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Show l!0.i:i.l-i: HACK AITIJK TRIP B TO AMERICAN FORK CANYON. tt't Frank Rozello returned to Kurekn . m on Tuosdny nflor spending Roveral weeks lu tho Amorlcan Fork Canyon. M whoro ho has been looking after tho fw development of tho Kndorn It 1 1 iirop- erty, which Is owned by Salt I.abu ty peoplo. Mr. Rozello is quite cntliun- lv Instlc regarding tho futuro of tho Am- jt oilcan Fork district, In which thero G nro nlrcudy u niimbor of splcndul , nilns nnd u larger numbor of very promising prospects. Until tho past i; year or two this district had been very k sadly neglected but tho mining prop JJ ertlcs thero nro fast coming toward ,& tho front nnd nn n result n largo In amount of money Is nvnilnblo for now R work. Kurekn Reporter. . |