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Show flBBwflMlf im i i ii ! n SB LEHI LOCALS AND PERSONALS flffeflv II jraf Mm. L. A. Olmstead Htltl continues Mfffll very II Ifrutn Ilrlght's disease. WJgm One hiindrtd otes given with two mB vnUl admission ltoyal Thontio. ' fill T. II. Ilolin came fioin Caldwell, IMS Idaho to attend the funeral of his Ms IlOBS. ji'tiN Frank AhIiIoii, who came up to at- Ii II 1 ,cn'1 ,,,H r,,ll,I'," f""t,ni1- returned lo PrS-JM liiH homo In To'porvlllo Saturday. !? Mr. nml Mrs. A. J. Pondloleon of N 'fll 8aU ''nl" '""'' "l10"1"1" ,hn ",,,1,m,,r h mm "loir r""1 " ovcr J"'1'11"' mmt t'JllH Marlon Walker who I working In 4b 1'Inllp came In fr a two days vigil pjl SB with his rnmlly ami returned Sunday. M Bfl Lyman Lasso purrhaaod n now head- (f BJ cr tlilK week with wlilcli to cut his J BB dry fan i) wheat -oiiIIiwokL of Sura- "itfBB 'ga. im t'ifljB "lg l'r"r" "hariiiK catiipalRii now , Lg HB running at full bliiMt Ono voto for ! BB every cent -cash purchase Ovor jj flfl $0,000.00 111 prizes given awny Pco- iBH pie's Co-op i flfl Mr. and Mrs. I-!. A. lliislmian and BJBJ Mr. and Mrs. Ilarinan McAffeo rolurti- ' HMJ cd Friday from a weeks auto trip w llli : IBB relatives In Sanpoto. Bfl II.ivo your shoo repaired by ono BB wno lcarn-tt Hie trade at tho Economy Ml Shoo Shop on Main street. You will BB ho given satisfaction l-'tf K. W. Schnleder was n Salt Uiko tnltor Monday. I.eo Oontwi niado a hiialness trip to Sail Lake Monday, Mr. nml Mis. A. lJotiKlaa niado an auio trip to Nophl Sunday. W. I.. W'ehh and Don LovorldKO woie l'ro vlHltom Tuesday. One hiinilml votcu kUoii with every paid tiilmfsKlciti ltoyal Theatre. Tho Monkey show, a whole barrel of fun at thu Carnival all next wcoK at Aineilean Fork. Dr. (1. I. Stookey spent the past week In Clover, looking after bin dry farm InturoslK. Head tho Carnlvnl ad In thin Ishuo. Thoy will bo In Ameilean Fork one whole, week. Fun for ever body. Jack noTiuiiii, deputy nhurlff at the Snialoga SprliiKH w'aa a Salt Lake visitor Tuesday. Mrs. (leorKo lleek wim tho Kucwt of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Horry of Cedar Fort this week. Miss Mario Worltoti left Monday for n (en day visit In Salt Lake City with her sister, Mrs. Pearl l.undberK. Mesdauius Thnd Powell, John Stnw-art Stnw-art and Mary I). Thomas went to Pro vo Monday to visit somo relatives who worn In Utah from Arizona. Next Week we will beln publishing numbers of candidate In People's Co-op lili; eampalmi contest. Mr. Itnchrl Campbell and Miss Jennie Jen-nie Campbell of Salt I.ake returned homo Tuesdny after vIsltluR with Mrs. O. A. Slndo for ten days. IllKh l.adloo Nubuck, Chrmpalmi and Orey Shoes, clean up price nil next week, only $1.00 pair at Chlptnan's. Mrs. Sadie Shaw of Provo who was operated on for nppondlcltl two- weeks ni;o at tho local hospital was taken home Sunday evening. Soren Sorenson wont to Salt l.ako Monday to visit C. C. 1-Mwanln who waR operated on for nppondteltW ntul nipturo several days before. Mrs. Alien Clnwson and children of Salt Lake City who have been tlio ".nests of Mr. and Mrs. John llobe'ts for the past week returned homo Rum-day. Rum-day. Dr. (!. S. Stookey rutin nod home Tuesday after spending a fuw days on his farm In Hush Valley. Ho m-ports m-ports that the main looks exceptionally exception-ally well for this kind of weather. Mrs. F.mlly Donely and her two dauKhters and Miss Alice Uruneau of Salt liko City who have been the Kiiests of their aunt, Mrs, O. I.. Stookey for tho past week returned home Sunday. Sun-day. HlK profit sharlnt; campaign now runnliiK at full blast One vote ro every cent cash purchuso Ovor $0,000.00 In prizes kIvoii away Peo-pie's Peo-pie's Co-op. Mrs. Mary Cauipboll. Mr. and .Mm. John Campbell and daiiKhtcrs, Mr. and Mrs. John llnrilso.ji of Malad. Idaho. Holier HarrlKoii, Mrs. Christino HiurlKoii and Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorgo Phillips formed an auto party to Pin-vo Pin-vo Satin day. White Nubuck mid some Canvas Oxfords Ox-fords and Slippers Clonti up : $I.0n pair ot Chlpmans. Mr ami Mrs. X. P. Sorconn have boeu upending llio past wooU onjoyinr a vacation with friends In San Pete County. southbound IntorurUan rur ran over n cow bolonRinir to !on Peterson Peter-son Friday night and cut It In two The accident took place on the fill north of tljo au&nr fnolory. H K Osterloh whllo coming iin Rant street Jast Saturday with Forl car run stjuaroly Into a horpr Hint enme across tlio street. The Inmv wna broken and Hip radiator b" " boot but otherwlso noitlier the hor-r nor the enr were Injured. Mr. ii I'd Mr. O. A. Ooateit who have been spendtns tho paat week wtti relntlven In I.ohl roturned to Oird"" ird-- Mr Ooeton was aomewhaf inr'-ivni fr'im hln attack cf nni..(T c'Hm nnd -ii intendlnf tj under-o i" it.orHpn " the Oafl hoanUel. m hi. i rrfvl In Ofrden. Mr r,-d Mr- .T t r-vo -. -i ' -nd ri j, fj, Jonea went to 8 ' ' ' f ..,( v ,, ,,) tt,..n v I',, 1 Mi " . v n ' " ' M T-.i'ri Mr J p. i l.uss than prico on Ladles', Mlsfcis' and Clilldr-n'rt Summer Hats at Chip-man's. Chip-man's. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Uruneau of Salt l.ako City wero visitors at tho O. 3, Stookey homo Sunday. William WIiik and A. II. Anderson returned Saturday from n week's business busi-ness ttlp In Illnt;ham Canyon. James W. Taylor after spciidlnt: week with his folks returned Sunday, to Idaho Falls where ho Is am (cultural (cul-tural superintendent for tho sugar Co. i- One hiinilrrii votes given with every i paid admission ltoyal Theatre. ' Fred Merrill has been in Spanish Fork for the paat two weeks doing plaster contiacts on some now lioutw! building there. I After visiting with Mr. and Mr John Jamos In Salt Lake City for ic weeks. Miss Josephine Morrill returned re-turned homo Thursday. Mrs. May Gray Cowan returned to her homo In Salt l.ako Wrdnesda after spending a week the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs James 0 Oray. Mltm l.altue Maudslcy vvb v was operated on two weeks ngo for appendicitis ap-pendicitis left tho hospital Minday. Mrs. David Flrmago of Holier arilv-ed arilv-ed In I.ohl Wednesday for n visit with her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Thomas Jones. Hlshop James H. Gardner spent the early part of the wook In F.lslnn" on Sugar factory business. He loft for the Idaho Falls factory yesterday. Hlg profit sharing cnmpalgn rerunning re-running at full blnst Ono vote f-every f-every cent cash purchn'so Over $3,000.00 In prizes given away Pw jile's Co-op. Abe nudmiindscn of Payson. who has been spending two weeks In the mountains was vlnlllng frletuls In belli be-lli Wednesday. The nine Flower swnrm of tho 1st Wnrd Hen Hive girls gavo a picnic and swimming party at the lake Wednesday Wed-nesday evening. Sport Shirts and Sport Tie for Mon and Young Jlmi at Clilpm.in. . i Mr. nnd Mrs. Molvln Heck had as their guests Seturdnv mid Sundiv. Mr. .-id Mr.t ri'.inias Harfluld U.-Pearl U.-Pearl Oarflel 1 ! d Mi. Lcn.irJ. nl of Monu. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Carter, Miss Nestle Cartor. Mrs. Hay Carter and Mrs. T. A. Taylor formed an auto party par-ty to Murray Thursday. Messrs. Mllen Klrkham. Will F.vnns, Maurice Itclqulst and Lewis Jones left for Huby Valley, Ncviula, Friday. They will bo employed there until fall. j Tho following ollleers for the He-becca He-becca Lodge were Installed Thursd"" evening, Sirs. Mary Ottorgcti. N. O : Mrs. lone Gilchrist. V. G.: Miss Maud I In r wood, secrolary; and Mrs Alice Tuckfleld TroHRiiror. Tho -Hh July will ho celebrated--get you a nice July Suit nl OhlpinanV. Mr. A. I). Gardner haa completed tho taking of the Agricultural census report re-port of crops in Lehl thts week. This Information Is used by the government govern-ment In making crop reM.it a. Mr. May Whltnoie and two ehll-' ren arrived here from Ovrrton, N" Tuesday They will upend tho summer sum-mer with Mrs. Whltiiion'i father. George Sunderland. Mlase, Marv l.nrt l Iin If ,'en of Suit l.nke City were eiiosis of honor at ,a party rtvon at 8.,rat-.',i Saturday levenlns by Viva Tevlor. The young I'ndlea spent the '.iim" 1. atliiK-aiid I bathing. Get you .i nice Summer HrflM and have made for the 2tth July, Our entire line Sunimri- )ms , poods Bnntly rediKed-ChtpuuiriM Joncph V Holiiiii tt,n' i Mllford Wednoalay io load a cu i-f iiiules. which h ai..l ,i mi p.iii" -v til ablp t ' the Mlsaourl rlv.i- market At l'rovo he nddf-d srvm i ., ,r,. , jy- 2B mules In tUe car. . 1 The Hi.-M..,.- ,,, ,,,,. s jmlHos and Mrs D T r..".r ,,, $$ imgt 1 ' '' 'i- vnifrlci''' K,r'1 r"" ' Hradha l- "iu- future for ii,- ,tB0 Nr- ' ' ' Vt'rs. Pel ' ' ' " . wild Ira ,. u ' lie road-) Henry and Sallnno Uruneau of Salt Lake City are visiting with their mint, Mrs. G. S. Stookey. The Second Ward Intermediate Sunday Sun-day School class of tho Fourth Ward spent Wednesday at Saratoga. Miss Vera and Le Uol Gardner and Clark Jones had their tonsils removed at tho Lehl hospital Thursday. Mc-sis J. W. Wing. Jr., A. u., .Hi I.elstnd Anderson left Thursday f Heber, whore they aio spoinlins a few-days few-days on business. Mrs. Hubcn Worlton and bil('" came down from Garfield Weilneulr where thoy havo been living for tl" past two mouths. They nre visit 'p with Mrs. Charles Goates and will main in Lehl for u week. J A Jtorlc loft a baby boy at the licBJ of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ashton TV.fl day. Hoth mtiber mJ bale arn 6BJ nicely. fl $L"i0 to $!' Si'piters an-J Oi.'orBJ Clean tip price Tor tallies -ml Mi for "t'e pah t'blpiaans B Fdvvaid Larson .mil CharlM Ro'-fl son nnd their families were &; In American Fork i nnon Monday M Tuesday. fl The Sniuln i.nlirstra played lM danco In Hlngb-i Tuesday nl?ltH Heber Thursday at I.dil Fr&jfl goes to Pa.v son tonight. fl Chmics llerioii lio lias hetnfl lug In the Tun-iMii mines of Nt;fl Is homo for a visit with hi fimUlfl Miss Ktbel II.. I- if Salt Ut fl has been a sue -.r Mis IoEfl mor returned horx1 Wcdnesdiy |