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Show '' " 3 CENTERVILLE j . Mrs. Robert "Bonninndrt lave gone. to San Francisco, California for a week or kit days v Mr. and Visit. Mrs. Mary Steed, postmistress Centerville, accompanied the jRody ef her mother, Mrs. Mary . E. f. Smith, to Canada for burial. Tbe trip was made, very successfully Mrs. Seed has not jret returned. Mr. Frank Smith i sstill dfte HI at his home. Ills many friends hope he will be like hjs wonderful gardens have always been, brought oyt by the lovely spring. sun., K. Maeser Pafk, ha's returned1 home after an . extended business trip to the northwest and Califar- - eou- e -- beno-dicti- - Very Economical to I am taking orders for summer delivery. no Fly Spray until I SevpraJ people- have' ask us1 when the May delinquent, list .wds going - to he printed and if we were go. ing- - to publish .it. W told them. It .as our .lorn1 and wv sicruiu nat hut wi; fnfored tM tlip othpr printers had grabbed the copy and rushed it off two or three wtvks before it was time to print her-"- . i of-Mr. v. i Firmly woven, Smartly Smart Bayon'.. A Pehneji Feature! 49ciari . . ; . . Fenneyf A- - nicely mad.. " - . . j pairs Means Comfort in. Hosiery Fancy . . 25c pair . , , . Pure silk seamless hosiery, in lie 'smart, cool knee length. Lftstcx gitrter tops. 8Vi to 10H .. r .in SATIN'.- - .v ; OXHIDE D.C. WATSON dTliSris 39 . 'NUTONE''. ,G 496 . EPcrrcaille . at this low price ! The ' pattern art; good looking-flor- als, took. , 1 stripes, checks- arid plaid for dresses, aprons, blouses, children s clothes alid. even 'kitchen curtain. - - to 12 lllue ' Covert cloth, long tvearing. too. Sizo .1214 to 14 35f Size .... I3oy size . . . - p The Watkins Dealer Phone JG13.M. Ogden, Utah : I - Not just a $1.00 iphirt but one .of the finest fchirts in the market today at fiiu-cc more money The manuBfnsu eyelets and cord tii?, facturer, needed money- to his factory gbing in the button-loostyles;- Ju light keep dull 'season is how we got fast colors. Small, .medium, thcm at .iliis price. .They " : ii steal-nre ; large. hir tfi . Blue denim 2.20- wt. Overall at a 'new lour ' price1 Dont ' . . miss this' .. ' Shirts 98c . 29 . ' Dhress. Cotton Mesh Boys. . Bolo . . , . 69c ; now ! $1.69 tion aolci ' liar gains?' , Boys Covert WorK Men V ; GDweircnDIls Brown reian leather for. long looking patterns,., beautiful wear and comfort composishades and color-- , combitia-- t and satin slips - ' :for 2 5c ion si seams. Lavish- With Kant-RI- p ly trimmed with lace, and em. broidery. This is by far the best slip value in the- country. Buy have . Worl : 1 Uie now Outing . BoL MENS. 98C. silk hands .Inst. Enough dash to top off that nevy spring. outfit I Good SQiiips Pure-dy- Fout-i- . 11 . 1 - . - 15c While they last. e , la ready for' yon Fine tneroefized 'lisle laift eolors and patterned cuffs.' '.j Unusual Da, mask O . .. . fin? quality rayon that to made will hold its1 shape and Wear, individ- remarkably well. Bloomers your drapery, truly . effects, - . and panties,.' full cut end ual. . Two-ton- dc Very Z a DuontL!ndiei. in. wide. . . , y GENERAL &W ELECTRIC moi . At o r BOUNTIFUL, UTAH L?6IIIrK3 X e 3 o s a o W & ftTiRtV'1 i Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Blood spent Sunday in Logan as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Curtis. Mrs. Robins will speed a ' ' few days up there.1 and Mrs. II. P. Mathews an nounce the arrival. of a daughter, born Friday. Mrs. Mathews was formerly Miss Alice BarVon. Mrs. Lucile Sheffield entertained the Primary stake board mmebers at her home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Thomasscn of Salt Lake were guests of friends m s y H v' 1 Jr. a 0. -- Ml M 1 W) and1 relatives here Saturday. 1 3 0 Bugger irt Layton, Tuesday, were twenty-fiv- e present. The Kaysville grade school'band attended the district meet held fct Brigham City iturdy. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Phillips re rejoicing over, the arrival 'of a son born Tuesday at the L. D. S. hos'- pital The new 1936 V.-- a i-- tertained at a dinner and card party at their home In Layton Sat urday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cowan of Clearfield; Mr. and Mrs. Seth Blair Mr. and Mrs. Maylin Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas. Mr. Pratt, the miller at the Kays Mill injured his hand while at work and had to bo taken to the hospital for an picture J. J. Bowman and son, Dick, mo- Refrigerktort are now than ver. The savings ia openripg costs c( E even-thriftie- r a General Electric Refrigerator over a cheap, less efficient refrlger-- . ator, go on year after yexr-ca- ch month for years to come you win be money ahead with a G-- .V ,v M ville-Layt- comparisons you choose prove to your self that it costs less to own a G-2-L F Uimoo Furniture Co, TELEPHONE 15 - 1 and-Mrs. - - 1 - and-Mrs- 1 1 1 f 1 - on tored to Los Angeles, Cal., Sunday. Mrs. Bowman took the train 4tor Los Angeles Monday to return by motor with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Webster had as their guests Sunday, Mrs. Websters parents from Brigham City. Miss Miriam Barnes and Mrs. Roetta Kilfoyle entertained the Democratic study club at the Barnes home Monday evening. Misa Edith Nelson and Walter Steed of Clearfield and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webster of Kaysville attended a party at the home of Mr. ing, then had dinner at a cafe Af' terward..Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stoke, and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Green went to. .Charleston, Wednesday evening1 to .visit with Mrs. Stoker's parents, . Mr. and Mrs. David . Tack'er. . . . The Literary club Misses Elv Winn, Pearl Olsen, D.orothy .Harris and Veda Mortensen,rMs. Martha Green and Artnie Shenck were the 1 1 guests at .lecture and . dinner et, Dicks cafe, Monday evening. James Warren ftnd wife returned last wcek from their winter home inr southern- California. Fot upwards of 'a quarter of .a century, Mr.' and Mrs,. Warren have been spend ing wipters on the coast - for about a quarter of a century and. summers here.. . Just . C. L. Smith, 'nursery, has. completed an attractive building in which trees, 'shrubs, etc. are stored pending delivery, Lawrence Sessions' is' building .4 new brick home. Elden Barlow?s new borne ... just-sout- of the bank' is nearing Com. pletioih . will crops. . Mr. and Mrs. 0. is, Brough an. ' . . ELECT. - ACET. WELDING nounce the arrival f. daughter, TANKS TRAILERS born Sunday, . IIARDFACING PLOW POINTS ORNAMENTAL .WORK .Mrs. 0. A. Williams and Mrs. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Marcia Mansell entertained at BOUNTIFUL TELEPHONE 250 party In hqnor of Mrs, Alice Bartons birthday anniversary Mrs. 'BartonA home Monday aftertioon. There were, sixteen guests. , Mrs. Alta Lewie of Peoria, 111, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Webster last week, Mrs.- Vernon Mansell entertained at a bridge lunchbwj a? her home WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION OF GOOD USED Thursday. . , A son was born Tuesday to Mr. CARS IN TOWN. OUR PRICES AND TERMS ARE and Mrs. Career Roundy. THE MOST , AS DEVEREPUX BROS. it ModernMotor s Inc - 1 CLEARFIELD, X-r- ay Set tbt utu 1536 Gtmral Elect rit models today, and make any tests or BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 1 be-n- - Mrs. .Gets has moved back to Tremonton after spending the win.1 ter with her daughter Mra. Richard Gerber. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Sheffield entertained their club at their home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs en. i: Jenkins in Bountiful confined to her. tier the past eight Saturday evening. months, is abb to sit up a little 'John and' Donald Thomas played in lha sunshine. . . ball with iGkrland) (at Garland) Mr, and Mrs. Ray Fisher . .from ". Sunday. West Point visited with Mr. Alton" Wilcot: returned home Harold Fisher, Sunday. Tuosday from California where he Miss Lojna'. Adanjs spent the' has spent the past year. ' . week-en- d in Sal Lake with . Mrs. James Criddle attended the fun Mrs. Dorothy. Romjr, . oral" of a nephew which wa' sheld .. Mr. . Il.arold Weather-- , In Downey, Idaho, Friday.. ... stori attended a party in Plain . Mr.. and Mrs. Parl'ey Weaver and Glty at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. family of Laytcm wero guests 'of Glen Wilbur. . . Mr. and rMs. Henry Graham Sun Mrs. La Voun Stuart ehtertaihl . day,. ed Mrs. Fern Shienks, Norma Moss I 5!r. Smt Mrs.1 II. C. Burton and Larcne Dabband Athelene, Weath-pr?tofamily fcnd Mr. and Mrs. James '. Thursday evening. CridJlo-'anMiss Strila. Ctiddje Miss Blanch. Adams has been ill Mr. and Mrs. A. E. with the wer guests-o' . . mumps. Christensen in Salt Lake Sunday. The funeral of the small child Mr! nnd Mrs. James Farr of Og- of Charles Rowe, was held Wedden v or.e guests' of Mr. arid Mr?. at 2 ' o'clock,1 under direcnesday Witfor'd Webster Sunday.-- ' tion of Bishop Harold Holt and Mt. and .Mrs. Maj:bem F$x of burial took place in Syracuse cemeOgden Were guests of Mr. and Mrs tery. . . W. D. Thomas, Thursday. Mr. amuel Layton is still in the Mrs. Thorftas Chadwick received hospital suffering from the . bad a letter from- her daughter, Mrs. burns, but the ppsf week ho seems Florence Trimble who lies in Teaas to be making some improvement.11 and. she says that th. winds are. The Gleaner girls went to Og. something terrible end if .they den to' the Weber gym, Friday even dont get rains immediately there arid Mrs! Ross nt Mrs. Charles Odd entertained m honor of Mrs. Melba Mayljrr Red ford Wednesday afternoon. There home, Thursday. Lewis Adams is very ill of pneumonia in the L. D, S. hospital Mrs. Arthur Thomassen was the guest of hef mother Mrs. J. J. mi V jITSSL . DDflODODaUSnSL - l)eep hems. attractive iantl , serviceable ' 33H by 214. yards'. . 'signed. Wait fpr Watkins It Paysl . I . ' .59c each;:. ; poen you. . Neil Barlow, two ahd a half year old sop and Mrs, Woodrow Barlow, was ilrownod in the creek that passes by their placo, Satur-.ii'he bmlv was not recovered . . : Shadow WeavcNet- Watkins Fly Spray oo . . . . 1 . i EFAlMIEILr KAYSVILLE iBOUNTIFUL . ' . . boitittifdl people have crowded, our store to share .in this great VALUE GIVING EVENT Have you participated m it yeL- -if not it. will pay on some items are getting low;. There are. only you to rush right down as quantities a few of our Anniversary items featured hcrcihereare numerous others a remark ; able as these in opr store, ; 1 t ; . . Every day more and more - it- - . V- - ' sl ton, on Thursday. M. . Honor night was observed b ji.bc Centerville wards, day evening at the Bountiful tpb. marie. Mr. Ward Rollins and little daugh ter, Charlotte, .and Mrs. Blanche JFcglcman, of ' Avenal, California are guests at Chase park. They eome.tq Utah for the express purpose of visiting with their father, Mr. Charles O. Rollins, who has been finite ill for. sometime, lilt many friends hope he will sooft he on the highway of rapid rocovery. Miss Kate M. Chase celebrated her 79th birthday on ..Wednesday, April the 22nd. Chaso park . with its historic walls ran with merriment as Aunt Kates nieces arrived bringing her a lovely birthday dipner prepared by tlieir capable hands. Several birthday cakes were in evidence one of which was furnished and presented by. a . dear friend, Mrs; Don Ilclner. Many friends called one of whom was Mr. Ranch Kimball of Salt lake City, cailad.ln the evening and esv eorted her In his par to. call on several of he 8hut-i- n friends and take them a fast of her birthday feast. A.urtt Kate characteristically Ekes to include her friends In her . . . le A .cc i a 193'6 ; V '.' . . the-funer- Mrs. Annie C,Shurtleff, who has been .vfiiittng her sister, Mrs. Z. R Cheney has returned to her ham in Idaho Falls, Idaho czpecting to go to her ranch in Swav Valley, Idaho for,Jhe summer. t Mrs. Joan J3eamai Cragu tf Ogden was a visitor at the. Z. Cheney home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Terry of Spencer, Idaho, called at the Dalton home, Tuesday enroute to Los An; gele?, California. .. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frafnk Roberstoa and Mrs. Uranic Lyons visited thidf ancle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Dal-- ! . .. . ! . . ' . . t, or-t- D-- f . . foMoxring . day when A .Monday.'Aftri? 2ftfi ik Broadway ream. Fimeral services were held Handtftf) right sir rfie Rea Theatre Tupsf'ftv afternoon. . ii Bountiful. 1 ConM !f returned Orly Cook, showimr this . fffcWl'.tiak bst. and Sunday. Mnn. & Tues Mrs. dovga. Ames,ttae college, 27. 2S. .Tare Eyre, Monday , at Iowa April to bis work on hM Ih. 1' "Broadway Handicap. Wed. Miss A W. K. Franeja (orfnerljr Thurs., Big feature program. Fri at her Sat., and Sunday Fox Beryl Cheney) hits arrived presents Red borne In Pfirtlmld, Oregon, where heads on Parade. Pet Theatre. A number of relatives and Mr. Francis is Oetgfaf Commercial friends gathered Wednesday evening at the AuacrfcanDistrict the of mifnager home of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Arm. . Telephone C. farewell to Mr. and Nr. II ill . Cheney has resumed Mrs. William A. Waddoups who Tiis wt'ik at the Harbor cafe at San left for their new mission field of the labor In Saoma the following Diego, .California .All three of Cheney yoang folks having .been morning. Among the guests were services President and Mrs. Antoine R. home to attend Lp Joseph of tWr father .Roy Ivins. ' .formerly a member . Cheney. of the Daria funeral services to Joseph Le but or late Jnhigh school faculty the employ of the Roy. Cheney were held April. 12th, government at Washington, was at j:3& f. m. at the Centerville in town this week. He has been conSecond ward meeting house, transferred to Salt Lake City. The Bountiful Second ward M. I. ducted by Bishop "Jos. N. Ford. A. will present the 2 act Gone Is fie hymn,-"Nooperetta Opening rendered by the douhle quartet, And It Rained Tuesday, April 28 the Jr. High School Auditorium composed of Wm. L. Rigby, Stan, bj Dont miss it.- io tey Farrieh, Hugh Fpd, John D. Parrish) Erma S. Smith, Esther, 1 . Parrish, May f. Paryish and Lu-ciScofleld, aetompaniod by Ieon6 Mrs. Bqtn Chadwick is spending I?. Fisher. Opening prayer, CJias. this week in Morgan with her moth A. Slrecpof.; "Jesos Lover of My er. . fxnil, by the quartet. Remarks by 'Mrs., Iva Harvey vvell entertain Bishop Quajde Cannon,- Albert D. tho Evening bridge club at her "Th Ford, Prayer Perfect' llro.; Henry Bctrldge,1 . remarks, John A. Adams and Bishop Jos N, Ford; closing hymn by the quartet Nclargr My. Gold to. Thee; KILLS AND REPELS Hyrum 8. Pqrrish; dedicaFLIES WITHOUT INtion of the grave, in the Ccnter-- . JURY OR D1SCOM- villo cemetery was- by Bishop Eq Y O U It FORT TO geiie Jit. Cnnon. Pall bearers were STOCK members of the seventieth quorum, - Dead flies dont breed. Watof S.cventy, of which Mr. Cheney kins Fly Spray does more was a member. Mr. Cheney Is surthan repel flies it kills them vived by his widow, Alice C, sol that1 they dont multiply. This superior fly epray is Choney,' two sons, Los C. and Ilal clean and will not discolor or ,C. Clipncy and two daughters, Mrs. up the hair of stock. gum and CoHlelia Chciic.y. Francis, Reryl will Nor it burn the hide or C.heney, Also the following brothcause discomfort. Because it ers: Z. E. and. Wm. E. Cheney and will- not taint the milk you sisters,, Mrs. J. Hyrura Ford and can use it before milking and milk your cows in comfort. Mrs, A. B. bfargctti. . milk house. Also , Fine for the on horses. use for good C jr. . 1 WEEKLY NEWS- - EXPRESS LAYTON, UTAn; APRIL 23, pleasure. I a . - . 0 0 . m .. ' .' . ' REASONABLE. A SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK WE ARE OFFERING A DELUXE DODGE EIGHT FOUR-DOOSEDAN OF ONLY R Mrs. James Whitesides from Layton visited the week-en- d with her daughter, Mrs. Reed Duncan. The funeral of George Hadfield was held Sunday at 12.30 under the direction of Bishop Harold olt. The speakers were, Bishop Briant Jacobs, Wilford Guthrie and Pres. Arnold D. Miller. The music was rendered by the choir, solo, Susie Guthrie, trio the Miller Brothers from Plymouth, Box Elder county, rid time friends of Mr. Hadfield. Burial was In the Syracuse ceme- tery, Mrs. Jobs Reed, who has bees S & OO CALL IN AND SEE OUH NEWLY RENOVATED SHOP ONE OP THE MOST MODERN IN UTAH RE-PAI- R DaaQeirna KQttiro Ilnacc BOUNTIFUL, UTAH PHONE 260 |