot with view. 292-044- 4 292-637TION. Adult section of stove and hot tub. Loen, great master suite with whirlpool tub, formal South Davis Realty 292-044- 4. cated in West Bountiful. Camelot. Great price. COMMERCIAL C48-4- 9 Contact Jay Harrison Only $17,000. Anxious dining, huge recreation PROPERTY room. Gary Shiner 292-666- 0 owner. Make offer. Call 292-448CenEXTRA LARGE lot in CenLaPriel 298-059, DUPLEX 2 BR, 2 bath, FARMINGTON executive choice Centerville loca21 Grimshaw. C49 4 car 4 home, bedroom, tury 21 Grimshaw 292-448tury nice yard, covered parkC49 beautiful view, tion, 3 bdrms, 2 baths. garage, ing $14,000 assumes BOUNTIFUL Home newly decorated. super location. Contact 292-966- 0 EAST BENCH 12x48 2 Bedroom mobile possible Shows great. Don 292-717Harrison. Jay C49-50 trade. home, carport, air condiEAST CENTERVILLE BEAUTIFUL home in exPhyllis 295-572cellent neighborhood. 2 tioning, located in an starter in exclusive area, Canyon Oaks Realtors 1700 1200, 298-342- 1. C48-4- 9 adult park $4,000.00. OFFICE WAREHOUSE -- all brick, low maintefireplaces. Huge family Contact Cliff Porter at room. 5 bedrooms, 3 view- -4 nance, great insulated, space Shop 292-061- 7 DESPERATE! or Century 21 baths. Double garage. heated, 'h bath, ideal bedroom, prioed in 60's -SALE FALED All Seasons 487-221View. Only $82,500. offer. Contact Gordell location off freeway exit. OWNERS MOVED and Gary Shiner 292-666Brown FANTASTIC DOUBLE-WIDReasonable 292-005292-448must sacrifice 7 year old Century 21 C49-5- 2 FARMINGTON, 2 story Chelsea Cove luxury Grimshaw. C49 ASSUME LOAN with low cape cod, 6 bedroom 4 home for $116,900 or CASH FLOW and-o- r tax down payment. Beautibath, 2 car garage, priSTARTER CUTE offer. Breathtaking view, shelter, 2 bdrm. Bountiful 3 bedroom 2 full baths vate area with streams BOUNTIFUL'S 4 bedroom, 3 baths, ful duplex, flexible terms, and view. Contact Gor- $55,000 $35,000. Call Louise Center Street. 2 bedfinished basement, for292-013- 7 Lane Realty contract, refinance, dell Brown at full room, mal dining. Please call basement, C49-5- 2 298-700C47-5- 0 assume 295-742call Mel ASSUMABLE LOAN, East garage. Please Mel 295-190Century 295-19021 FREE LOT rent for Janu21 , Grant Davis Co. 292-724Bountiful, brick rambler, Century C49-50 FOURPLEX if Co. Davis in Grant move 4 bedroom, great locabefore C49 ary Christmas 12x60 two $120,000 BUYS Contemtion, easy to buy. ConNEW CONSTRUCTION Vi ACRE SPECIAL r, unit. washer-dryeBountiful tact Gordell Brown at porary bedroom, $82,300 NORTH Center- SOUTH EAST Bntfl, Great location, history, fridge, stove, A.C., ville charmer. Pick your assume VA loan, 4 bedmany extras 755 North MAPLE HILLS Beauty, Kaysville area, park rent colors and appliances. 100 West 298-- 1 236 298-962rooms, 2 baths, 14 years Better than new, split enincludes all utilities ownC47 C48-4- 9 Unique floor plan. Large 142 C49 old, some fixed-u$6500 try, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage. Contact kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 2 er trans and anxious 78 BAINBRIDGE 14x70 2 1 V ACRE Commercial lot Please call Mel $71,900. Packard RealGordell Brown 451-211- 1. baths. bedroom, large kitchen 295-190- 6 with freeway-residentiCentury 21 ty call Dee 292-040and bathroom. Must see C49-50 295-161access $35,000, terms C48-4- 9 Grant Davis Co. Exclusive C47 FARMINGTON, $14,500 298-810298-123- 6 with half down. 3600 sq. ft., 6 bed- -' area, OLD YEAR PRICE REDUCED $3000 298-9623 VIEW FANTASTIC C47 room, 3 bath, rec room, COLONIAL STYLE MUST SELL immediately! 1 C48-4- 9 4 BEDROOMS on East 42 pool room, sauna, NESTLED IN Large pine Beautiful double wide, Bench in NSL, conveoak back yard, 2 car trees in Southeast Bounassumable loan, way BOUNTIFUL brick nient to all locations, .. a need family-.tiful $134,500. Large below value. Now RVP, large garage, rock $25,000 equity. Will garage, Brown Gordell Contact combined kitchen and $32,000. Call Louise best value trade for home or lot or fireplace, 292-013- 7 298-163Lane Realty room, 4 bedeven flexible. 298-555- 8 family Jake $79,800, Marvelous BOUNTIFUL, 298-700C49-5- 2 292-040- 1 rooms, 3 baths. Please Packard 142 ings. C46-4- 9 Hills new home, Maple Cencall Mel 295-190. C48-5- 0 furnace and water heatury 21 Grant Davis Co. ter have cut fuel costs in FOR RENT 292-724C49-5- 0 NEWLY LISTED e half space-freOFFICE GREAT mostly finished SEE THIS super home walk-ou- t REPOS. office furniture with basement, with tile roof, Craftsman litC46-5- 0 lease 292-677lovely living room with FROM 40 s to 80 s with kitchen, formal dining, 'h HORSE lots from down or no tle Vi 2 money and baths, fireplace, many extras. Now great $22,900.00. 1050 W. Call Mike or Duane 298-S2 car garage. Contact buy for family home or 600 N., West Bountiful, OFFICE WAREHOUSE 7 Metre 298-383- 5 59 or 298-95- 1 or Russell executive. Kay Collings 1,000 SF $300 mo. Call Vicor Realty 292-2882 C49 1 48 292-810Properties. 295-414- 3 Larsen RealMary 295-572C48-4- 9 C48-5- 2 1&2 FRUIT HEIGHTS, Solar C48-4- 9 tors 295-341NEW RAMBLER assisted for low fuel bills, of AREA new CHOICE CLASSY CONTEMPnice yard, view, finished homes. Three bedrORARY! basement, 2 car garage, two baths, family EAST BOUNTIFUL locaooms, lower 80's make offer on room utilities 500 South 100 East, Bountiful and tion, bright open feeling, now!! Contact Russell main floor, basement, 298-3831000 Sq. Ft., FIREPLACE great yard. Beautiful dedouble patio, garage. cor. $81,000. Call CENTURY 21 ALL SEA292-044- 4 292-637can also split rooms Louise 292-013- 7 Lane SONS South Davis Realty 292-044C47-4- 9 292-210- 0 292-363- 6 292-288- 2 Realty 298-700C48-4- 9 C49 C48-5- 2 u OFFICE SPACE 40 Lets Trade - My $220,000 Equity in a beau lfiil $450,000 Commercial building (Bountiful) for a home of comparable value 2926770 i , FARMMGTON NEW HOME FOR 87 SECURE THE tax benefit bath if you 3 BEDROOM, 1 849,000 buy before rambler. Air condition, 2 BEDROOM home with Bountiful 4 --plex oontract auto sprinklers, 2 car commercial potential, lot sale 9.9. Small down 292-953C44 2 C45-4- 8 garage and more. Conis 70x243. Call Pam venient location, great 292-266IN Beautiful selTUCKED neighborhood $78,500. $61,900 DUPLEX well, ling of trees and live Call 451 5237. C49-5- 0 maintained, generoua stream. Spacious kitchtax rents. new Beat law, en, new carpets, excelSECLUDB) M BNTFL sheltered invesperfect lent East Bench location, FIVE YEAR old home with 295-237tment. Call John four bedrooms on one-thir- d $77,900. Rick or Bambi 298-0- 1 1 9, acre, kitchen a Croeo Famby hom 4 badrooma, 1 14 opooof, largo ncraatton room XwMi utomec 4 bar, doubts window. anaroy I960 So., (Want, larva back yard, 7S4 W Wooda Croa. Pile raducad to 1 79.BOO. Prod sea-oaa- r Lamfforma Raalty Qroup SaS-224- 0 Old C48-4- 298-091- HOMES FOR SALE $65,800 BY OWNER SOUTH EAST Bntfl. Rambler, super decor, clean, main laundry, many extras, two full baths, deck, six years BUYS ATTRACTIVE con-du- great Bountiful location, (3) Three bedrooms, fireplace, decks, fam room, garage, terms 298-962- 298-123- 9 C47 C48-4- 9 142 TBE1WKOV! GREAT area CaHarry charm. $79,500 115 $68,000 close to schools and nyon Oaks Realtors West 2500 South. Call C48-4shopping. Rambler with Elaine, Ron, 5 bedrooms, large kitchACRE Simplified Real Estate 5 Horse property en, fenced yard. Call with C49 162 large brick rambler. Pam baths. 6 3 bdrms, Large BRAND NEW HOUSES $76,900 MOVE in for holmain floor family room. idays. Spacious 2 bedSANTA CAME earty with Out buildings, must see room Villa Nova Condo low low interest rates, this one to appreciate. will full basement. our plan or yours, your $179,900. Lucie Pleasant surroundings work for part of the down Lynda Canyon 1 with pool. CaH Kelly in Woods Cross. StartOaks Realtors or Pam ing as low as $59,900. C48-4$73,000 5 year old home Call Chad with 4 bedrooms, 2 BY OWNERII Broker C49 1&2 baths, family room, 2 car NO REALTOR commisWANT CHARM? garage. Call Pam sions, 2 bedroom, 1' COMFORT? bath, den, garage, lanEAST BNTFL, Four bed. $69,900 NEED an offer! dscaped yard. Young two bath, lovely white East Bench rambler with LDS Subdivision 3 home, great view, great bedrooms, family $54,500. $403.00 pay1 car room, ments, assume 9 Utah garage. neighborhood priced make Call Great location. $74,500. See, money. Will help with Charlene offer. Rick new carpel. Twin home C49-5- 0 Lane C48- living $84,900 in a country setting. 3 77 FIVE Bedroom WANT TO own home and bedrooms, 2 baths, Rambler $59,850 large have income. See this family room, 2 car garlot, swamp cooler, fireKaysville duplex total 5 age. All brick rambler. place, 3 years old. Good bedrooms, 2 baths, Call Pam south exposure. priced $75,000. Take FOR ALL YOUR REAL advantage of low rates. ESTATE NEEDS, CALL BRAND SPANK MG Call Rick DAWSON REAL 292-610- 298-342- 292-396- 9 773-007- 292-266- 292-166- 295-038- 298-342- 292-266- Then: Centuries ago, Julius Caesar called it kalium." Today, scientists refer to it with a capital K, but potassium by any name is a vital element in our bodies and in our diets. It helps provide energy for communication and movement to nerves, the brain, muscles such as the 1 9 . 292-968- 9 292-266- heart and other 298-532- 292-976- 4 ONE-iev- 298-700- I" 292-801- organ1 292-266- 546-483- C46-49- 292-976- C49-5- ESTATE 1 295-237- 7 ONLY $52,900 C49-5- 0 JUST LISTED 3 bedroom starter home, with new HORSE PROPERTY carpets, new roof, ready BEAUTIFUL TWO story to move in to. Make English Tudor, three offer! Assume FHA. Call bedrooms, 2 Vi bath, 2 Dean Earnshaw 295-083fireplaces, 4 wells Larsen Realtors C49-5- 0 295-341- beauty 3 bedrooms, large garage, .53 acre lot. Call Rick Lane 292-976- 4 C49-5- 0 298-700- $119,000 295-911- 2 BONUS ROCK BEAUTY SEE AND live every golden moment in this old OAK FORREST in Layton. Large brick rambler, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, garage, main floor family room, oak covered lot. Only $97,900. Geo 292-700Harry 292-610Canyon Oaks Realtors TWM HOME SPECIAL PRICE SLASHED PERFECT STARTER PRICED FOR Quick sale, only $59,900. 3 bdrms, 2 baths, 2 car garage, fenced yard. Assume V.A. mtg. Rick or Bambi 298-011- Phyllis 295-572- Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342- 049-5- 0 DRASTICALLY RE- DUCED to $108,000. ' Packard Inc. Realtors. C48-4- 9 TERRIFIC FAMILY HOME TERRIFIC LOCATION CHOICE EAST Side ASSUMABLE 235 FHA mtg. Just listed Farming-to- n twin home, 4 bdrms, large garage, lots of storage, fenced yard only 5 years old. Lucie 292-166- Lee Canyon Oaks Realtors 292-777- C49-5- 0 298-342- BOUNTIFUL EAST Bench, owner transferred, 5 bedrooms, executive home, immaculate, storm windows, new carC47-4pet NSL 292-943- 049-5- 298-342- 0 EXTRA LARGE lot in choice Centerville location. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. Home newly decorated. Shows great. Don 292-717Phyllis 295-572Canyon Oaks Realtors C49-5- 0 298-342- FULL FINISHED base-mer- it in this nicely decorated rambler in Bountiful Hills Bountiful High School area 5 bdrms, 3 baths, best buy $78,500. Don carport, in area. 292-7- 1 70, 6 CaJennifer nyon Oaks Realtors 298-567- C49 298-342- BEAUTIFUL WHITE Brick rambler in Oak Forrest. Great family area Large spacious rambler, lots of extras throuohout. Own- er very anxious $109,500. Don Lynda 292-717- 298-424- Canyon Oaks Realtors C49-5- 0 298-342- Now: An informative booklet is available on the importance of potassium. People who take water pills" or diuretics, for example, may be low in potassium. Thats because potassium is lost through urination. Anyone who experiences symptoms of low potassium tiredness, muscle weakness and cramp ing, an irregular heartbeat should see a doctor. If a simple blood test shows that low potassium is the problem, the doctor can give advice on diet and, if necessary, prescribe a potassium supplement. The booklet, Keeping Up With Potassium," is available by writing to CIBA Pharmaceutical Co., Dept. 105, 100 Campus Road, Totowa, NJ 07512. BRICK RAMBLER on East bench, Bountiful. 4 bdrms, 3 baths. Quiet neighborhood, energy efficient furnace, close to all services $79,800. Don 295-052- 3, Lee 292-777- Canyon Oaks n's a mi! MBBac bath, family, living rooms, 1500 sq. ft. Fruit-storaroom, garage, large garden & yard. and Landscaped fenced. Swamp, patio, or $57,800. 298-200- 0 292-934- BY OWNER fenced yard, c, 2 fireplaces $66,500. 329 East 650 North, Bountiful 295-726- C46-4- C48-4- 9 home on FULL FINISHED 3 BEDROOM baths, 9 Read up on this fact: many libraries in this country carry reference books that can actually help job searchers find a job. basement in this nicety decorated rambler in Bountiful Hills. Bountiful High School area. 5 bdrms, 3 carport. in Best buy area. BE CREATIVE $78,500. Don 292-717- 0 WE LL CONSIDER all 298-567CaJennifer offers for creative financnyon Oaks Realtors BR our for 6 ing gracious 298-342C48-4- 9 tudor home in FarminOVER 5,000 sq. ft. of living Sumerset Farm. gton's 451-283C46-4- 9 space in this beautiful spacious, undivided view, Lucie 292-166Rick or Bambi 298-0- 1 19. Canyon Oaks Realtors with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, fireplace, family room, deck and even a double garage. This is surely a good buy for a brand new home in a special 5. subdivision, East of Close to Layton Hills Mall. Builder is anxious to sell and get closed out before Christmas. Brent 295-119Anna 295-580- Bountiful location. Great Realtors 298-342- 1 neighbors, 3,000 sq. ft. BY OWNER bedfinished of living. 5 STUNNING 1 level adult rooms, 3 baths, terrific condominium, Bountiful family kitchen. Low price C48- Garden 295-758only $124,800. Call Bill 292-040295-354NICE STARTER home in Packard Inc. C48-4- 9 Bountiful, 4 bedrooms, 1 C49-5- 0 298-342- 1. in- split entry expensive 295-119- 292-040- 295-354- Best horse property 3 BEDROOM Rambler, around. One acre, 2 973 sq. ft. and unstory remodeled Victofinished basement, rian home, beautiful and private. CaH Lucie 292-166Don 295-052Canyon Oaks Realtors NEW M LAYTON SALE FAILED on this home for new family; or retirement living for older couple. All on one level GREAT BOUNTIFUL of living. 2 bedrooms, full location by bath, large front room, Only $262,000 with covered patio, garage, terms available. CaH tofenced back yard. Only 3 day for more informayears old. Priced to sell tion. Lets go over the fast. New price $51,000. Brent was $53,000. Call Bill C49-5- 0 298-342- MY LETS TRADE $220,000 equity in a beautiful! $450,000 Commercial building (Bountiful) for a home of comparable value. 292-677- 0. C48-5- 2 brick home on east Bench, 2 hot tubs, swimming pool, oak kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. $275,000. Derry 295-964- Lucie 292-166- Canyon Oaks Realtors C48-4- 298-342- One book, ODwyers Directory of Corporate Communications, lists 3,700 associations companies, and information vital to securing a position in the corporate communications department of many of this countrys largest and most prestigious organizations. 9 LARGE TWO story inMaF WANTED Experienced pie Hills. Price reduced real estate sales people to $129,000. VA to help start exciting new assumption. Lots of ex brokerage on 5th South. tras and built-in- s. Steve 292-288Call Marv 292-647Rick or Bambi C48-521298-0- 1 19, Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342- MOVE NOW CLOSE LATER IHOICE BOUNTIFUL LARGE 5 bedroom NSL Location, white brick $2,000 - down terriiic rambler, 5 bedrooms, 3 terms $595 month. Owner agent. Call Lucie 292 baths, view, wood burn1660. C48 2C491&2 ing stove, 2 decks, $143,000. Lucie 292-166- 0, BY OWNER - 3 bedrooms, Lee 292-777- 0 family room fantastic Canyon Oaks Realtors view, fenced yard, Val 298-342- 1. C48-4- 9 Verda area, assumable 48 2 loan 295-630JUST C48-4- 9 LISTED, Only C49-51&2 $56,900 in Farmington, 4 bedrooms, large garage, lots of storage only EXCITING NEW Rock 5 years old. Lucie contemporary with fireRick or Bambi place and vaulted ceiling 298-0- 1 e on horse lot 19, Canyon Oaks Realtors $79,900. Vicor Realty "- I- 0 292-166- 0, .42-acr- 298-342- C48-4- 9 292-288- C48-5- 2 1&2 4 BDRM rambler oak kitchen, large family Finished room laundry room, deck, finished garage, play 1738 So. 800 East, BounttfuPtM.MO Near St. OtWs 5 badrooma, 2 Mchana, 2 12 baths, 2 fraptacaa, doubt car Baraga, andoaad way coiXd b larga rarraadon room, RV bry S Frsd 2S2-OS4- 7 Landforms Raalty Oroi2M-224- 0 r. room. $79,500 YULE LOVE Meticulous C49 292-880- LORRAINE UNDERWOODS KAYSVILLE - Owner transferred. Must sell 4 bedim, 3 bath room. Completely repainted. Will consider lease to own. CaH Dave 8 The Adams HOLIDAY SIGNS 546-222- Company 546-600- C49-5- 1 Meadow Grossing I ...affordable Country Living with easy city access -- Priced from $59, Open daily and Saturday from 2 p.m. until dusk 900-Mo- del Wood S HOMES FOR SALE 1900 South and 1100 West, Woods Cross L 4 w HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE 10, 1986 DECEMBER MKC Constn. & Realty Theres nobody Lifatlma Mombar Lak Salt Board Million Dollar Club more qualified to sell your home than Lorraine t Underwood professionals 4516 south 700 east, suite 390 salt lake city, Utah 64107 Free T.V to buyer upon doming with this md. 292-029- 4 268 - 4666 48 - REMAX |