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Show HEALTHY YOUNGSTER STARTS OPERATING A Salt l.nke and Local (,'npllallsts Form Company lo Dei clop Promising Xew Properly Thought In Contain Dig Copper Deposit. ., a, 1 Tho Am. Fork Development & Mining Co. Is tho name of n now company that will mlno In tho cnnyon. Tho officers nro Judge W. II. King, president; Wirij Hoffman, vlco president; II. S. Kerj slinw, necrctary; C. E. Young, treat; uror; who with William P. Crawford constltuto tho board ot directors, jffi Tho property dcoded lo tho com; pnny consists of a group of oloveh claims and fractions aggregating about) 100 acres, lying boctween tho now Pittsburg. Ptnh Centennial, Smuglon Horseshoe. Copper Glnnco an(l!Vm- erlcan Folk Canyon Mining Co. propt crtlos. $ Tho company's holdings nrosomj rground In tho canyon, anil" like the Copper Glanco Is somo of tho most recently locntcd. On It Is a 30 fool ledge of hcmctlto Ircn, carrying co per vnlius and supposed (o bo the capping of nn Immonso deposit o' copper. Several men wcro put to work this week, starting a tunnel Hint Is Intended to cut tho lodso nt a ilcplh of over 100 feet. Tho tunnel will be on the lclgo all tho way rnd Its development de-velopment Is being watched with considerable con-siderable Interest. Judge King nnd a mining engineer vlslled tho property proper-ty yesterdny nnd woro enthused with tho surface showing and geological conditions. |