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Show : . ufcn i taYtov. vtxn tiiH Weekly news lcxMiEfS. l llf A l mp . Ua IWII. juret cutj. 'OUR 'COMIC SECTION mil S- -T1 .Childhood Memories . Jackson 4 rwtlce you got op and rave that lady your mat in the tram the ather r.t -- mww !' t . v,.. . t . t li'.i il , l t five ti.'a t Mmi Advantage dn,v. flack'son Slno ?;f man has one advantage btor inspected tuotltrou lie hnoaa where Ms lief.Unnd. ashes vUl nil. childhood lfb a wojaaa I have strap In . f . a !,.t i 'ni J t,,.. i ? ,j 1 !' !,, .iftWi.J , l '1 i'il. t- if n d 4 !' I . )iil,; ' l' I Iti hadn't hoeft for ire aolt,' clean- W'it, a a . a s.rlh'fit tiVikr Iroa til month s'dfci'S hot tie. .? l's' luti foil t.it 5i ii'i'ii V 1 .tililt'd f. ft .hi t vi.t nr h r iist i'fi'T, isllmr it of wtiitf innr 'f hi" lit1 oolor - kom. .f, od to' the tdr h-- r wlii'n a tu fn'w- 1 ; fin - pt'llsliivg Ii:if sthlont nt'.t pU I nor puknjtp r t j'l.iitt in tu't nft't tvlug I f, .ttitll ?t 1 i it h.ikll; 11 ps nr ni'ti t'oftn fipa If I a ilfli fun! dnt.J loth, trniTti (f t Fill She-- 1! alhtf iiiitmi'lj '!, will ,v i h' ? I. it ti . It ti anai'Miil p lit! l.i.t f!i .!' .? 1 i t '"t nt nt t., n ; n.l Wf t,i a j'tv ? .cilt'd p.ij r h a t ii si ' rt(l .,' Jl-.t'- , i:,it i'll a tllf lif'TottH v ' ditasia U nunli nf phlll t"i' vim' amt two t thh'spoows f ftnoly i hoppi'd git'cti p.pp'i s to on' cup id. . . oimi:iU. maj ' aiinplt It n t hy nddtni; ihlrsi.ais a 'i INm diN'i! hu sv addl'd U the t('r wIkui iMinlTing Uno whito tlniriiols holp.s to U'op liiom soft. . Distinctive Ilcsitlcnce A a AVood tislji"? nmko an ovci'lli'iit for tlljzor for shi Hhhory tin! rose hwslios. mmed.up scene completely. . FINNEY OF THE FORCE YEi WmOrfOlKS IVE JUST COME. I'MAT FROM eeAuT JOWN agsgt" DIDN'T ft K parlor i THE. . 1 ,, ' tils. cue (soOO ?; WLlRRk STREET ? fo loosen ft. in.u sujairuu wmi s.mii Salt Lakes Most Hospitable HOTEL ; to flhwiiii 3 lilca Daily' for li Year's Hi'i-on- Invites You tolliourjio, C.ooffroy tltllum. Is well oir Ills way to osttil)Ilshlnp A swimming is'oonl -- lliht of kw imtiiiiig' .inoro. than three miles n S WE,: AND. INDEEP SO friendu RATES TU IS SINCt.E $2.00 to 94.00 BBotcI slorted last . day for a Ajutl he has colored AND AL- L- titroko.1 Cnrfot Youre all eyes. . Pofato Yes, but even with all, I dont see half enough.. SoO . IMcv.-Saous- c X E. SUTTON, IHHI1II.R $2.&0to$4.S0 400 Rooms miles lii the Olympic pool In lUollioiirno, and Is contldint of oomiiloilng Jils program. hout ocawl (,1111am swims wHh a si - renowned . Aus--tvftll- VE&Y ' Hi roil gliout tlie. IVcs t Austra-lia- IT A NOICE they a Ulliari phJnlum. f onepwsscd. Beauty Mud waited PIAC&? vo: MDID O- Cs New , How V that?' Wept on without I . the . 9 A n A bodo for ihdillns, podnlrs snd'dol ftonllor nslu s ovor soil. It imikos It (pws'l and hys ij toialouny irlso De llanim a a a a Cenetal Manager .CIIAUNCEY tP. WEST Aaait. Cen. Manager . 400 Baths . I View helps .. a pal V MARKET SLANT LEF- T- WHY,. WHEN t The. 6irL ..Follered ME RitfWT. ;To. The 5AYNCf ipOOR. , ' . HtS-- OI SEE SHE GMB YEZ A WAVE r Good BYE Did you stay long In New York? No; got short very flulckjy. THE CHASE YES, DEAR DEAR NO, Too To53onE This ALL RKSHi; PAY I W0N--- L much no, J dear sHoppiNe HAVE To WALK, OF MY WAY out ' Mr. Plgg I hear you are engaged to Miss KatL Mr. Wratt Yes; sh'eg bden ruo clng after me for years. MACHINE AGE STUFF (N (7 YEARS of RAILROADIN,' I NEVER COT TRAIN OROERS, WRITTEN,. ON BEFORE BASEBALL PUT 'j(NT0 I z A fr7s:rs-z,r- J COSH, EVERYTHINC YOU SURE YOU HAD THAT PITCH, DIZZY ID CERTAINLY LIKE TO HAVE SOME OF YOUR ENERGY GRAPE-NUT- ONE. WAY IS TO EAT GOOD. NOURISHING FOOD LIKE, ITS GREAT S. 1 I ' You told me when I married you new gowns l I could have all the yes-i'- m sorry Birr MEATS s DEAR YOU'RE SORRY HOW ABOUT ME TOUGH If SURE IS WHEN YOU HAVE TO PAY SO? A Pound -- ti T r YeaH-b- ut if You less than PAY THAT IT WILL Bb MUCH fOUGHER. wanted. I didnt know then that there were so many made. RECKON I DID. SON. GUT ITS NO TRICK TO KEEP POURING IN THAT FAST ONE IF YOU'VE PLENTY OP ENERGY I FRESH FUEL BOYS! GIRLS! Join Dizzy Dezn lYInnm! Got Vdnzfcle Prizes Grape-Nut- s Send top from one package, with Grape-Nutto Battle Creek, and name address, your and certificate new and ilfor membership pin Mich., lustrated catalog of 49 nifty free prizes. Youll like it has a winning flavor crisp, delicious Grape-Nut- s all its own. Economical to serve, too, for two tablespoonfuls, with whole milk or cream and fruit, provide more varied nourishment than many a hearty meaL (Offer expires Dec. 31 1936. Good only in the U.S.A.) full-siz- e Dtzzy Friend t success? Author Immense. The publisher sent the entire edition to my houst just as we ran out of coat book A Post Cereal Mad by General Food MewbersHs Pla. eolld d New I93S design, bronze with red lettering. Free for X Qrepe-Nupackage top. Autographed PartraK af Dizzy Dm. Token by the celebrated two-tone- s, Was your last Pew Wlurs FREE! ts portrait-photograph- Bachrach; with Duty's own facsimile signature. Free for 1 Grape-Nut- s package top. Battle Creek, Mich. Duxv DBAN,eoQaAra-NuTi- , Orape-Nut- s I enclose package tops for which end me the item(si checked below: w. a. u. Pin (send 1 package top). B Membership Duty DeanAutograpbc'dFortnut (send 1 package top). Street City |