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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER. CONDOS APARTMENTS TORRENT FOR RENT NICE 2 bedroom carpel, SOUTH DECEMBER 9. 1986 L, APARTMENTS 1 APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT LAYTON ONE BEDROOM with prt LARGE TWO bedroom vate yard. Carpeted, apt. Wash-dr- y hookups, NEW SPACIOUS 2 bdrm townhouaee, with patio, stove, fridge, disposal air, dishwasher, covered carport, storage, all apparting, heat paid, 550 garden295-693-area $195 C49-5- 0 month. North Main. No pets or pliances, drapes, gas 152 smokers $349.00 292-630- 3 heat. Luxury at $375-m195 So. Fort Lane. 292-288C48-5- 2 MOVE M NOW Call Gary 544-869152 NSL if DAVIS ADVERTISER, APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS HOMES FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT HOMES FOR RENT ROOMY 3 bedroom town-hous- e, APARTMENT BEDROOM in LDS FEMALE wants dis1 Vi bath, RENT FOR 266-510- 8 $365, appliances, roommate, nice 2 bedments, still like new. FREE RENT till Christ hwasher, disposal, air car-podroom apartment near drapes, hookups, Close to downtown SLC, W-mas, 2 bdrm. Washer-dryeconditioning, S. 869 See 4100 Viewmont $165.00 Vi large, free basic cable, air cond., playground, hookups, 9 C48-4296-067hookups, W Btfl W-evenutilities 292-367- 5 dishwasher, covered particovered parking, disLUXURY CONDO storage, 142 hookups. Discounts for 6 ings. C49 hwasher. Call 295-182- 3 380 N. 100 W. No. 1, ng, FIREPLACE, 2 'h bath, months 4 1 year lease C49 142 Centerville 292-586oversize 2 car garage THREE BEDROOM con298-876$175.00 INCLUDES utilC49-5- 1 75 N. 3 large barm., BOUNTIFUL LARGE 049 do lor rent. New paint, 3 levels, APT. FOR Rent, un-fuities, furnished studio 2 BEDROOM duplex. Dr NSL. C46-5three bedroom, Orchard 2 borders OakrTdge Qoll carpet, children allowed. CHILDRENS DELIGHT apadment for one adult. hookups, range, fridge, IfreE MONTH Rent. One townhouse, 2 bath, famibedroom, gas heat, fireCourse $700 Io. No pets $450.00 per No pets, smokers or disposal, storage room, ly room, deck, air, off place, cable hookup, air ELEMENTARY schod 'h bedroom aot. $21 5. Nice C46-4- 9 142 292-659month. Call West Bountiful $300. No Bntfl. location, 560 S FARMINGTON 1. 2 bed waterbeds. 295-876street parking, covered cond., carport, block, 2 bedroom, W-C48-4- 9 stoatge 142 C49-52-- 1 room $200.00. $235.00 hookups, covered partiREDUCED smoking or pets, two East $75 deposit. 298-575storage, Beautiful $450 shed, dose to bus. dis451-239or children 451-226- 6 C49 152 ng, Ig. yard. Bt. utilities. carpet, walk-i- n closets, C49-5- 1 trict & banks, laundry $335.00 TO $270.00 per 2 bedroom LARGE apt. CHECK IT OUTI C49 Bus routes, shopping hookups. On bus route facilities $320 month. month. Cedar Springs, Washer-drye- r T hookups, BOUNTIFUL-QUIEU ROfT CALL BEFORE 298-740No 2 NSL 295-233C49 GOOD smokers, $318.00 1 carlocation, 290 S. 100 E. Call pets one bedroom, new SUPER CLEAN air, dishwasher, covered to share woman lovely C46-4- 9 2 BDRM Lemon Tree Con all 2 292-928C47-4- 9 room, ameniutility or all Bedrm, pet, very nice, 2 BEDROOM apt. FREE HEAT parting, heat paid, 550 home with 4 others. No do, fireplace, carport clean. Call C48-4- 9 142 ties 298-704appliances, or No N. Main. $275.00. pets Stove, smoking-drinkinrefrig., 1st 2 Months. New 2 bad KAYSVILLE pool. 1 42 C49-5- 0 292-111AC., balcony, view, etc. 2 bedroom, smokers $349. 292-630carport A-patio, launroom apts. Free cable No DELUXE TWO Bdrms.du Vacant 295-340$165 includes utilities CENTERVILLE TWO C48-5- 2 Air, 292-288$265 lights. plus room. collect Call dry 295-9202 Bdrms, C49 BOUNTIFUL exercise Bedroom townhouse pets or smokers. C49 plex hookups, carport, T.V., carport, heat paid. Fenced yard, 649-756- 2 142 or 968-828- 8 C49 four plex, clean, new 221 East 1700 So. 152 spa, pool 298-430$400 includes heat, contwo kids okay. Great 3 BEDROOM $425.00 after East 3:30 96 covered 451-529p.m., Bountiful do fee. No pets. 265-300paint, hookups, 6 142 neighbors, no pets. See house, fenced yard, ex2250 So., Bountiful. KAYSVILLE COUNTRY 276-641C48-4- 9 C48-4- 9 142 parting $275, no smokto appreciate 544-055cellent east bench locaC49-51 42 2 Rennew Condo SPRINGS CEDAR Bonded or bedroom, Apt., ing pets. C49-5- 1 HOMES tion. 961 No. 1000 E. 1 295-4072 nice APTS. WOOD for bed SPRING C49 rent, unit, dishwasher, tal i bath, TOWNHOUSE Condo, 2 C48 2 Call 292-164$185 ONE bedroom, heat FOR RENT W-to month 1 2 bath. 1 $425.00 room, 2 hookups, 4 Bedroom luxury TWO BEDROOM apartBdrm. Vi baths, Cedar and water furnished. 10 C49 142 M NEWEST W-first month condo includes fees ment for rent 2009 So. leasing, So. Main, NSL 292-- 1 61 3 apartments, Springs, Centerville. BOUNHFUL month half price, great AVAIABLE JAN. 1st Contact Dale 292-026- 4 hookups, dishwashers, 500 W.,Btfl $235.00 per or 295-846Newly remodeled, coC49 NEWER HOME in Farm-- 1 FREE RENT, one and two CLEAN, NEWLY decoAll 21 Seaor $350 292-5room. Call 1 no 58 Century month. Call neighborhood. vered parking. Club spa, weight ington area, 5 bedbedroom. Dishwashers, 292-210microwave CarFree BR. month. condo. 2 rated DUPLEX C49 C49-50 our sons 2 about Bdrm. 2 winter no house $375 month. Call bath, special pets. smoking, rooms, iy baths, large hot-tuW-W-292-901- 9 with six month lease. hookups, covered partiFurnished or unfurafter 6 p.m. hookups, port, storage, kitchen, living, dining FREE HERSHEY BAR covered parking, great patio, air, fireplace. Very Model open 277 South C47-5- 0 ng. Kids welcome. 292-966nished 1230 S. 500 W. areas. Double AND LARGE apt FREE GIFT for new resi view. Orchard Lane C49-5- 0 Bntfl. 298-76150 West, Kaysville 546-648C48-5- 1 Excellent 142 quiet! C48-4- 9 2 C48-5- 0 Fireplace, air, washer-drye- r dents in new 2 bedroom Apartments, 425 North CENTERVLLE location, no children or $240 VERY LARGE e 292-832Orchard Drive NSL 292-979HWY 89 North Salt Lake, hookups, gooc Washer-drymonth. 2 BDRM. TOWNHOUSE $350 pets 2 apt. BEDROOM, Carpet, 2 BEDROOM apt. Stove, location $350.00. 295 C49 142 C49-5- 0 newer 2 BR apt. 278 142 IVi bath, pool, tennis, TWO ROOM studio apt. hookups, free cable TV, stove, refridge., garage, 142 8701. C46-4- 9 Month 298-407- 6 fitness room ' fndge, drapes, carpeted. 942 Carpeted, heatin. furcovered parting. All utilsauna, spa no smokers, drinkers,' No smoking, one child BONNEVLLE MANOR No CEDAR SPRINGS Town-housnished, close 1508. C48-5- 0 142 ities except lights intot playground, central $350.00. $150 295-204pets. BDRM 125 No. Stove, ONE welcome. 997 tenapt. LARGE ONE smokers 2 bedroom bedrooms, 295-024cluded. $400 per mo. 295-647- 0 laundry. Call Roger SheC49-5- 0 C47-5- 0 dep. West 295-970LARGE 2 bdrm. basement choice area, close to carpet, drapes fridge, C47-4- 9 298-430nis, clubhouse, pool, C49 lia at C49 142 W-no cable, utilhookup, apartment. New carpets, Centerville non bus smoker, stop, shopping, DUPLEX YOUNG MARRED nice neighborhood. No ONE BEDROOM Apt GREAT location, lots of pets. 267 S. 425 W. Mgr ity room with washer-drye$355 plus utilities, fee HOME FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM, 1 Vi OR SINGLE. Ideal 1 bdr. 292-770C-- 4 owner agent C49 142 $225 carpets. C49 142 Adult Nice neighborhood, paid 583-253hookup. NSL 5 bed., 2 bath, privabath condo, gas furn., bedr3 1 292-606100 South C49 2 330 C48 personality, $220.00, 544 only. 292-044- 4 port, coin laundry $210 water heater $375.00 cy, view. Great neighooms, 2V4 baths $550 FREE CHRISTMAS Tree 2 BDRM LEMON Tree C50 2 East, close in, carport, 4812. C48-4- 9 Woods Cross 295-9- 1 1 1 bors, close to S.L. and month. First month $300 per month. No smokers Bounti295-709with nice! Carpets, yard, Condo, C49-5- 0 large 292-379- 0 295-125142 Bountiful $650.00, 298-465rent $250 deposit. Come please. ful apartment, new paint $300 duplex 705 East 7th C48-4- 9 A.C. drapes, fireplace, C48-4- 9 C49 162 see it, you'll love it. 362 So., Bountiful, 2 bed- NEXT TO Fred Meyers carport, clean, WOW hookups, carpod, balcony, view, 295-875South 100 Lg. 2 bedroom ALL NEW RENT TO OWN East, room, kitchen, dining no 295-340or no smoking S600-Mpets 4 bedroom, 3 carpet, 2 bed 298-2252 BEDROOM townhouse BUILD EQUITY credit. C49 storage, hookups, new carpet-pain- t, room, living room, lovely pets $265. Phone 451 smokers C49 142 in Centerville $350 mo. bath, house. Fenced covered parting, 4 room $240.00. No amok 142 East side location 272 Lease neat, cozy redeC49 2583. De no pets $200. ing, Includes condo fee 298-403yard. Garage. Finished 3886 a SLC phone. C48 plex, quiet residential corated 1 bdrm. condo. CEDAR SPRINGS ConAVAILABLE NOW C48-4- 9 basement. Security dehookups, 295 posit C49-5FARMINGTON APT. 2 neighborhood, trees Details 298-- 1 028 owner-agen- t. One Centerville. 1 do, 0 42 Two 6734. REST OF Dec. Free. C49 298 In posit. 295-2204 C48-5- 1 BEDROOM $325.00. TWO apt. yard. C46-5- 0 bedroom, fireplace bedroom dishwasher, PEBBLE CREEK 7403. to access Good FREE VCR heat plex. maintenance, paid BOUNTIFUL 3 bedroom 1 disposal, big kitchen, schools, stores, freeway 3 BEDROOM Apt. at 882 NEW 4 2 bedroom fami- FARMINGTON APARTMENTS $290 per month $100 low heat bills, upper un1,2, bed QUAIL LANE New one brick rambler, full basely apartments. Beautiful 298-119exits. No smoking, no micC49 292-903W. 4100 S.. No. D, bedroom, fireplace, deposit. its 0 $200,00-6235.0FOR RENT ment $65000 E.Z. terms. room floor plans. W-$285-mCall 451 142 pets Bountiful. Call 295-- 1 51 6 rowave, dishwasher, C49 walk-i- n Owner - agent. Rich closets, hookups, dishwashers, Carpet, C49 2783 or 292-160or for appointment. C48-4- 9 451-729- 8 laundry, route LARGE ONE bedroom or Packard hookups On bus air conditioned. Energy hookups. 2 bedCENTERVILLE FARMINGTON large 292-040C49-5- 0 storage, pool, A.C., hookups, dis- DUPLEX. 2 bedroom, full No smokers, pets efficient. Covered partapt. W-utilities LARGE 1 Vi bath town-houswalk-i- n 292-739room, $195; C46-4- 9 . great quiet location, hwasher, disposal. Near ing. Convenient locawith carpod. All except lights. Couples-childbasement, 1 42 C49-5- 0 FARMINGTON closets, utility room. On 295-870tion. Open Monday No smoking, good Layton Mall. No pets area. No HOMEY-SPACIOU$350.00. route. bus S utilities included. Fursmokers, 544-556- 8 NSL alter N. ONE BEDROOM, 850 $275.00 for freeway 292 through Saturday C48 2 C49 location C49-5- 2 APT. BEDROOM or TWO unfurnished nished pets. everyrooms, storage 298-744o referwith $205-mNSL 89 6. C49-5- 0 Hwy. 3919. C49 DRYER WASHER $400 per month 544 where, energy efficient, C47-5- 1 MOVE M TODAY 142 ences, lights paid, no hookups, carport, no QUIET LOCATION C49 8127. schools to and OPTION WITH close RB4T $200 1 BEDROOM apt. pets, available Dec. Call apt. in ROOMY TWO bedroom 2 bedsmokers or pets. 2571 S. stores, hook-up- s, BNTFL NICE dean 2 bedideal for single or new- ATTRACTIVE contemporeves. Davis near Dave 485-928- 7 Centerville. $250.00. duplex (top) 150 W Bountiful 292-143- 7 CLEARFIELD rooms, no pets, no room, smokers, small ary two bedroom, co- C48-4- 9 142 No lyweds. Busline, downCall 295-496High School and Area LOVELY CLEAN 292-877C49-5- 0 smokers, 2 references, vered parting, hookups, 2 BR, town location. $385.00, C49-5- 0 Prepets ok. Rent $425. 292-601Center. or Vocational pets. smoking 2 bednice yard, rent $360 dep. $300 deposit, $375 per C49-5- 0 more. $295 couple, FARMINGTON 2 bedroom condo in142 and culde-safer on BEDROOM room. Carpet, hookups month. Available Jan. 1. $300. No smokers 292-741cludes heat. Dawson child, no smokers - pets. no and drinkers r n pets. washer-dryewalk-iC49 142 Call C48-4- 9 closets, carport. Ideal for 1 BEDROOM, North 100 West, BountiLOW RENT 142 Real Estate 295-237544-447- 5 5 after Phone stor Will Assume lease. 298-123ful 298-962pay hookups, carport, senior citizens, new carGOOD LOCATION for C48 2 C49 1 C49-5- 0 LEASE 3 BR OPTION $360-38p.m. RENT TO OWN C47-4- 9 $50 per month toward age shed launapt. A-pet, hookups, 225 inbrick rambler, Bountiful, 298-285C49 LARGE 5 bedroom, 3 bath rent for five months. DECEMBER FREE smokno your cludes all utilities, no bed2 hookups, CENTERVILLE dry DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, You $525 month, no pets, full NSL $595 month. Terripay only $225.00. ing or pets $275.00. 295-496smoking, no pets. 197 LARGE ONE and two bedroom, Vh bath town-houwasher, dryer hookups, basement. Rich 451 fic terms. Available now. No smokers, pets 451-266- ONE BEDROOM Apart room. Bountiful Center. C49-5- 0 142 C51-5- 2 All North Main, Bountiful with fenced or carpod. 7298 owner-agen- t carpet, storage, ment, big front window Owner agent. Call Lucie C46-4- 9 Available now. $235 and C49-5- 0 295-102utilities included. Fur-- i Packard 292-040- 1 292-166yard. No smokers, pets basement of home, ideal C48 2 C49 or 295-- 1 $250. 292-412- 1 E. or 2200 231 295-746NSL unfurnished! 8 nished 50 $315.00. for couple or single 142 KAYSVLLE AVAILABLE NOW 5654. C48 2 C49 142 295-760C49-5- 0 NORTH PARK Village co$400 per month 544 So., Bountiful. 292-S- I WONDERFUL Neighbor2 BEDROOM townhouse, IDEAL LOCATION 5 bed C49-5- 0 142 90. C49 Free 8127. 2 bdr. DECEMBER SPECIAL apts. 142 op hood, dishwasher, disVh baths, washer-drye- r room, 3 baths, family 3 BEDROOM IVi bath LARGE cable, covered parting, 1, 000 sq. CLEAN 2 bedroom Bountispa carports, hookup, dishwasher, BEDROOM room, garage, fenced posal, with eat-i- n kitchen, fami2 and FARMINGTON, nice two ft. laundry $275, hookups, cable, storage, 451-21two no cious bedrooms, big IN ful apt. Hookups, AC, pets disposal, near bedrooms, laundry ly room, dining room, yard. No smokers clubhouse, large yard for kid 882 W. complete 292-884292-953bills C49 low heat kitchen, $550.00. patio $275.00. beautiful condition. hookups, storage unit, facilities from $295-mlaundry hkps. $285.00-mont- h 4200 S., NSL 292-402C45-4814-2 292-903- 4 451-053- 5 C49-5- 0 142 C442 152 $150.00 deposit Free six pack of soft carpod, private patio, 142 C51 C48 2 C49-5- 0 Large yard. Lovely C46-5- 0 292-380C49 low 298-4347 convenient location, immed. 1 avail, a for neighborhood 52 drink taking just BOUNTIFUL 4 PLEX C48 2 C49 1 C49-5- 0 295-374142 deposit, must see to $450.00 TWO bedroom, 1 look. Call for appointATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm, all DELUX 0.00 292-107$31 Co-o- p appreciate bath, fireplace, full unment Manager IVi bath, ROOMY 2 Bedroom town-houselectric, air cond C49 finished basement. Nice C49-5- 0 298-749142 FRUIT HEIGHTS - 4 bedI washer-drye- r dis 1V4 Hookup, carport, fenced bath, hookups large yard in a super 3 bath, library, forroom, Twol air neighbormo. TWO in BEDROOM yard, quiet hwasher, disposal, $290 $375.00 neighborhood in Woods mal dining, family room, W-hood. No smoking, no months free utilities.! 1 car-new dudes utilities, Cross. 695 West 770 conditioning, to adjacent 292-350972-592800 W-HOOKUPS, plus pets. 1 child. $340.1729 pet, A.C., hookups, playground South. No pets. $200.00 hookups, The secluded. kitchen, floor newer 596-332North 200 West. 485 feet, C48 1 42 1 covered parkno or smokers storage, pets, square deposit. Available imAdams Co. 546-6001 Four 5911. C49-- 1 C49-5- 1 W. No. N. $250 100 2 380 W. 902 coverings 4200 large yard ing, 546-222mediately. Anna 295 295-525Call Dave Winds Realty C48-5- 1 S. 298-771C48-4- 9 Centerville 292-586- 5 5807 298-346- drapes, fireplace, etc. $395 nego. water, gas paid. C48 2 C49 142 1 AND 2 bedroom apart- 5 y4 12 g r i - DECEMBER 10. 1986 12 C49-5- 0 142 C48-5- 0 142 C49-5- 1 THREE BEDROOM; split level, half basement, carport, clean, nice neighborhood. Call Irene Brown, (Provo) C47-4- 9 3 bedroom Pheasantbrook $550 CONDO per month. Small family welcome, no pets. Grant Davis Dottie Burnham 1 292-724- 292-120- C49-5- 0 PAINTED AND cleaned throughout. 3 bedrooms, 2 car garge, 1260 S. 500 W., Bountiful. $450-mont- Call LaPriel 298-059Century 21 Grim-Sha292-446- 8. C49 NEW HOME BEDROOM, 2 baths, family room, fridge, stove, dishwasher, disposal, carport $650.00 month. $200.00 deposit. Call after 5:30 p.m. C48-4- NEWER HOME in Farmington 1 area, 5 bedrooms, baths, large kitchen, living, dining areas. Double garage C48-49-- 2 ALL UTILITIES paid $550.00 3 bedroom home with basement rented out C48-4- 295-526- 9 3 BEDROOM, brick home with good location in Layton. 291 Aspen $325.00 per mo. Call for C49 appt. 544-681- 3 BEDROOM home, no pets $350 month plus $250 cleaning deposit C49 142 298-174- n STORAGE FOR RENT WEST BOUNTIFUL stor age located at 72 S. 500 W. in Bountiful. Has a security guard house at the entrance to better protect your property. 5x9 $15.00, 5x18 $20.00, 9x9 $25.00, C49-5- 299-272- 1 STORAGE FOR RENT 5TH SOUTH 700 West Frontage Road, Centerville 5x8's to 8x40's $15 and up. Call 295-944- 5 after 4:00 or weekends C49-5- 2 call 292-836142 SPACE 530 WEST 1400 So., Bountiful al desks. 467-559- 5 APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom family community. Excellent Bountiful location. $8.00 PER MONTH 4 up. A variety of sizes available. Also RV storage. $15 per month. Cook C45 Rentals 142 C49 2 C46-4- 8 292-243- Ask Santa for an Apartment at... Westminster Park Amenities 453 W. 1500 So. Beautiful Floor plans 850 North Highway 89 - NSL Adjacent to Dan Eastman Bountiful, Utah 298-744- 292-432- 7 4 ... At Apartment Prices BRAND NEW IN BOUNTIFUL A Lifestyle You Deserve Featuring: Bedroom units Microwave Oven, or AMFM Double Tape Stereo, or AMFM TUmtable & Stereo, or f TJ WD AMFM, TV, Clock, 120 or 12 Volt 6 MinuteslUTDowntown Hook-up- s PatioBalconies Covered Parking Fireplace Laundry facility FREE Cable T.V. Private entrance Pools Air Conditioning Sauna Exercise Room Tot Playground Free Cable TV Washer Hookup Central Laundry Covered Parking Decks and Patios Spa & R.V. Parking These comforts are designed around a swimming pool, tennis courts, Jacuzzi and clubhouse. Professionally Managed by REMA, Inc. i Tuesdays and Thursdays? The Newspaper with the local news and advertising! When you want the best ... AIR CONDITIONING ONSITE jv (Clipper Tape 1- -2 - Reading the... EDwrfa Call about our specials MANAGEMENT EASY FREEWAY ACCESS Call Us North Park 295-225- 1 - 295-740- 1 Subscription Rates: - $8.00 per year -$ 1 1 subscription .00 - per year out of state Village 830 North 500 West, Bountiful, Utah, 298-283- 5 APARTMENT COMMUNITY 55 West Canter Street North Salt Lake 298-430- 2 Met- C49-- 1 Are PEBBLE CREEK 295-597- 9 96 South Main - Bountiful r |